If Lucifer Never Fell

Book Description

Imagine that the world that we exist in today is one where everything and everyone works in perfect harmony with no crime or evil acts against each other. This environment could possibly be equal to a utopia, paradise, nirvana, or even heaven on earth! The world, which was created by God, was meant to be exactly as we have just imagined and would have been so even today if not for one prideful and rebellious angel known as Lucifer. Many biblical scholars today are still trying to find out what the total effects on mankind are due to this fallen angel. How could one of God's most beautiful creations turn out to become so evil and have such a negative impact on all of creation? The title of this book considers this very question, and the contents take a deep dive into what is and what could have been on earth if the circumstances and actions of Lucifer would have gone in the opposite direction. It is normal to imagine things throughout our existence, but at some point, we must all come back to reality. The actions of Lucifer have impacted every person on earth from the time he was cast out of heaven by his Creator, which is when he became Satan. Has this evil angel affected you in a way where you have been deceived by his twisted lies to the point that you are uncertain of where your final eternal resting place will be? After reading this book, you will definitely know where you will reside after you perish from this earth. Some say knowledge is power and provides an individual with the ability to make a well-informed and educated choice. Are you 100 percent certain that your choices are placing you on the path of where you believe you will spend your eternal afterlife? This book will provide you with an accurate answer to this vital question.

Common Sense Atheism

Book Description

For some atheists, it's enough to simply not believe in God. Some people believe, but you don't. And that's OK.Other atheists, however, find themselves constantly being asked to justify why they don't believe in God, to explain how they can possibly have morals without believing in God, to respond to various arguments that supposedly prove the existence of God, to acknowledge that America was founded as a "Christian" nation, etc. And if you don't have a background in philosophy, formal logic, comparative religions, ancient history, and various scientific fields, it can be a bit daunting to attempt to respond to questions and assertions like these.Well, fear not! "Common Sense Atheism" is a collection of original essays that address these issues and many others in clear and easy to understand language, with just a dollop of humor to make it all go down smoothly. These essays will help you understand and explain to others why a lack of belief in God really is the only rational choice.After all, you shouldn't need a PhD to defend your lack of belief.

Heaven and Hell

Book Description

Over half of Americans believe in a literal heaven, in a literal hell. Most people who hold these beliefs are Christian and assume they are the age-old teachings of the Bible. Ehrman shows that eternal rewards and punishments are found nowhere in the Old Testament, and are not what Jesus or his disciples taught. He recounts the long history of the afterlife, ranging from The Epic of Gilgamesh up to the writings of Augustine, focusing especially on the teachings of Jesus and his early followers. Ehrman shows that competing views were intimately connected with the social, cultural, and historical worlds out of which they emerged. -- adapted from jacket

The Satanic Myth

Book Description

After years of searching, doing linguistic studies, and looking at the Hebraic understanding from many writings in ancient lore, I began to see something that I believe many in Christian circles have missed concerning the concept of Satan. While Satan is mentioned in scripture, the concept is never developed theologically. People have to run from Genesis to Isaiah trying to string a series of random verses together to get an understanding of who or what evil is composed of. When we get to historic Christianity, the doctrine of the devil is only second to the doctrine of God, and the devil is an indispensable part of the machinery of faith and piety. All of a sudden, we seem to have leaped from the Hebrew scriptures to the New Testament, and again, tying random scriptures together, we have developed a complete theology concerning evil and the ruler over it. The logic is inconsistent and doesn't work with the evidence within the biblical text. Let's look at the logic of the good and evil impulse within each individual that makes all of us free moral agents without the need for a Satan/Devil/Lucifer the way most Christians understand it. Having preached for over forty years within the Lord's body, Dr. Barry Fike has studied the Hebrew background of the New Testament church for over thirty years trying to understand the development of the body of Christ from its foundational Hebraic roots. While working with students at many educational levels, alongside the local body in California, Dr. Fike has a passion for learning the truth about theological positions that the church holds and testing it with his foundational knowledge. This book is a result of looking, studying, and probing into the biblical text and the evidence that comes from looking into its Hebrew background.

The Story of Redemption

Book Description

Is God changeable? Does He have different gospels for different people? The story of redemption takes you behind the scenes in the struggle between God and Satan. It explains how the conflict began, what the issues are, and how the outcome is already assured. It traces the theme of God's relationship with man from the garden of Edan to the return of Christ and beyond.

Paradise Lost. Book 10

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Paradise Lost

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Paradise Lost, Book 3

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The Fall of Lucifer

Book Description

In the beginning… Three brothers – Gabriel, Michael and Lucifer. Royalty. Archangels. United in devotion to their father and all his works. But when Lucifer learns of their father’s latest creation – a new race, fashioned from crude matter and yet made in his image – he is consumed with resentment. Why have he and his angelic kind been overlooked? After a bitter confrontation, Lucifer is cast out, doomed to an eternity of exile and punishment. Unrepentant, he vows he won’t suffer alone. Mankind has made a powerful enemy – one determined to lure it into darkness and torment any way he can… “There could be no bigger canvas for film-making.” – Mark Ordesky (Executive Producer – Lord of the Rings); “Alec not only re-frames pre-history; she also imaginatively illustrates how the realm of spirit impacts the contemporary material world.” Ileen Maisel (Executive Producer for the Golden Compass) “This is the best work of fiction I have read since the last installment of Dean Koontz’ Frankenstein series” Jim McDonald – 1340Mag – Online Entertainment Magazine.

The Spirit of Prophecy

Book Description