Imagen y Palabra

Book Description

Imagen y palabra: En torno a "El Cristo de Velázquez" es un análisis estilístico e interpretativo del Poema cristológico de Miguel de Unamuno. El poema está inspirado en el famoso cuadro del pintor español Diego Velázquez. Unamuno comienza a componer estos poemas poco después de haber publicado su magna obra, "Del sentimiento trágico de la vida" (1913). En el poemario el Rector expone todos sus pensamientos y pensamientos en torno a la figura de Cristo. Es un poemario con profundas raíces bíblicas. A través de cada poema, escrito en clásicos endecasílabos, el poeta refleja su profunda fe en el Cristo Crucificado. Junto a su obra póstuma, "Diario intimo", esta obra poética no deja lugar a duda de que el conflictivo don Miguel murió creyente. Se encuentra aquí, pues, el "Unamuno contemplativo" frente al "Unamuno agónico" de los críticos. Eliezer Oyola hace un examen minucioso de cada poema, notando las alusiones bíblicas, literarias, históricas y mitológicas.

Palabra e imagen

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Imagen y Palabra

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El Salvador

Book Description

Why El Salvador - Hidden Truths? In writing this book, I propose to explore these Salvadoran histories, pages hidden in dust which we have been denied by the economic power and its Governments since the time of the Spanish Invasion. We have systematically been denied the truth of this history, which is part of our being as the original peoples, which belongs to us, to our identity. We have been robbed and badly treated for more than 528 years; which has caused trauma and suffering across our lives. And so I undertook to look beneath the debris of the past with its enigmas to find the truth in our past history from our ancestors, colonization, independence, the first peoples uprisings, genocide and ethnocide against our ancestors. As well as crimes against humanity. The role of the Catholic Church, in the colonisation and imposition of Christianity and its Holy Inquisition. I also want you to be prepared, because in this book you will encounter many surprises and facts which are going to collide with your beliefs and notions of being human. I am not talking about to be Christians, because that is much deeper. But of the cruelty of the Spanish conquerors, with the lies and falsehoods with which the Salvadorans have been educated. Honour and Glory brothers and sisters: Nahuas, Maya, Lencas Chortis, Pocomames, Xincas, Kakawiras, Chorotegas and Izalcos who offered their blood for us and future generations. This Lent without resurrection to which our ancestors were subjected to, began with the Spanish Invasion and has continued till this day in 2020. What you will find in the following pages, are not sweet nor cheap announcements from the Salvadoran power base, in its communication mediums: Newspaper, Television, digital media and many other lying media. For the first time, there are voices of our ancestors in the presence of our current generations- the grandfathers and grandmothers, the young and their actual leaders.

De la palabra a la imagen

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Equity in School-Parent Partnerships

Book Description

"The contents of this book are extremely timely as more US public schools are moving to "push-in" programs for their English Learners (ELs) or following the increasing trend to launch DL programs as a way to offer instruction support for ELs. In this book, the authors use culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) families as an umbrella term to discuss ESL and DL families. This book is intended to reach ESL teachers, content-area teachers teaching ELs, dual language teachers, administrators, and school personnel who work and support CLD parents. Despite the varied instructional approaches to addressing ELs needs, limited scholarship exits on the marginalization of CLD parents as leaders in the decision-making processes of today's schools. This book examines the divisive practices of existing parental involvement models that prevent parental engagement in ESL and DL contexts; the importance of addressing parental engagement amidst current political discourse surrounding immigration that further alienates EL parents; and the need for more proactive, action-based models that identify contributions of parents and community partners. By re-defining parental engagement as a mutually inclusive theoretical perspective, school, community and home become conduits for transforming student learning and improving school climate"--


Book Description

¿En qué se parecen caminar, tejer, observar, narrar, cantar, dibujar y escribir? La repuesta es que, de uno u otro modo, todo lo anterior se lleva a cabo a través de líneas. Visto así, la Historia entera es una línea, compuesta por pequeñas líneas. En este libro Tim Ingold imagina un mundo en el que todos y todo se compone de líneas entrelazadas o in-terconectadas y sienta las bases de una nueva disciplina: la ar-queología antropológica de la línea. El argumento de Ingold nos lleva a través de la música de la antigua Grecia y del Japón contemporáneo, por laberintos de Siberia y vías ro-manas, por la caligrafía china y el alfabeto impreso, tejiendo un camino entre la antigüedad y el presente. Ingold revela cómo nuestra percepción de las líneas ha cambiado en el tiempo, con la modernidad antes de convertirse en recta, la línea es un conjunto de puntos, pero el mundo posmoderno la rompe y fragmenta para estudiarla mejor. Tim Ingold utiliza para su estudio muchas disciplinas, como la Arqueolo-gía, Estudios Clásicos, Historia del Arte, la Lingüística, la Psicología, la Musicología, la Filosofía y muchos otros. Este libro nos lleva por un viaje intelectual estimulante que va a cambiar la manera en que vemos el mundo y la forma en que vamos por el mismo.

Latin America, Media, and Revolution

Book Description

This book compares rebel media use in three Mesoamerican rebellions: the Nicaraguan Revolution, the Salvadoran civil war and the Zapatista uprising in Chiapas, Mexico. Directly comparing media use in all three rebellions provides a richer understanding of the role of media in social change, particularly violent change.