Inclusive Growth And Development In The 21st Century: A Structural And Institutional Analysis Of China And India

Book Description

Using case studies of both China and India, this book reinforces the fact that the processes of economic growth and development are dynamic and organic in the sense that structural and institutional elements are not only interrelated, but also constantly changing in their patterns of interactions — more so during the transitional period of both countries. Inclusiveness or its lack in some specific socio-economic sector/context, geographical region/state or economy as a whole is critically analysed, using recent data on both the countries from different sources.

Economic Development in China, India and East Asia

Book Description

'This is an unusually rich and comprehensive comparative analysis of industrialisation and development in Asia. Drawing on the diverse experiences of Malaysia, Singapore, China, India and more, Roy, Blomqvist and Clark skilfully tease out the common institutional threads and the subtle differences in their developmental trajectories. An essential reading for all those interested in the lessons from Asian development.' – Jude Howell, London School of Economics, UK This is a thorough and comprehensive study – both in terms of country coverage and in-depth analysis – covering the economic development of all the major economies in the Asian continent, namely China, India, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia and Singapore. Before embarking on analyses of different aspects of economic growth and development of these countries, the authors present a thought-provoking analysis of how institutional factors such as geography, history of religion, culture and political governance have been deeply interwoven with development dynamics to shape the growth and development trajectory that each country has subsequently followed. Each country's development path consequently appeared almost be pre-determined. Japan's role as the lead-country in technology transfer under the flying-geese pattern of development is discussed, however the emphasis has shifted of late to China, India, Korea, Malaysia and Singapore. the authors also propose that instead of discussing the failure of India to catch up with China in growth and development outcomes, economists should be commenting on whether China, bestowed with India's highly decentralized democratic governance structure and institutional rigidities, would have been able to achieve the same results as that of India. Only then will a true understanding and appreciation of India's achievements in economic growth and development emerge. Economic Development in China, India and East Asia will be warmly welcomed and appreciated by academics and researchers of international and development economics as well as Asian development and economics. Policy makers and those involved in NGOs in the development and aid arenas will also find this of great interest.

Development under Dualism and Digital Divide in Twenty-First Century India

Book Description

After first analysing the economic development processes of emerging Asian economies in general, this book explores the development implications of India’s seventy years (1947-2017) of socio-economic policy regimes. It discusses structural dualism and the digital divide, which it identifies as the major socio-economic structural elements of the Indian economy, along with the external forces of globalisation. Since the adoption of comprehensive economic reforms in 1991, India has been liberalising its economy, due in part to the rising pressures of globalisation. However, critics have argued that Indian liberalisation policy has aggravated unemployment, regional inequality and poverty, and also increased India’s external vulnerability. This book tests the validity of these arguments, and provides readers a deeper understanding of the structural and institutional elements of the articulation of Indian society. It also examines the paradoxical political and economic effects of the information and communication (ICT ) industry in India, due to the economic disparities between the beneficiaries of the ICT windfall and those unable to reap those benefits. Lastly, by investigating the integration of key traditional sectors into modern sectors, the book provides policy suggestions for tackling the sectoral and segmental disarticulation that currently characterises Indian society.

Employment Policy in Emerging Economies

Book Description

Employment is a critical part of the macro-economy and a key driver of economic development. India’s employment policy over the past three decades provides an important case study for understanding how government attitudes to the labour market contribute to an emerging economy’s growth and development. This study contains important insights on the policy challenges faced by one of the world’s most populous, labour abundant economies in securing employment in a context of structural change. The book considers India’s approach to employment policy from a national and global perspective and whether policy settings promote employment intensive growth. Chapters in the first half of the volume evaluate India’s approach to employment policy within the national and international context. This includes the ILO Decent Work program, the national agenda for inclusive growth, and national regulatory frameworks for labour and education. Chapters in the second half of the volume focus on how employment policy works in practice and its impact on manufacturing workers, the self-employed, women, and rural workers. These chapters draw attention to the contradictions within the current policy regime and the need for new approaches. Employment Policy in Emerging Economies will interest scholars, policy makers and students of the Indian economy and South Asia more generally. It will support undergraduate and postgraduate academic teaching in courses on economic development, global political economy, the Indian economy and global labour.

China's Social Development and Policy

Book Description

In China, social development has fallen far behind economic development. This book looks at why this is the case, and poses the question of whether the conditions, structures and institutions that have locked China into unbalanced development are changing to pave the way for the next stage of development. Based on an empirical examination of ideological, structural and institutional transformations that have shaped China’s development experiences, the book analyses China’s reform and development in the social domain, including pension, healthcare, public housing, ethnic policy, and public expenditure on social programs. The book moves beyond descriptive analyses to understand the role of broader changes in shaping and redefining the pattern of development in China.

Modern China

Book Description

This book looks at the transition of modern Chinese society in terms of its culture and literature. Since the economic reforms and open door policy in 1978, the Chinese society has undergone a drastic transformation. It is headed towards becoming an ultra-modern advanced society and a world superpower. Among the pillars of great change are the advances in technology and communication that have reshaped Chinese society. This volume explores China’s march towards modernity in the 21st century as defined by its own terms. It discusses China’s social structure, ageing population, gender stratification, marriages, cultural identity, cosmopolitanism, its history of communism, law, economic reforms, financial institutions and challenges of the global markets. The book sheds light on Chinese literature and media and brings out various facets of social changes across time. With its topical debates and issues, this volume will be useful to scholars and researchers of Chinese studies, East Asian studies, geopolitics, area studies, international relations, politics and foreign policy, along with think tanks and those in media and journalism.

Growth, Disparities and Inclusive Development in India

Book Description

The book critically examines the high growth trajectory in India, particularly since the late 1980s, a period which is characterized by increasing inequality. Through various studies from the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh -- a state more populous than Brazil and with a GDP comparable to Bangladesh -- it sheds light on the link between growth and inequality in emerging economies. The slow pace of any upward movement in terms of various development indicators in low-income Indian states is due to a number of factors, including their historical disadvantages. Over a period of time, this has resulted in widening disparities, both between different regions of these states, and between these states and other more prosperous Indian states. The book provides a holistic, yet critical, region-wise analysis of the achievements of Uttar Pradesh compared to other states and to India as a whole, in the context of indicators of inclusive development, namely, growth, employment, poverty, infrastructure, agriculture, industry, education and health. Based on the latest data and sophisticated analysis methods, it assesses inequality and development disparities, clearly identifying three major challenges that poorer states face in redressing poverty and expanding inclusive growth – increasing economic opportunities, empowering poor and marginalised groups to avail new opportunities in a rapidly changing world, and ensuring an effective safety net to reduce vulnerability. The book suggests strategies for promoting high and sustained economic growth, and highlights the significance of broadening social inclusiveness through greater and more rapid access to economic and social opportunities, and building strong social safety nets to protect the chronically poor and mitigate their risks and vulnerabilities with the help of good governance and institutions. With contributions from leading scholars from the region, it is a valuable resource for researchers working in the area of growth and inequality, as well as for policy makers from developing economies around the globe.

China's Economic Rise

Book Description

Prior to the initiation of economic reforms and trade liberalization 36 years ago, China maintained policies that kept the economy very poor, stagnant, centrally-controlled, vastly inefficient, and relatively isolated from the global economy. Since opening up to foreign trade and investment and implementing free market reforms in 1979, China has been among the world's fastest-growing economies, with real annual gross domestic product (GDP) growth averaging nearly 10% through 2016. In recent years, China has emerged as a major global economic power. It is now the world's largest economy (on a purchasing power parity basis), manufacturer, merchandise trader, and holder of foreign exchange reserves.The global economic crisis that began in 2008 greatly affected China's economy. China's exports, imports, and foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows declined, GDP growth slowed, and millions of Chinese workers reportedly lost their jobs. The Chinese government responded by implementing a $586 billion economic stimulus package and loosening monetary policies to increase bank lending. Such policies enabled China to effectively weather the effects of the sharp global fall in demand for Chinese products, but may have contributed to overcapacity in several industries and increased debt by Chinese firms and local government. China's economy has slowed in recent years. Real GDP growth has slowed in each of the past six years, dropping from 10.6% in 2010 to 6.7% in 2016, and is projected to slow to 5.7% by 2022.The Chinese government has attempted to steer the economy to a "new normal" of slower, but more stable and sustainable, economic growth. Yet, concerns have deepened in recent years over the health of the Chinese economy. On August 11, 2015, the Chinese government announced that the daily reference rate of the renminbi (RMB) would become more "market-oriented." Over the next three days, the RMB depreciated against the dollar and led to charges that China's goal was to boost exports to help stimulate the economy (which some suspect is in worse shape than indicated by official Chinese economic statistics). Concerns over the state of the Chinese economy appear to have often contributed to volatility in global stock indexes in recent years.The ability of China to maintain a rapidly growing economy in the long run will likely depend largely on the ability of the Chinese government to implement comprehensive economic reforms that more quickly hasten China's transition to a free market economy; rebalance the Chinese economy by making consumer demand, rather than exporting and fixed investment, the main engine of economic growth; boost productivity and innovation; address growing income disparities; and enhance environmental protection. The Chinese government has acknowledged that its current economic growth model needs to be altered and has announced several initiatives to address various economic challenges. In November 2013, the Communist Party of China held the Third Plenum of its 18th Party Congress, which outlined a number of broad policy reforms to boost competition and economic efficiency. For example, the communique stated that the market would now play a "decisive" role in allocating resources in the economy. At the same time, however, the communique emphasized the continued important role of the state sector in China's economy. In addition, many foreign firms have complained that the business climate in China has worsened in recent years. Thus, it remains unclear how committed the Chinese government is to implementing new comprehensive economic reforms.China's economic rise has significant implications for the United States and hence is of major interest to Congress. This report provides background on China's economic rise; describes its current economic structure; identifies the challenges China faces to maintain economic growth; and discusses the challenges, opportunities, and implications of China's economic rise.