In Situ Bioremediation and Natural Attenuation of Dinitrotoluenes and Trinitrotoluene

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Contamination of soils and groundwater with nitroaromatic compounds such as 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) and dinitrotoluenes (DNTs) has drawn considerable attention due to widely distributed contamination sites and substantial efforts for cleanup. Two isomers of DNT, specifically 2,6-dinitrotoluene (2,6-DNT) and 2,4-dinitrotoluene (2,4-DNT), occur as soil and groundwater contaminants at former TNT production sites. The discovery of bacteria that use DNT isomers as electron donors has encouraged bioremediation at contaminated sites. Current work is extending the existing engineered bioremediation to naturally occurring in situ biodegradation and focuses on the application of natural attenuation (NA) as a remediation strategy for residual DNT at contaminated sites. More specifically this research evaluated factors influencing in situ bioremediation of DNTs and TNT in surface soils, vadose zones, and saturated medium. Applications involving surface soils and vadose zones investigated the potential of water infiltration to promote in situ bioremediation. Studies in saturated media were more applicable to NA. Factors that were also considered in studies conduced included: 1) the presence and distribution of degrading microbes in field soils (Barksdale, WI); 2) the dissolution and bioavailability of contaminants in historically contaminated soils; and 3) the effect of mixtures of contaminants (i.e., DNTs and TNT) on biodegradation processes.

Biodegradation of Nitroglycerin as a Growth Substrate

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Nitroglycerin (NG) is a toxic explosive commonly found in soil and contaminated groundwater at old manufacturing plants and military ranges. When NG enters an aquifer, it behaves as a dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL). Nitroglycerin is an impact sensitive explosive and therefore excavating the area to remove or treat the contaminant can be dangerous. In situ bioremediation and natural attenuation of NG have been proposed as remediation alternatives and it is therefore necessary to understand the degradation mechanisms of NG in contaminated soil and groundwater and investigate the potential for using bioremediation at contaminated sites. Many bacteria have been isolated for the ability to transform NG as a source of nitrogen, but no isolates have used NG as a sole source of carbon, nitrogen, and energy. We isolated Arthrobacter JBH1 from NG contaminated soil by selective enrichment with NG as the sole growth substrate. The degradation pathway involves a sequential denitration to 1,2-dinitroglycerin (DNG) and 1-mononitroglycerin (MNG) with simultaneous release of nitrite. Flavoproteins of the Old Yellow Enzyme (OYE) family capable of removing the first and second nitro groups from NG have been studied in the past and we identified an OYE homolog in JBH1 capable of selectively producing the 1 MNG intermediate. To our knowledge, there is no previous report on enzymes capable transforming MNG. Here we show evidence that a glycerol kinase homolog in JBH1 is capable of transforming 1 MNG into 1-nitro-3-phosphoglycerol, which could be later introduced into a widespread pathway, where the last nitro group is removed. Overall, NG is converted to CO2 and biomass and some of the nitrite released during denitration is incorporated into biomass as well. As a result, NG can be now considered a growth substrate, which changes the potential to bioremediate NG contaminated sites. The magnitude of the effect of biodegradation processes in the fate of NG in porous systems was unknown, and we have been able to quantify these effects, determine degradation rates, and have evidence that bioaugmentation with Arthrobacter sp. strain JBH1 could result in complete mineralization in contaminated soil and sediments contaminated with NG, without the addition of other carbon sources. Site specific conditions have the potential to affect NG degradation rates in situ. Experiments were conducted to investigate NG degradation at various pH values and NG concentrations, and the effects of common co-contaminants on NG degradation rates. Arthrobacter JBH1 was capable of growing on NG at pH values as low as 5.1 and NG concentrations as high as 1.2 mM. The presence of explosive co-contaminants at the site such as trinitrotoluene and 2,4-dinitrotoluene lowered NG degradation rates, and could potentially result in NG recalcitrance. Collectively, these results provide the basis for NG bioremediation and natural attenuation at sites contaminated with NG without the addition of other sources of carbon. Nonetheless, careful attention should be paid to site-specific conditions that can affect degradation rates.

Natural Attenuation of Chlorinated Solvents, Petroleum Hydrocarbons, and Other Organic Compounds

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Natural attenuation was first demonstrated at sites with hydrocarbon contamination, but recent studies at sites contaminated by chlorinated compounds have shown that this approach often has merit for these more challenging contamination problems. This volume covers natural attenuation in media ranging from deep aquifers to shallow soils, and for contaminants ranging from fuels to solvents to herbicides, and offers the reader a comprehensive overview of case studies that represent the state of the art in natural attenuation approaches to site remediation.

Factors Influencing Natural Attenuation of Dinitrotoluenes in Surface Soils

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Factors influencing natural attenuation of dinitrotoluenes (DNT) in surface soils and the application of monitored natural attenuation (MNA) as a remediation strategy were examined using contaminated soils from Badger Army Ammunition Plant (BAAP). Based on the previous research involving contaminated media obtained from locations at BAAP, and the fact that groundwater at the site is not contaminated, it seemed likely that aerobic biodegradation of DNT is active without intervention, and that natural attenuation may be an effective strategy for managing the contamination that exists at BAAP. Microcosms showed that microbes indigenous to soils are capable of 2,4-DNT mineralization and that DNT will adsorb reversibly and become bioavailable. In column studies 2,4-DNT biodegradation was observed and the nitrite evolved during DNT degradation was presumably removed due to oxidation by nitrite oxidizers. The use of simulated rainwater as influent with no nutrient amendments suggests that nutrients do not limit the biodegradation of low concentrations of DNT in the soil tested. In the chemostat study carried out to study effect lowering of temperature (22ʻC, 15ʻC, 10ʻC, 7.5ʻC and 4ʻC) on biodegradation of DNT at hydraulic retention time of 2.5 days, no sustained change in the DNT substrate removal was observed with change in temperature, but it had a large effect on the nitrite oxidizers. This suggests that the seasonal fluctuations in temperature will have minimal effect on the DNT removal via biodegradation at temperatures above 0ʻC. Nitrite oxidizers were active at 22ʻC, their activity decreased at 15ʻC and ceased at temperatures 10ʻC and lower. Nitrite is generally taken as a line of evidence for biodegradation of DNT. The results from the soil column study and chemostat showed that nitrite measurement should not be always taken as a conclusive indicator of DNT degradation. It should be taken into consideration that absence of nitrite does not necessarily mean absence of DNT biodegradation (probably at high temperatures).

Engineered Approaches for in Situ Bioremediation of Chlorinated Solvent Contamination

Book Description

Sites contaminated with chlorinated compounds pose health risks and are challenging and often expensive to treat in the field. This volume brings together the most up-to-date laboratory findings and the latest full-scale results from bioremediation efforts at actual field sites. Engineering approaches discussed include biobarriers, cometabolism, bioaugmentation, in situ oxidation, Fenton's Reagent, in situ bioremediation, and more.

Biodegradation of Nitroaromatic Compounds and Explosives

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Filled with practical applications and research, Biodegradation of Nitroaromatic Compounds and Explosives presents an international perspective on environmental contamination from explosives. It covers biodegradation strategies for DNT and a wide variety of other nitroaromatic compounds of environmental significance and makes the information access

In Situ and On-site Bioremediation

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Topics include: Vol.