Book Description
These include the disturbing a group of like-minded feminists before the persistence of the feminization of poverty, con- reporting of the Royal Commission on the tinued limitations regarding access to abortion Status of Women in 970. With funding from and a healthcare system sensitive to the needs Status of Women Canada, MACSW eventually of women, and the experience of women, par- had offices i [...] And just as feminism and Country."28 The organization receives a grant the women's movement re-orient to respond from Manitoba Agriculture through a yearly to changes in the social and political context, application process, and operates under the some women are harnessing the use of technol- auspices of provincial legislation, The Women's ogy, notably the internet and email, as tools for Institut [...] As such, the "part of our strength is in the struggle."54 This Women's Centre has become one of key orga- is evident in the types of groups and organiza- nizers of events held for International Women's tions formed and the linkages that have been Day and Take Back the Night (an international built between the groups, with some women rally, march, and vigil protesting domestic and being members or [...] Indeed, many of probe more deeply the knowledge of the history the issues remain the same as during the sec- of feminism among young women in the 'third ond wave women's movement. [...] The No Sweat Manitoba Association of Women's Shelters, and Manitoba campaign is connected to the Maquila the Manitoba Association of Women and the Solidarity Network (located in Toronto).