Inclusive Mathematics Education

Book Description

The book provides an overview of state-of-the-art research from Brazil and Germany in the field of inclusive mathematics education. Originated from a research cooperation between two countries where inclusive education in mathematics has been a major challenge, this volume seeks to make recent research findings available to the international community of mathematics teachers and researchers. In the book, the authors cover a wide variety of special needs that learners of mathematics may have in inclusive settings. They present theoretical frameworks and methodological approaches for research and practice.

Advances in Digital Science

Book Description

This book gathers selected papers that were submitted to the 2021 International Conference on Advances in Digital Science (ICADS 2021) that aims to make available the discussion and the publication of papers on all aspects of single and multi-disciplinary research on Conference topics ( ICADS 2021 was held on February 19–21, 2021. An important characteristic feature of Conference is the short publication time and world-wide distribution. Written by respected researchers, the book covers a range of innovative topics related to: Advances in Digital Agriculture & Food Technology, Advances in Digital Economics, Advances in Digital Education, Advances in Public Health Care, Hospitals & Rehabilitation, Advances in Digital Social Media, Advances in Digital Technology & Applied Sciences, Advances in E-Information Systems, and Advances in Public Administration. This book is useful for private and professional non-commercial research and classroom use (e.g. sharing the contribution by mail or in hard copy form with research colleagues for their professional non-commercial research and classroom use); for use in presentations or handouts for any level students, researchers, etc.; for the further development of authors’ scientific career (e.g. by citing, and attaching contributions to job or grant application).

Handbook of Stress and Academic Anxiety

Book Description

This handbook presents an overview of research on test anxiety and related forms of students’ stress and anxiety at schools and other academic environments, and also brings together a series of psychological interventions to prevent and treat anxiety disorders related to academic assessments. Its aim is to inform about strategies that help promote more adaptive behaviors towards academic assessment, as well as discuss other variables (e.g., bullying) that influence test anxiety, a typical stressor at the school and academic environment. These stressors can impair the students’ socio-cognitive development, impairing their ability to study and posing a risk to their mental health. The volume is organized in three parts. The first part brings together chapters discussing different variables and processes associated with academic anxiety, such as test anxiety and social influence, academic motivation, bullying, and procrastination. The second part is completely dedicated to psychological interventions with students designed to promote adaptive coping strategies to deal with academic anxiety and to prevent the development of psychopathologies associated with it. These interventions are based on different approaches, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, analytic behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, and mindfulness, among others. Finally, the third part presents strategies that teachers can adopt to manage academic anxiety. The Handbook of Stress and Academic Anxiety: Psychological Processes and Interventions with Students and Teachers will be a valuable resource for school and clinical psychologists, teachers, school managers and policy makers by providing information based on the best scientific evidences to help students cope with academic anxiety, prevent the development of psychopathologies associated with it and promote mental health at schools and other academic environments.

Green Design, Materials and Manufacturing Processes

Book Description

The rise of manufacturing intelligence is fuelling innovation in processes and products concerning a low environmental impact over the product’s lifecycle. Sustainable intelligent manufacturing is regarded as a manufacturing paradigm for the 21st century, in the move towards the next generation of manufacturing and processing technologies. The manufacturing industry has reached a turning point in its evolution and new business opportunities are emerging. With sustainable development arises the immense challenge of combining innovative ideas regarding design, materials and products with non-polluting processes and technologies, conserving energy and other natural resources. On the other hand, sustainability has become a key concern for government policies, businesses and the general public. Model cities are embracing novel ecosystems, combining environmental, social and economic issues in more inclusive and integrated frameworks. Green Design, Materials and Manufacturing Processes includes essential research in the field of sustainable intelligent manufacturing and related topics, making a significant contribution to further development of these fields. The volume contains reviewed papers presented at the 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Intelligent Manufacturing, conjointly organized by the Centre for Rapid and Sustainable Product Development, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, and the Faculty of Architecture, Technical University of Lisbon, both in Portugal. This event was held at the facilities of the Faculty of Architecture, Lisbon, from June 26 to June 29, 2013. A wide range of topics is covered, such as Eco Design and Innovation, Energy Efficiency, Green and Smart Manufacturing, Green Transportation, Life-Cycle Engineering, Renewable Energy Technologies, Reuse and Recycling Techniques, Smart Design, Smart Materials, Sustainable Business Models and Sustainable Construction. Green Design, Materials and Manufacturing Processes is intended for engineers, architects, designers, economists and manufacturers who are actively engaged in the advancement of science and technology regarding key sustainability issues, leading to more suitable, efficient and sustainable products, materials and processes.

The Palgrave Encyclopedia of the Possible

Book Description

The Palgrave Encyclopedia of the Possible represents a comprehensive resource for researchers and practitioners interested in an emerging multidisciplinary area within psychology and the social sciences: the study of how we engage with and cultivate the possible within self, society and culture. Far from being opposed either to the actual or the real, the possible engages with concrete facts and experiences, with the result of transforming them. This encyclopedia examines the notion of the possible and the concepts associated with it from standpoints within psychology, philosophy, sociology, neuroscience and logic, as well as multidisciplinary fields of research including anticipation studies, future studies, complexity theory and creativity research. Presenting multiple perspectives on the possible, the authors consider the distinct social, cultural and psychological processes - e.g., imagination, counterfactual thinking, wonder, play, inspiration, and many others - that define our engagement with new possibilities in domains as diverse as the arts, design and business.

Metodologias ativas na era da Inteligência Artificial: reinventando a sala de aula

Book Description

Vivemos uma época de grandes transformações, onde a velocidade das mudanças tecnológicas e sociais desafia constantemente os sistemas educacionais. Este livro surge com o propósito de explorar como a educação está se adaptando às novas demandas do século XXI, oferecendo uma análise detalhada sobre os principais desafios e oportunidades que surgem à medida que as escolas e instituições de ensino reformulam suas abordagens pedagógicas. A educação não pode mais ser vista como um simples processo de transmissão de conhecimento. Com o avanço da Inteligência Artificial (IA) e o surgimento de novas metodologias, as escolas têm a chance de repensar como o aprendizado ocorre. Ferramentas digitais permitem personalizar o ensino de uma forma sem precedentes, ajustando-se às necessidades de cada aluno. Mas essa revolução tecnológica também levanta questões sobre o papel da escola e do professor. Como garantir que o uso dessas ferramentas tecnológicas realmente promova um aprendizado significativo, e não apenas automatize processos sem agregar valor ao desenvolvimento humano? Além das inovações tecnológicas, este livro discute as mudanças nas abordagens pedagógicas, com foco nas metodologias ativas, que incentivam os alunos a serem participantes ativos em seu processo de aprendizado. No entanto, o desafio vai além de implementar novas metodologias; trata-se de como essas práticas podem ser adaptadas para diferentes realidades e contextos. Um dos focos deste livro é entender como essas metodologias podem ser utilizadas para não apenas transmitir conhecimento, mas também para desenvolver habilidades essenciais, como pensamento crítico e colaboração. Outro tema importante é o papel transformador da Base Nacional Comum Curricular (BNCC). A BNCC traz uma proposta inovadora para integrar competências cognitivas e socioemocionais, reconhecendo que o sucesso do aluno não depende apenas do conhecimento acadêmico, mas também de sua capacidade de se relacionar, inovar e resolver problemas de maneira criativa. Contudo, a implementação dessas diretrizes enfrenta obstáculos práticos, especialmente em um país com tantas desigualdades regionais e estruturais. Este livro investiga como essas diretrizes podem ser postas em prática de forma flexível, respeitando as particularidades locais e promovendo uma educação mais inclusiva. Um dos pontos centrais da nossa análise é o papel dos professores. O que se espera do educador na era da informação? Com o avanço das tecnologias e o crescente uso de plataformas digitais, o professor assume um papel mais desafiador e complexo: não apenas o de ensinar, mas de mediar, facilitar e orientar o aprendizado dos alunos em um ambiente em constante transformação. Como os professores podem se preparar para essa nova realidade? A formação contínua e a adaptação às novas demandas são questões urgentes que este livro aborda, oferecendo reflexões e estratégias para apoiar o docente nesse novo cenário. À medida que avançamos no livro, também abordamos o impacto das mudanças no Ensino Médio e nas Instituições de Ensino Profissionalizante. O desafio aqui é duplo: preparar os jovens para um mercado de trabalho em constante evolução, sem deixar de lado a formação crítica e cidadã. As instituições técnicas e os Institutos Federais (IFS) desempenham um papel fundamental nesse processo, oferecendo uma educação que alia teoria e prática, enquanto enfrenta os desafios de integrar novas tecnologias e metodologias ativas ao currículo. Por fim, o livro não se limita a discutir as inovações tecnológicas e pedagógicas. Também dedicamos espaço para analisar as questões de inclusão educacional e como garantir que todas essas mudanças beneficiem os mais diversos perfis de alunos, incluindo aqueles com menos acesso à tecnologia ou com necessidades especiais. A educação deve ser um direito acessível a todos, e para isso é fundamental que governos, escolas e a sociedade se unam para construir um sistema educacional mais justo e equitativo. Este livro é, portanto, uma reflexão sobre o futuro da educação, mas também um convite à ação. As inovações tecnológicas e as novas abordagens pedagógicas podem transformar profundamente como aprendemos e ensinamos, mas essa transformação só será significativa se for construída com base em princípios de inclusão, equidade e adaptação às necessidades reais dos alunos. Esperamos que este livro inspire educadores, gestores e todos aqueles envolvidos com o ensino a repensar suas práticas e a abraçar o desafio de preparar as próximas gerações para um futuro cheio de possibilidades.

Working Towards Inclusive Education

Book Description

This book provides a clearly written, wide-ranging overview of current key issues and challenges arising from the implementation of more inclusive policies and provision in education in this country and internationally. The author sets policies for inclusive schools in the broader contexts of current policies which aim to reduce poverty and social exclusion, and the wider global background of the United Nations drive to promote 'Education for All'. The book draws a distinction between integration and inclusion and provides a critical analysis of the government's Program of Action and the revised National Curriculum and their implications for schools, pupils and families.

Inclusive Physical Education Around the World

Book Description

Inclusive Physical Education Around the World is the first book to survey inclusive physical education worldwide, to examine the history of inclusive physical education across different regions, and to compare their policy, practice and educational cultures. Featuring the work of leading researchers from Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, the Middle East, North America and South America, the book provides a unique interdisciplinary contribution to the fields of physical education, history and pedagogy. It provides readers with information on the origins and historical development of inclusion in schools and teaches them about different ways that inclusive physical education has grown and is implemented in different countries. This is essential reading for anybody with an interest in physical education, disability sport, adapted physical activity, special educational needs (SEN) teaching or social justice in education. It is a vital resource for postgraduates, researchers and academics who are interested in studies on inclusion and heterogeneity, as well as sport and cultural historians, physical education teachers and students.