Marca de liderazgo

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Marcas sonrientes

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¿Por qué la publicidad televisiva ha empleado tan poco el humor en los últimos años? ¿Por qué la publicidad en España es tan gris? Estas cuestiones son el germen de una investigación que ha durado tres años (2012-2015) y que ha dado lugar a la tesis doctoral: «La conexión emocional generada por el humor como elemento de engagement en marcas consolidadas». Una investigación que ha demostrado que, en un contexto de crisis económica, fragmentación de las audiencias, saturación publicitaria y entorno multipantalla el humor continúa siendo una estrategia válida para generar engagement. Es más, si el anuncio gusta –hace que «la marca me caiga mejor»– se viralizará. Conexión emocional y prescripción orgánica. ¿Hay algo más que una marca pueda soñar?

En clave de marcas

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Gonzalo Brujó y 23 visionarios del marketing descubren el presente y el futuro del intangible más importante.

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Fundamentals of Branding

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The main objective of this book is to help you understand the idiosyncrasies of the brand and its strategic management in the company. With this end in mind, it has been divided into two blocks, as detailed below. Chapters 1 to 5 form the first block, which offers a framework based on the conceptualization, types and need to promote the brand. From there, brand equity and brand capital are studied in terms of concepts, characteristics and perspectives of analysis. Once stipulated, the main models of brand equity and brand capital proposed in the literature are detailed, deciphering the elements most commonly accepted in subsequent research and in the business field. Finally, these key elements are described, analyzing their characteristics, measurement indicators and strategic implications for the company. Chapters 6 and 7 form the second block, which provides a clear view of the concept and importance of the discipline of branding, as well as the need to understand how the human brain and heart work together with the soul of brands. From there, the importance of creating a brand culture in the organization is explained, emphasizing the commitment to the firm as a flag and developing an appropriate organizational structure to carry out the process of managing brands. Next, the importance of strategic management is examined, defining a proposal for a branding plan. Finally, we analyse the new trends developed in terms of brand, highlighting the importance of digital integration, the empowerment of human capital and the creation of virtual communities associated with it.

Ergonomics in Design

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Currently people deal with various entities (such as hardware, software, buildings, spaces, communities and other people), to meet specific goals while going about their everyday activities in work and leisure environments. These entities have become more and more complex and incorporate functions that hitherto had never been allocated such as automation, use in virtual environments, connectivity, personalization, mobility and friendliness. This book contributes to the analysis of human-system interactions from the perspective of ergonomics, regardless of how simple or complex they are, while incorporating the needs of users and workers in a healthy safe, efficient and enjoyable manner. This book provides a comprehensive review of the state of the art of current ergonomic in design methods and techniques that are being applied to products, machinery, equipment, workstations and systems while taking new technologies and their applications into consideration. Ergonomics in Design: Methods and Techniques is organized into four sections and 30 chapters covering topics such as conceptual aspects of ergonomics in design, the knowledge of human characteristics applied to design, and the methodological aspects of design. Examples are shown in several areas of design including, but not limited to, consumer products, games, transport, education, architecture, fashion, sustainability, biomechanics, intelligent systems, virtual reality, and neurodesign. This book will: Introduces the newest developments in social-cultural approaches Shows different ergonomics in design methodological approaches Divulges the ways that ergonomics can contribute to a successful design Applies different subjects to support the design including –ergonomics, engineering, architecture, urbanism, neuro, and product designs. Presents recent technologies in ergonomic design, as applied to product design. With the contributions from a team of 75 researchers from 11 countries, the book covers the state-of-the-art of ergonomics in a way to produce better design.

Marketing directo con sentido común

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El alma de la comética

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En los últimos años el mercado mundial de la cosmética y la perfumería de lujo han reinventado su manera de dirigirse a un público cada vez más exigente. A través de la propia experiencia personal de la autora, de su conocimiento del sector y de entrevistas a personalidades seleccionadas a nivel nacional e internacional (LVMH, La Prairie, Sisley, Shiseido, By Terry, Carla Bulgaria Roses Beauty; entre otros) la experta Ángeles Sánchez-Cueca hace un riguroso análisis de los factores de éxito de esta industria, que sólo en la Unión Europea mueve 7.100 millones de euros al año y una exportación en torno a los 2.300 millones de euros, y de las claves que determinan que una marca tenga éxito. Destacadas figuras del ámbito de la cosmética y la perfumería consideran que este libro es una iniciativa magnífica en el sector, coincidiendo en afirmar que “les parece algo increíble y alentador, que alguien se haya dado cuenta de lo importante que son los equipos humanos para transmitir la magia del lujo” porque por muy fuerte que sea la imagen de una marca, si detrás no hay un alma que sepa captar, sentir, vivir y trasmitir ese mundo; no habría forma de darlo a conocer.

Publicidad 360º

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Esta publicación es fruto de la reflexión de, fundamentalmente, docentes del ámbito de la comunicación y de la publicidad basada en la necesidad de aunar fuerzas para ofrecer una obra de conjunto que intenta ver la publicidad como un hecho global y no solo aislado de la comunicación comercial. La presente obra profundiza en el valor de la publicidad y su importancia contemporánea, desde una perspectiva holística y con el objetivo de querer ser una publicación didáctica y de reflexión.

Design, Visual Communication and Branding

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This book highlights how digital communication has brought about changes in branding, namely in design, the media, communication languages, the relationship with audiences, experience design, behaviour, culture, and brand management mechanisms. On the other hand, as it argues, artificial intelligence has opened the door to other ways of dealing with big data and communicating with mass audiences, through the customization of messages or a one-to-one logic. Overall, the book shows that the intersections between digital communication and artificial intelligence point towards a new reality in brand communication, which includes computer vision, pattern recognition, and changes in the design business and in the way communication design and branding are done.