Ideología y racionalidad en la historia de las ciencias de la vida

Book Description

Canguilhem y Bachelard son los dos grandes representantes de la epistemología de la ciencia en la tradición francesa, así como Popper y Kuhn lo son en la tradición anglosajona. Canguilhem toma como base los conceptos fundamentales de Bachelard, desarrolla un modo de pensamiento singular a partir de su formación médica y de su interés por el conocimiento de lo viviente, y contribuye a definir una epistemología fundada en una práctica rigurosa de la historia de las ciencias. Sus lúcidas reflexiones sobre lo normal y lo patológico y sobre la historia crítica de la formación de los conceptos ilustrada por numerosísimos ejemplos que van desde la antigüedad griega hasta el siglo XX son una fuente obligada de consulta para quienes se interesen en esos temas y siguen teniendo actualidad en esta época en que la epistemología de la ciencia fue de algún modo absorbida por la antropología y por la sociología de las ciencias. Profesor de Michel Foucault y de Gilles Deleuze, su nombre permanece ligado desde entonces al de sus discípulos, a quienes suele citar con admiración.

Ideology and Rationality in the History of the Life Sciences

Book Description

Throughout his long career Canguilhem has been concerned with the way in which ideas originate and become transformed in scientific discourse, and with the role played by ideological factors in determining the direction if not the results of scientific work. This book collects his published essays of the 1970s.

Racionalidad epistémica

Book Description

La sobrevivencia de los seres humanos, individual y colectivamente, depende en gran medida del conocimiento que tengan de su entorno y de ellos mismos. Una de las condiciones que hacen posible ese conocimiento es la capacidad que se denomina 'razón'. La comunicación y las acciones coordinadas entre las personas, así como sus interacciones con el medio ambiente, son posibles en virtud del ejercicio de esa capacidad: la racionalidad. Gracias a ella, los seres humanos aprenden y manejan los lenguajes, conectan unas ideas con otras, hacen inferencias y toman decisiones, por ejemplo, acerca de qué creer y qué no creer, qué fines perseguir o qué cursos de acción tomar. En este volumen, un grupo de destacados filósofos iberoamericanos estudia diferentes aspectos de la racionalidad. En el primer trabajo se expone lúcidamente la evolución de la idea de racionalidad epistémica en el siglo XX. En el segundo, se analiza una idea acariciada a lo largo de toda la historia de la filosofía occidental: la posibilidad de fundamentar el conocimiento sobre bases incontrovertibles. Pero este proyecto con frecuencia ha suscitado la respuesta de los escépticos, quienes dudan que sea posible tener conocimiento genuino de la realidad. Éste es el tema del tercer artículo. En el siguiente se analiza una problemática central de la racionalidad: la argumentación. En el quinto trabajo se discuten las nociones de objetividad y de verdad. Los tres artículos que siguen se concentran sobre las ciencias, a menudo consideradas como ejemplos paradigmáticos de racionalidad. ¿Es merecida esa reputación? Esto se discute mediante el análisis de los problemas de la inteligibilidad racional de la realidad natural y social, de los métodos de las ciencias y del desarrollo científico. En el siguiente trabajo se aborda otro problema discutido ampliamente desde la antigüedad: la racionalidad, ¿es universal o no lo es? Finalmente, en los dos últimos trabajos se discuten los enfoques más recientes que han propuesto la llamada naturalización de la razón, prestando especial atención crítica a los intentos por disolver a la racionalidad.

The Book of Lost Things

Book Description

A 12-year-old boy, mourning the death of his mother, takes refuge in the myths and fairytales she always loved--and finds that his reality and a fantasy world start to meld.

Indigenous Amazonia, Regional Development and Territorial Dynamics

Book Description

This book brings together a valuable collection of case studies and conceptual approaches that outline the present state of Amazonia in the 21st century. The many problems are described and the benefits, as well as the achievements of regional development are also discussed. The book focuses on three themes for discussion and recommendations: indigenous peoples, their home (the forest), and the way(s) to protect and sustain their natural home (biodiversity conservation). Using these three themes this volume offers a comprehensive critical review of the facts that have been the reality of Amazonia and fills a gap in the literature.The book will appeal to scholars, professors and practitioners. An outstanding group of experienced researchers and individuals with detailed knowledge of the proposed themes have produced chapters on an array of inter-related issues to demonstrate the current situation and future prospects of Amazonia. Issues investigated and debated include: territorial management; indigenous territoriality and land demarcation; ethnodevelopment; indigenous higher education and capacity building; natural resource appropriation; food security and traditional knowledge; megadevelopmental projects; indigenous acculturation; modernization of Amazonia and its regional integration; anthropogenic interventions; protected areas and conservation; political ecology; postcolonial issues, and the sustainability of Amazonia.

The Urban Enigma

Book Description

This book explores how Latin America indicated an autonomous form of postcolonialism that was marked by the production of multiple conceptualisations of time. The analysis particularly focuses on iconic urban transformations in capital cities such as Buenos Aires, Mexico City, and Brasilia, diachronically, and investigates each case’s specific representations of past, present, and future. By exploring these three episodes, the book shows how Latin America’s postcolonialism involved specific spatial dynamics that were inherently working over global socio-political geographies resulting from the legacy of a “long” colonial imagination. The text is divided into two parts. The first part discusses some theoretical questions concerning the very conceptualization of Latin American space and the importance of exploring a genealogy of its urban geographies. The second part analyses the themes proposed through the discussion of the “materiality” of specific historical examples. The section delves into urban transformations in the aforementioned capital cities and focuses on how iconic material forms are able to encapsulate the main socio-political features defining each country’s post-colonial project. The book aims to depict a historical geography capable of describing how controversial relations between power and knowledge had materialised in the shapes of the urban environment and had iconically contributed to the multifaceted production of the global area known as Latin America. Without any pretension to offer an all-embracing perspective, the book discusses the Latin America experience within the broader question concerning the genealogy of global socio-political geographies.

Existentialism, Feminism and Simone de Beauvoir

Book Description

Simone de Beauvoir made her own distinctive contribution to existentialism in the form of an ethics which diverged sharply from that of Jean-Paul Sartre. In her novels and philosophical essays of the 1940s she produced not just a recognizably existentialist ethics, but also a character ethics and an ethics for violence. These concerns, stemming from her own personal philosophical background, give a vital, contemporary resonance to her work. De Beauvoir's feminist classic The Second Sex reflects her earlier philosophical interests, and is considerably strengthened by this influence. This book defends her existentialist feminism against the many reproaches which have been levelled against it over several decades, not least the criticism that it is steeped in Sartrean masculinism.

History of Special Education

Book Description

Examines the history of special education by categorical areas (for example, Learning Disabilities, Mental Retardation, and Autistic Spectrum Disorders). This title includes chapters on the changing philosophy related to educating students with exceptionalities as well as a history of legal and legislation content concerned with special education.

Cultural Hegemony in a Scientific World

Book Description

A comprehensive survey of how scientific disciplines have always been informed by politics and ideology on the basis of the Gramscian views in historical materialism, hegemony and civil society.

The Routledge Handbook to the Culture and Media of the Americas

Book Description

Exploring the culture and media of the Americas, this handbook places particular emphasis on collective and intertwined experiences and focuses on the transnational or hemispheric dimensions of cultural flows and geocultural imaginaries that shape the literature, arts, media and other cultural expressions in the Americas. The Routledge Handbook to the Culture and Media of the Americas charts the pervasive, asymmetrical flows of cultural products and capital and their importance in the development of the Americas. The volume offers a comprehensive understanding of how inter-American communication is constituted, framed and structured, and covers the artistic and political dimensions that have shaped literature, art and popular culture in the region. Forty-six chapters cover a range of inter-American key concepts and dynamics, divided into two parts: Literature and Music deals with inter-American entanglements of artistic expressions in the Western Hemisphere, including music, dance, literary genres and developments. Media and Visual Cultures explores the inter-American dimension of media production in the hemisphere, including cinema and television, photography and art, journalism, radio, digital culture and issues such as freedom of expression and intellectual property. This multidisciplinary approach will be of interest to a broad array of academic scholars and students in history, sociology, political science; and cultural, postcolonial, gender, literary, globalization and media studies.