Imperial Augsburg

Book Description

With a storied past and a strong imperial presence, the southern German city of Augsburg enjoyed a golden age in the late 15th and early 16th centuries - fostering artists such as Hans Burgkmair, Erhard Ratdolt, Daniel Hopfer, Jörg Breu and Hans Weiditz. Focusing on the drawings, prints and illustrated books Augsburg's artists created as well as the innovative printing techniques they used, this volume - the first of its kind in English - serves as an introduction to Augsburg, its artists and its cultural history, during this period.

The Fuggers of Augsburg

Book Description

As the wealthiest German merchant family of the sixteenth century, the Fuggers have attracted wide scholarly attention. In contrast to the other famous merchant family of the period, the Medici of Florence, however, no English-language work on them has been available until now. The Fuggers of Augsburg offers a concise and engaging overview that builds on the latest scholarly literature and the author’s own work on sixteenth-century merchant capitalism. Mark Häberlein traces the history of the family from the weaver Hans Fugger’s immigration to the imperial city of Augsburg in 1367 to the end of the Thirty Years’ War in 1648. Because the Fuggers’ extensive business activities involved long-distance trade, mining, state finance, and overseas ventures, the family exemplifies the meanings of globalization at the beginning of the modern age. The book also covers the political, social, and cultural roles of the Fuggers: their patronage of Renaissance artists, the founding of the largest social housing project of its time, their support of Catholicism in a city that largely turned Protestant during the Reformation, and their rise from urban merchants to imperial counts and feudal lords. Häberlein argues that the Fuggers organized their social rise in a way that allowed them to be merchants and feudal landholders, burghers and noblemen at the same time. Their story therefore provides a window on social mobility, cultural patronage, religion, and values during the Renaissance and the Reformation.

A Companion to Late Medieval and Early Modern Augsburg

Book Description

A Companion to Late Medieval and Early Modern Augsburg distills the extraordinary range and creativity of recent scholarship on one of the most significant cities of the Holy Roman Empire into a handbook format.

The Imperial Gazetteer

Book Description

The Emperor's Old Clothes

Book Description

For many years, scholars struggled to write the history of the constitution and political structure of the Holy Roman Empire. This book argues that this was because the political and social order could not be understood without considering the rituals and symbols that held the Empire together. What determined the rules (and whether they were followed) depended on complex symbolic-ritual actions. By examining key moments in the political history of the Empire, the author shows that it was a vocabulary of symbols, not the actual written laws, that formed a political language indispensable in maintaining the common order.

Lord of the Sacred City

Book Description

This volume provides a new perspective on civic history by focussing on the precarious position and power of the German bishop. While the author explores the decline of episcopal power, culminating in physical expulsion, he also sheds light on the bishop's remarkable survival through the ministrations of episcopal ritual.

The Empire’s Reformations

Book Description

The Empire's Reformations provides a concise overview of reform movements in 16th-century Germany that gave birth to the modern division of western Christianity into multiple denominations – Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Calvinist, and more. It exposes the origins of modern religious pluralism, both in battle for souls among these emerging camps and in the struggles of political leaders at every level to manage the threat that religious diversity posed to tranquillity and order in a rigidly hierarchical society. As such, it offers a prehistory of religious toleration, not as a positive value – few regarded toleration as inherently good – but as a strategy for keeping the peace. David M. Luebke considers the reformations of religion in the context of concurrent transformations in the political and judicial structures of the Holy Roman Empire, that sprawling confederation of principalities and city-states that embraced most regions where German was spoken. This allows Luebke to view the religious reforms through the lens of imperial politics, showing how the Empire differed from the Atlantic monarchies, Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, and the Mediterranean. On a different and equally significant level, he examines how ordinary people of all backgrounds experienced the controversy over religion and responded to reforms of doctrine and observance. The inclusion of both the imperial and local perspectives moves the Reformation beyond the familiar story of theological combat and reimagines it as something that had resonance throughout the world, impacting people's lives in the process.

The Augsburg Confession

Book Description

The Augsburg Confession is a book by Philipp Melanchthon. It presents the main confession of faith of the Lutheran Church, being one of the most significant records of the Lutheran Reformation.

Imperial Splendor

Book Description

A highly-illustrated history and survey of centers of book production and use within the Holy Roman Empire over the course of seven hundred years.