In Vivo EPR (ESR)

Book Description

In Vivo EPR (ESR) is a textbook on this relatively new subject in biomedical electron spin resonance. While a few chapters have appeared in special topics volumes in this series, this book covers the principles and theory, instrumentation as well as the latest applications at the time of its writing. The authors are world-renowned experts and pioneers in their fields. This book is divided into two major sections dealing with theory and instrumentation, and aspects of biochemistry, in vitro and in vivo applications. A significant amount of detail is devoted to clinical applications and the problems and pitfalls encountered in in vivo spectroscopy and imaging. Key Features: -History of In Vivo EPR, -Principles of Imaging-Theory and Instrumentation, -Time-domain Radio Frequency EPR Imaging, -The Measurement of Oxygen In Vivo Using In Vivo EPR Techniques, -Potential Medical (Clinical) Applications of EPR, -Combining NMR and EPR/ESR for In Vivo Experiments.


Book Description

This volume provides a detailed examination of the physical basis for EPR imaging and in vivo EPR spectroscopy, experimental arrangements, and data analysis. The EPR imaging methods described include continuous wave, spin-echo-detected and ENDOR-detected EPR with constant, stepped, modulated, and pulsed magnetic field gradients. Applications described include inhomogeneous materials, diffusion kinetics, reaction kinetics, orientation of liquid crystals, microwave distributions, magnetic field distributions, superconductors, radiation damage, and defects in solids. The book also covers other topics important to in vivo studies, including in vivo EPR spectroscopy, low-frequency EPR, state-of-the-art low-frequency EPR instruments, achievable sensitivity, and spin labels. The book will be of great interest to graduate students, researchers, and medical instrument developers who use EPR, as well as clinicians and chemists interested in the relationship between in vivo radicals (such as superoxide and diseases).

Foundations of Modern EPR

Book Description

Since its inception 50 years ago, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR, also called ESR or EMR) has become a major tool in diverse fields ranging from biology and chemistry to solid state physics and materials science. This important book includes personal descriptions of early experiments by pioneers who laid the foundations for the field, perspectives on the state of the art, and glimpses of future opportunities. It presents a broad view of the foundations of EPR and its applications, and will therefore appeal to scientists in many fields. Even the expert will find here history not previously recorded and provocative views of future directions.

Measuring Oxidants and Oxidative Stress in Biological Systems

Book Description

This book describes the methods of analysis and determination of oxidants and oxidative stress in biological systems. Reviews and protocols on select methods of analysis of ROS, RNS, oxygen, redox status, and oxidative stress in biological systems are described in detail. It is an essential resource for both novices and experts in the field of oxidant and oxidative stress biology.

Very High Frequency (VHF) ESR/EPR

Book Description

The field of Very High Frequency EPR (VHF EPR) or sometimes called Very High Field EPR (conveniently, also abbreviated as VHF EPR) has blossomed during the past decade, especially after the original pioneering work of Ya. S. Lebedev and his group at the Institute of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow. Although Lebedev suffered heavily under the economic constraints of the communist Soviet Union and then succumbed to cancer at the peak of his scientific career, his groundbreaking work from the 1970's is still considered today to be the 'gold standard' by researchers practicing EPR at high magnetic fields. A stimulus for the production of this book is the legacy of Yakov Levedev in his students now residing in academic positions in the US and elsewhere. The aim of this book is to highlight the state of this growing field. This is an attempt to cover the full scope of VHF EPR in a single volume. The idea for this volume came to the editors at the 2001 Rocky Mountain Analytical Conference during the 24th International EPR Symposium chaired by Sandra and Gareth Eaton. VHF EPR was presented as an independent research field at a workshop organized by LC BruneI and supported by the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, a National Science Foundation funded facility at Florida State University.

Biomedical EPR - Part A: Free Radicals, Metals, Medicine and Physiology

Book Description

Biomedical EPR – Part A focuses on applications of EPR spectroscopy in the areas of free radicals, metals, medicine, and physiology. The book celebrates the 70th birthday of Prof. James S. Hyde, Medical College of Wisconsin, and his contributions to this field. Chapters are written to provide introductory material for new-comers to the field which lead into up-to-date reviews that provide perspective on the wide range of questions that can be addressed by EPR. Key Features: Free Radicals in Medicine Radicals in vivo and in Model Systems, and their Study by Spin Trapping In vivo EPR, including Oximetry and Imaging Time Domain EPR at Radio Frequencies EPR of Copper Complexes: Motion and Frequency Dependence Time Domain EPR and Electron Spin Echo Envelope Modulation

Distance Measurements in Biological Systems by EPR

Book Description

Distance measurements in biological systems by EPR The foundation for understanding function and dynamics of biological systems is knowledge of their structure. Many experimental methodologies are used for determination of structure, each with special utility. Volumes in this series on Biological Magnetic Resonance emphasize the methods that involve magnetic resonance. This volume seeks to provide a critical evaluation of EPR methods for determining the distances between two unpaired electrons. The editors invited the authors to make this a very practical book, with specific numerical examples of how experimental data is worked up to produce a distance estimate, and realistic assessments of uncertainties and of the range of applicability, along with examples of the power of the technique to answer biological problems. The first chapter is an overview, by two of the editors, of EPR methods to determine distances, with a focus on the range of applicability. The next chapter, also by the Batons, reviews what is known about electron spin relaxation times that are needed in estimating distances between spins or in selecting appropriate temperatures for particular experiments. Albert Beth and Eric Hustedt describe the information about spin-spin interaction that one can obtain by simulating CW EPR line shapes of nitroxyl radicals. The information in fluid solution CW EPR spectra of dual-spin labeled proteins is illustrated by Hassane Mchaourab and Eduardo Perozo.

Quantitative EPR

Book Description

There is a growing need in both industrial and academic research to obtain accurate quantitative results from continuous wave (CW) electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) experiments. This book describes various sample-related, instrument-related and software-related aspects of obtaining quantitative results from EPR expe- ments. Some speci?c items to be discussed include: selection of a reference standard, resonator considerations (Q, B ,B ), power saturation, sample position- 1 m ing, and ?nally, the blending of all the factors together to provide a calculation model for obtaining an accurate spin concentration of a sample. This book might, at ?rst glance, appear to be a step back from some of the more advanced pulsed methods discussed in recent EPR texts, but actually quantitative “routine CW EPR” is a challenging technique, and requires a thorough understa- ing of the spectrometer and the spin system. Quantitation of CW EPR can be subdivided into two main categories: (1) intensity and (2) magnetic ?eld/mic- wave frequency measurement. Intensity is important for spin counting. Both re- tive intensity quantitation of EPR samples and their absolute spin concentration of samples are often of interest. This information is important for kinetics, mechanism elucidation, and commercial applications where EPR serves as a detection system for free radicals produced in an industrial process. It is also important for the study of magnetic properties. Magnetic ?eld/microwave frequency is important for g and nuclear hyper?ne coupling measurements that re?ect the electronic structure of the radicals or metal ions.

Computational and Instrumental Methods in EPR

Book Description

Computational and Instrumental Methods in EPR is devoted to both instrumentation and computation aspects of EPR, while addressing applications such as spin relaxation time measurements. However, this is the first comprehensive volume to offer practical, non-invasive spectroscopic methods of analyzing the rheology of biopolymers: comparative studies of polymer fluidity using traditional methods (e.g. viscosity) and nuclear magnetic resonance.

Biomedical EPR - Part B: Methodology, Instrumentation, and Dynamics

Book Description

Biomedical EPR – Part A focuses on applications of EPR spectroscopy in the areas of free radicals, metals, medicine, and physiology. The book celebrates the 70th birthday of Prof. James S. Hyde, Medical College of Wisconsin, and his contributions to this field. Chapters are written to provide introductory material for new-comers to the field which lead into up-to-date reviews that provide perspective on the wide range of questions that can be addressed by EPR. Key Features:Free Radicals in Medicine Radicals in vivo and in Model Systems, and their Study by Spin Trapping In vivo EPR, including Oximetry and Imaging Time Domain EPR at Radio Frequencies EPR of Copper Complexes: Motion and Frequency Dependence Time Domain EPR and Electron Spin Echo Envelope Modulation About the Editors: Prof. Sandra S. Eaton is John Evans Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Denver. Her research interests include distance measurements in proteins, EPR of metal ions in biological systems, electron spin relaxation times, and EPR instrumentation. The Eatons co-organize an annual EPR Symposium in Denver. Prof. Gareth R. Eaton is John Evans Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Denver. His research interests include EPR instrumentation, distance measurements in proteins, EPR of metal ions in biological systems, and electron spin relaxation times. Dr. Lawrence J. Berliner is currently Professor and Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Denver after retiring from Ohio State University, where he spent a 32-year career in the area of biological magnetic resonance (EPR and NMR). He is the Series Editor for Biological Magnetic Resonance, which he launched in 1979.