Imagery and Related Mnemonic Processes

Book Description

Scientific work on mnemonics and imagery conducted in the 1960s and early 1970s was directed at testing enthusiastic claims of the efficacy of memory tech niques developed by the ancient Greeks and further refined in the popular litera ture by "professional" mnemonists. The early research on imagery and mnemonics confirmed many of these claims and also illuminated the limitations of some techniques (e. g. , bizarre imagery). As such, these seminal studies clearly were valuable in providing a solid data base and, perhaps as important, making imagery and mnemonics acceptable research areas for experimental psycholo gists and educators. After this initial surge of work, however, it seemed that sub sequent contributions met with the attitude that "mnemonic techniques and imagery help memory, what else is new?" This attitude was not completely justi fied, however, given the theoretical insights from the work of such imagery and mnemonics pioneers as Gorden Bower, Allan Paivio, and William Rohwer. In the 1980s this claim is completely unjustified. Research on mnemonics and imagery has grown in exciting ways. Researchers are tapping the area's theoretical potential, both in terms of extending basic memory theories to account for the robust effects produced by mnemonic techniques and in terms of using explanations of mnemonic effects to understand basic memory processes. Individual differences in the use of imagery and mnemonic encoding activities are also being explored. This research has provided valuable information for basic memory theories (e. g.


Book Description

This book bridges the gap between basic memory research and mnemonic applications through a careful analysis of the processes that underlie effective memory aids. The book traces the history of mnemonics, examines popular techniques, and discusses the current relevance of mnemonics to both psychological researchers and those seeking to improve their memory. Using a unique approach (termed "mnemonology"), the authors seek not necessarily to promote specific mnemonic techniques, but to provide information which will allow one to improve memory by creating their own mnemonics.

Imagery and Verbal Processes

Book Description

First published in 1978. In this book the author has attempted to present a systematic theoretical and factual account of the role of higher mental processes in human learning and memory, and certain aspects of the psychology of perception and language. The major orienting theme of the book is its dual emphasis on nonverbal imagery and verbal processes (inner speech) as memory codes and mediators of behavior. Based on recent experimental evidence, the conceptual approach in a sense represents an integration of pre-behavioristic and behavioristic views concerning the nature of thought. The book is intended both as a textbook and as a theoretical monograph.

Cognitive and Neuropsychological Approaches to Mental Imagery

Book Description

The locus of concreteness effects in memory for verbal materials has been described here in terms of the processing of shared and distinctive information. This theoretical view is consistent with a variety of findings previously taken as support for dual coding, insofar as both verbal and perceptual information may be involved in comprehending high-imagery sentences and in learning lists of concrete words. But going beyond previous accounts of imagery, this view also can provide explanations for several findings that appear contradictory to the thesis that concrete and abstract materials differ in the form of their storage in long-term memory. Although this does not rule out a role for imagery in list learning or text comprehension, it is clear that the complex processes involved in comprehension and memory for language go beyond mechanisms supplied by a theory based on the availability of modality-specific mental representations. The task now is to determine the viability of the theory in other domains. Several domains of imagery research presented at EWIC provided fertile ground for evaluating my theoretical viewpoint. Although not all provide a basis for distinguishing representational theories of imagery from the imagery as process view, there are data in several areas that are more consistent with the latter than the former. In other cases, there are at least potential sources of evidence that would allow such a distinction.

Adult Learning and Development

Book Description

A bridge between educational psychology and the fields of adult learning and development. For researchers, teachers, and graduate students in these fields.

Imagery and Cognition

Book Description

Si nce the beginning of the 1970's the psychological study of imagery has shown a renewal of scientific interest reflected in a di verse body of theory, research paradigms, and data, which, with dil1iculty, ean be managed by a reader interested in imagery. Further, ment. al i lllagery appears to be an important construct in fields such as perception, memory, learning, thinking, motor behavior, cognitive development, and so on. With the diversity of theoretical and empirical work on imagery, cognition, and performance, it is increasingly problemut. ic to find a single source that provides contemporary overviews ill each field. Our purpose in organizing this book was to attempt all IIp-Lodate presentation of imagery research and theory. It is ollr hope that the volume will help serve as a starting point for the progress that will surely appear in the 1990's. This book hi:\:; its roots in the Second Workshop on Imagery and Cognition held at the University of Padova, Padova, Italy from September 21 to September 23,1988. An impressive array of research was presented at the workshop, and as the workshop unfolded several salient point. s elllerged. Though the research was diverse, it was even more so convergent on several main themes (e. g. , relations betweeen imagery and perception, imaginal coding in working memory, the role of imagery in v(;rbal memory and in memory for action events, imagery and problem solving).

Encyclopedia of Child Behavior and Development

Book Description

This reference work breaks new ground as an electronic resource. Utterly comprehensive, it serves as a repository of knowledge in the field as well as a frequently updated conduit of new material long before it finds its way into standard textbooks.

Imagery in Education

Book Description