IIMA - The Persuasive Manager

Book Description

The Persuasive Manager argues compellingly that strategic communication lies at the core of leadership, and helps organizations run smoothly and effectively. It explains persuasion and how managers should balance their ability to persuade and exercise authority without being authoritarian. With its wealth of real-world illustrations, scenarios and tips, The Persuasive Manager is the perfect communications roadmap for all managers.

IIMA - Business And Intellectual Property

Book Description

Business and Intellectual Property reflects on the future of IP in the age of new media and shows how—in a rapidly changing business field—managers and decision-makers need to be more perceptive, agile and vigilant than ever before. Drawing on contemporary business affairs and strategies, it explores the nature and scope of IP and the evolution of national laws and global agreements like the TRIPs to protect it. It also explores the measures (the use of patents, copyrights and trademarks) used by some of the biggest brands—Coke, MGM, 20th Century Fox, Microsoft, Harrods, Maruti, Tata—to manage disputes and protect themselves.

The IIMA Story

Book Description

How was IIMA born? Who were the key players? What has made it synonymous to success? These questions become even more relevant as the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIMA) marks its Golden Jubilee year in 2011. Established in 1961, IIMA is the first Indian business school to achieve international recognition. In 2002, Economist Intelligence Unit’s list declared IIMA as the most selective management school in the world. And in 2011, IIMA has been ranked number 7 in Financial Times (FT)’s global ranking of Masters in Management Programme. In this well researched and timely book, Prafull Anubhai charts the journey of this premier institution from its inception to what is it today—the construction of its iconic campus by American architect Louis Kahn, policies and processes that set the benchmark, exemplary leadership exhibited by its various chairmen and directors, and the vision and future challenges for the institute. In The IIIMA Story, Prafull weaves all the threads together to present a vivid history of one of India’s greatest pride that has shaped the lives of many individuals through generations.

IIMA - Being Ethical

Book Description

Businesses have to act in self-interest but to what extent should they sacrifice ethical behaviour? The question has become increasingly relevant with the recent high-profile corporate scandals such as the Satyam and the 2G scam. But can, and should, a business behave ethically at all? Is the corporate social responsibility of a company just to make profits as Nobel Prize winning economist Milton Friedman once famously declared? In this timely book, Professor S. Manikutty takes us through the minefield of business and ethics, looking at how ethics enters work and the choices available to companies and individuals. He argues that being ethical is not a simple of doing the right thing vs the wrong thing; it is also to find a balance between multiple right or wrong choices, arriving at not a solution but a compromise. Using a variety of examples and case studies from Indian businesses, Being Ethical is an indispensable book any responsible manager.

IIMA-Strategies for Future

Book Description

Have you wondered why international business seems magically simple in text books but inescapably complex in reality? With international business pushing horizons, cross border activity is rampant and national boundaries are getting blurred. Economies have opened their doors and globalization is the watchword of the hour. Strategies for the Future explores the opportunities of a mingling world with remarkably discerning anecdotes and hands you the tools to master international trade. Professor Ajeet N. Mathur helps you formulate assumptions and make decisions under uncertainty in response to differences in business environments, national competitiveness, and regional and global strategies of other business players. As part of a competitive global village, this book is indispensable for any manager or entrepreneur bounding forward in the promising world of international business.

IIMA - Managers Who Make A Difference

Book Description

What qualities do you need to be a successful manager, and how can you develop the qualities you already possess? Managers Who Make a Difference examines how managers’ perceptions about themselves shape their behaviour at work, and studies the ways in which people can translate their ambition, sense of purpose, perseverance, confidence, and resourcefulness into successful management. How can you train yourself to spot competences in others and build on them to create an effective team? How do you achieve the right balance between adherence to existing systems, and creative or experimental problem-solving? And do you have the people skills—the ability to network extensively and build trust-based relationships—required to be a leader? Richly illustrated with anecdotes and experiences of well-known managers, and with a broad array of tips and self-assessment tools to sharpen your management skills, this book is a must read for all practising and aspiring managers. The IIM Ahmedabad Business Books bring key issues in management and business to a general audience. With a wealth of information and illustrations from contemporary Indian businesses, these non-academic and user-friendly books from the faculty of IIM Ahmedabad are essential corporate reading.

IIMA - Economic Sutra

Book Description

A general perception exists that ancient Indian literature on economic matters is fatalistic and an admixture of sacred and secular thoughts. Economic Sutra provides a comprehensive perspective on the elements of Indian economic thought leading up to and after the Arthashastra. Economic Sutra is a perception-correction initiative to distil the Indian mind in the realm of economic thoughts and behaviour as brought out by the ancient Indian authors. It highlights the broader spread of economic ideas both prior to and sometime after Kautilya, giving insights into the purpose, actions and vision of our forefathers.

IIMA-Leading from the Top

Book Description

Although corporations have been around for well over half a millennium, Corporate Governance as a distinctive field of study and specialization is of relatively recent origin. With corporate footprints escalating across industry and service sectors over different geographies around the world, governing the corporation has become an increasingly complex exercise. Professor Balasubramanian explains the three pillars of governance—the shareholders, the board and the executive management including the dynamics of managing board effectiveness—through real life case studies and interactive examples. The author aims to encourage dialogue about leading corporations in an ethical and sustainable manner. In the wake of corporations like Satyam, Sahara, Sardha, SKS Microfinance, and National Spot Exchange making headlines for all the wrong reasons—Leading from the Top becomes essential reading for aspiring directors, budding professions, and the conscientious citizens.

IIMA - Strategies For Growth

Book Description

Every organization—small or large, managed professionally or by a family—wants to grow. Strategies for Growth explores the different expansion strategies companies adopt, and the management and marketing challenges they face along the way. Amply illustrated with business experiences from the Indian context—such as Bharti Airtel, Amul, GE, Infosys, Compaq and HP—this book tells you all you need to know to make the best decision for your company.

IIMA-Day To Day Economics

Book Description

The economy isn’t just for the economists to debate on. All of us are affected by its ups and downs—global recession, rise in interest rates, or hike in food prices. But do we understand the principles at work and how and why they really affect us? Day to Day Economics is an enjoyable, accessible, and extremely user-friendly book that explains the modern day Indian economy to the layperson. In this relevant book, Professor Deodhar explains the role of the government and its involvement in different aspects of the economy; the need for the RBI and its functions; and how taxes, stock markets, and recessions work. Day to Day Economics will help you go beyond the facts and figures in the budget and connect the trends to your daily life. As with all IIMA Business Books, it comes illustrated with numerous Indian examples and case studies making this the ultimate rookie’s guide to the Indian economy.