OECD Reviews of School Resources: Colombia 2018

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This country review report offers an independent analysis of major issues facing the use of school resources in Colombia from an international perspective. It provides a description of national policies, an analysis of strengths and challenges, and a proposal of possible future approaches.

Land Tenure and Rural Development

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This publication deals with key issues in land tenure, especially as they relate to food insecurity and rural development situations. Land tenure issues are frequently ignored in rural development interventions, with often long-lasting, negative results. This guide is designed to assist technical officers in governments and civil society in understanding why and how land tenure issues should be considered in rural development projects. It analyses important contexts such as environmental degradation, gender discrimination, and conflicts, where land tenure is currently of critical concern.

Government at a Glance 2021

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The 2021 edition includes input indicators on public finance and employment; process indicators include data on institutions, budgeting practices, human resources management, regulatory governance, public procurement, governance of infrastructure, public sector integrity, open government and digital government. Outcome indicators cover core government results (e.g. trust, political efficacy, inequality reduction) and indicators on access, responsiveness, quality and satisfaction for the education, health and justice sectors.

Tuberculosis Programs

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Control Interno y Sistema de Gestión de Calidad. Guía para su implementación en empresas públicas y privadas 2a Edición

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Esta segunda edición del libro debe constituirse en una herramienta de trabajo para profesionales de perfil gerencial, asesores metodológicos de control interno y calidad y auditores de cualquier perfil que tengan que formar parte de la implantación, desarrollo y evaluación de los componentes de un Sistema de Control Interno y de Gestión de Calidad para manejo empresarial y/o certificación en una empresa del sector público o privado. Las empresas modernas deben se ágiles y productivas dentro de un esquema de estándares que faciliten la planeación, organización, ejecución y control de sus procesos; como tal, deben auto controlar y ejecutar cada una de sus actividades dentro de un marco legal, procedimental y de gestión que prevenga errores y no conformidades.

Efectos del sistema de gestión de la calidad en las entidades del sector público: Incidencia en la prestación del servicio

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Este libro es un estudio de casi una década, que le revela al lector cómo los falsos positivos no han sido producto de errores militares, ni de actuaciones aisladas de individuos pertenecientes a las Fuerzas Militares, sino que constituyen una práctica sistemática que compromete a los comandantes de brigadas, batallones y unidades tácticas. Estas ejecuciones extrajudiciales constituyeron una empresa criminal en la que participaron no solo miembros de fuerzas militares sino también paramilitares, desmovilizados, integrantes de las redes de informantes del ejército, taxistas, finqueros, desempleados, reservistas, unidades no combatientes, además de áreas administrativas.


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National information needs on forests have grown considerably in recent years, evolving from forest area and growing stock information to key aspects of sustainable forest management, such as the role of forests in the conservation of biodiversity and the provision of other ecosystem services. More recently, information on changes in carbon stocks, socio-economic aspects including the contribution to livelihoods and poverty reduction, governance and broader land use issues has become critical for national planning.

Innovative Citizen Participation and New Democratic Institutions Catching the Deliberative Wave

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Public authorities from all levels of government increasingly turn to Citizens' Assemblies, Juries, Panels and other representative deliberative processes to tackle complex policy problems ranging from climate change to infrastructure investment decisions. They convene groups of people representing a wide cross-section of society for at least one full day – and often much longer – to learn, deliberate, and develop collective recommendations that consider the complexities and compromises required for solving multifaceted public issues.

Tierra Vacante en Ciudades Latinoamericanas

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Vacant urban land--the product of land market activity, the actions of private agents, and the policies of public agents--is an important challenge for policy makers. Vacant lots on the urban fringe and in central and interstitial areas have affected growth patterns in Latin America. Contributors to this book analyze the problems and opportunities related to vacant urban land in five cities: Buenos Aires, Argentina; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Quito, Ecuador; Lima, Perú; and San Salvador, El Salvador.