A Bridge to Inspired Declarer Play

Book Description

HELP, what do I do now? Every bridge player learns basic cardplay techniques - finesses, eliminations, endplays, loser-on-loser, and so forth. The trick is to know which technique to use on each particular deal. What features of a bridge hand lead an expert to select the correct line of play from all those available? The carefully chosen examples in this book will help advancing players recognize those features and take action accordingly. DR. JULIAN LADERMAN is a New York math professor who writes a regular bridge column in The Bronx Journal. His first book, A Bridge to Simple Squeezes, was named 2006 Book of the Year by the American Bridge Teachers' Association.

Practical Aspects of Declarer Play

Book Description

Improve Your Declarer Play at No-Trumps

Book Description

Many players feel trepidation when faced with playing a no-trumps contract. In this book Ron Klinger shows you how to approach such contracts without fear. The correct lines and logical thinking are explained clearly and you will not only make your contracts, but also score overtricks as well. This book is about the strategy of succeeding as declarer when you play no-trumps. The first section deals with the approach you should adopt before you even play a card from dummy. Then follow heaps of practical examples, problems for you to solve, deals that arose in major competitions where the very best players did not always find the right answer. Most importantly, the solutions include the logic behind the right play, the clues to locate the missing cards and ideas on how to induce opposition error when you have no legitimate chance for success. In this book, Australian expert Ron Klinger shows you how to come out on top more often. Where you might have felt reluctance when playing no-trumps, you will emerge with a new sense of confidence. No-trumps will no longer hold any fears for you.

Winning Declarer Play

Book Description

Playing No Trump Contracts

Book Description

Forty years ago, in 1980, Robert Berthe and Norbert Lébely put the finishing touches on two books that would revolutionize the teaching of bridge cardplay: the first two books in the Step by Step series (Pas à Pas in the original French). Based on an innovative yet clear and easily-understandable pedagogical approach involving the reader in a series of questions and answers, the series has allowed hundreds of thousands of readers over the years to absorb techniques known to be arduous and complex. Now available in English for the first time, this edition reflects the updates made by Lébely in 2020. He did the revision alone, as Robert Berthe had passed away in 2016. The first part of the book teaches the techniques by leading the reader step by step through a series of examples. The second part consists of problem deals where what has been learned can be applied and reinforced.

Off-Road Declarer Play

Book Description

In bridge, the 'declarer' is the one who nominates which suit is trumps; his/her partner's hand becomes the 'dummy'. Every intermediate bridge player is familiar with the routine techniques of dummy play. What this book describes are less well-known stratagems that may save the day in non-routine situations.

Improve Your Declarer Play

Book Description

This second title in Audrey Grant's Bookmark Series teaches how to implement the endplay in bridge. In some suit combinations it's better to have the suit led by the opponents into the declarer's strength. Learn how to recognize suits better led by defender, identify the exit card, eliminate defenders' options and play the throw-in. There are explanatory hands plus ten practice deals. Fold-out bookmark flaps reference the essential ideas.

Positive Declarer Play at Bridge

Book Description

This book was originally published in 1985, and in this new edition are substantially revised and expanded. It is a collection of bridge problems designed to teach players how to think along the right lines as they approach the play or defense of a hand at the bridge table. Anyone who absorbs even a fraction of the ideas presented here will find himself making contracts that might have been defeated, and defeating contracts that might have been made.

Bridge: Winning Ways to Play Your Cards

Book Description

Many bridge books feature magical and inspiring hands but hands that are never seen in day-to-day play at the bridge table. Bridge: Winning Ways to Play Your Cards concentrates on the type of hands that will make a real difference to your scores and which will help you improve your game. Discover how to assess your opponents' strengths and weaknesses - in relation to your own - and win!

Challenge Your Declarer Play

Book Description

"So you think you're a good declarer? Most books on play take you up to the critical moment in a hand and then ask you to find the winning continuation. But at the table, there is nobody to give you that all-important nudge when an unexpected or difficult play is required, and that's the way the hands are presented in this book. The collection of problems here will test those who are confident they are good declarers and will enable more modest readers to improve their game."--Back cover