Birth, Marriage, and Death : Ritual, Religion, and the Life-Cycle in Tudor and Stuart England

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From childbirth and baptism through to courtship, weddings, and funerals, every stage in the life-cycle of Tudor and Stuart England was accompanied by ritual. Even under the protestantism of the reformed Church, the spiritual and social dramas of birth, marriage, and death were graced with elaborate ceremony. Powerful and controversial protocols were in operation, shaped and altered by the influences of the Reformation, the Revolution, and the Restoration. Each of the major rituals was potentially an arena for argument, ambiguity, and dissent. Ideally, as classic rites of passage, these ceremonies worked to bring people together. But they also set up traps into which people could stumble, and tests which not everybody could pass. In practice, ritual performance revealed frictions and fractures that everyday local discourse attempted to hide or to heal. Using fascinating first-hand evidence, David Cressy shows how the making and remaking of ritual formed part of a continuing debate, sometimes strained and occasionally acrimonious, which exposed the raw nerves of society in the midst of great historical events. In doing so, he vividly brings to life the common experiences of living and dying in Tudor and Stuart England.

Medieval People

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Every schoolboy knows that the Middle Ages arose on the ruins of the Roman Empire. The decline of Rome preceded and in some ways prepared the rise of the kingdoms and cultures which composed the medieval system. Yet in spite of the self-evident truth of this historical preposition we know little about life and thought in the watershed years when Europe was ceasing to be Roman but was not yet


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Shinto, the Way of the Gods, was the religion of Japan before the arrival of Buddhism from Korea during the 6th century AD. Central to Shinto beliefs are the kami, animistic gods perceived in all aspects of nature. They exist in the nooks and crannies of houses and inhabit streams, trees and mountains, while others are sacred to human activities such as agriculture and arts and crafts. The principle rites of appeasing the gods - considered essential to a stable society - include acts of cleansing, gratitude, tolerance and obedience to tradition.

The Galleria Sabauda of Turin

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Seeds in the Heart

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Donald Keene, a noted authority in the field, offers a guide through the first 900 years of Japanese literature. This period not only defined the unique properties of Japanese prose and prosody, but also produced some of its greatest works.

Humana Fragilitas

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