Market Reaction to the Adoption of IFRS in Europe

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This study examines European stock market reactions to 16 events associated with the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in Europe. European IFRS adoption represented a major milestone towards financial reporting convergence yet spurred controversy reaching the highest levels of government. We find an incrementally positive reaction for firms with lower quality pre-adoption information, which is more pronounced in banks, and with higher pre-adoption information asymmetry, consistent with investors expecting net information quality benefits from IFRS adoption. We find an incrementally negative reaction for firms domiciled in code law countries, consistent with investors' concerns over enforcement of IFRS in those countries. Finally, we find a positive reaction to IFRS adoption events for firms with high quality pre-adoption information, consistent with investors expecting net convergence benefits from IFRS adoption.

The Effects of the IAS/IFRS Adoption in the European Union on the Financial Industry

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The effect of disclosure level on the cost of equity is a matter of considerable interest and importance to the financial reporting community. In this research, the effects of the IAS/IFRS adoption in Europe on the cost of equity capital relative to the bank industry have been examined. Previous research has shown that the adoption of the IAS/IFRS reduces information asymmetry between investors and firms. Economic theory claims that a commitment to increased level of disclosure reduces the cost of capital component that arises from information asymmetries. This study shows empirically that the increase in the level of disclosure provided by the adoption of the IAS/IFRS in the European Union by Regulation 1606/2002 has led effectively to a lower cost of capital. From a practical point of view, these findings provide evidence that the Regulator's purpose of fostering a cost-efficient functioning of the capital market for firms could be considered as accomplished. Furthermore, they point out that firms which implemented the IAS/IFRS have gained a comparative advantage on the equity market over firms still adopting accounting standards based on the IV and VII European Directives.

Market Reaction to the Adoption of IFRS in Europe

Book Description

This study examines the European stock market reaction to sixteen events associated with the adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in Europe. European IFRS adoption represented a major milestone towards financial reporting convergence yet spurred controversy reaching the highest levels of government. We find a more positive reaction for firms with lower quality pre-adoption information, which is more pronounced in banks, and with higher pre-adoption information asymmetry, consistent with investors expecting net information quality benefits from IFRS adoption. We also find that the reaction is less positive for firms domiciled in code law countries, consistent with investors' concerns over enforcement of IFRS in those countries. Finally, we find a positive reaction to IFRS adoption events for firms with high quality pre-adoption information, consistent with investors expecting net convergence benefits from IFRS adoption. Overall, the findings suggest that investors in European firms perceived net benefits associated with IFRS adoption.

Earnings Quality

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This review lays out a research perspective on earnings quality. We provide an overview of alternative definitions and measures of earnings quality and a discussion of research design choices encountered in earnings quality research. Throughout, we focus on a capital markets setting, as opposed, for example, to a contracting or stewardship setting. Our reason for this choice stems from the view that the capital market uses of accounting information are fundamental, in the sense of providing a basis for other uses, such as stewardship. Because resource allocations are ex ante decisions while contracting/stewardship assessments are ex post evaluations of outcomes, evidence on whether, how and to what degree earnings quality influences capital market resource allocation decisions is fundamental to understanding why and how accounting matters to investors and others, including those charged with stewardship responsibilities. Demonstrating a link between earnings quality and, for example, the costs of equity and debt capital implies a basic economic role in capital allocation decisions for accounting information; this role has only recently been documented in the accounting literature. We focus on how the precision of financial information in capturing one or more underlying valuation-relevant constructs affects the assessment and use of that information by capital market participants. We emphasize that the choice of constructs to be measured is typically contextual. Our main focus is on the precision of earnings, which we view as a summary indicator of the overall quality of financial reporting. Our intent in discussing research that evaluates the capital market effects of earnings quality is both to stimulate further research in this area and to encourage research on related topics, including, for example, the role of earnings quality in contracting and stewardship.

The Effects of IFRS Adoption in the European Union on Banks' Cost of Equity

Book Description

The effects of disclosure level on the cost of equity are a matter of considerable interest and importance to the financial reporting community. Economic theory indeed claims that commitment to increased level of disclosure reduces the cost of capital component that arises from information asymmetries. Accordingly, this paper investigates the effects of IFRS adoption in Europe on the cost of equity for the bank industry. In doing so, it performs an event study, which isolates the effects of accounting changes on the cost of capital from institutional and enforcement mechanisms. This study shows that IFRS adoption has exerted, on average, a positive effect on the cost of capital for the bank industry at least in the very short run. Firms adopting IFRS seem to have experienced a lower cost of equity in the period immediately subsequent the release of financial reporting according to the new accounting standard set.

The German Financial System

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Written by a team of scholars, predominantly from the Centre for Financial Studies in Frankfurt, this volume provides a descriptive survey of the present state of the German financial system and a new analytical framework to explain its workings.

Challenges in the Adoption of International Public Sector Accounting Standards

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The aim of this book is to take stock of the experiences of Spain and Portugal in the adaptation to the IPSAS, showing the advantages, disadvantages and the main challenges for its implementation. In chapter one, the book analyses the IPSAS and the conceptual framework, as well as the claimed benefits and criticisms of IPSAS. Chapter two makes an analysis of the diffusion of the IPSAS in the international framework and the process of harmonization in development in Europe. Chapter three and four analyze the process of adaptation to IPSAS in Portugal and Spain respectively. In the chapter five, there is a comparative analysis between Spain and Portugal, and the last chapter present the main conclusions. This book can help to understand the level of implementation of the reforms and how governments are applying the IPSAS.

IFRS Adoption in Europe and Audit Market Concentration

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The switch to IFRS in Europe opens the opportunities to investigate the relationship between a drastic change in the complexity of financial reporting standards and the audit market dynamics. Following concerns that mandated IFRS may have increased the domination of the global audit firms, we investigate the relationship between audit market concentration and IFRS adoption in the European setting. Our evidence suggests that IFRS adoption is associated with an increase in auditor industry concentration on a cross-border perspective. This is consistent with the view that global audit networks reacted to an increase in accounting/audit complexity by seeking more industry expertise, and that this change in market dynamics is beyond legal jurisdictions. However, we do not find any positive relationship between IFRS adoption and auditor concentration or dominance at the country level. Overall, we conclude that the audit market competition does not seem to be affected by this major change in financial reporting standards.

Deviations from the Mandatory Adoption of IFRS in the European Union

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In this paper, we evaluate the common assertion that EU firms began using IFRS by 2005 when the EU formally adopted IFRS. We find that although the incidence of firms using local (or some other) GAAP has declined between 2005 and 2009, it is still nontrivial. For instance, by 2009 the incidence of non-IFRS financial statements was still in excess of 17% (42% of which were fully consolidated). We estimate a model of the non-adoption of IFRS as a function of proxies for EU-wide and country-specific implementation of the IFRS regulation, country-specific enforcement mechanisms, and firm-specific reporting incentives. We find that being traded in EU-regulated markets, preparing fully consolidated financial statements, and having a more diversified corporate structure are positively associated with the likelihood of using IFRS, and using US GAAP in the preceding year is significantly negatively associated with adopting IFRS. We find little evidence that country-specific enforcement is associated with IFRS adoption during our time period. Finally, we find that several reporting incentives proxies are associated with adopting IFRS, such as being large and closely-held with wider analyst following. We interpret our results to mean that many EU firms do not use IFRS; that firms exploited definitions, exemptions, and deferrals in the regulation to avoid adopting IFRS; and that firms responded to their reporting incentives in making the decision to adopt IFRS.