Inclusiveness in India

Book Description

This book examines Inclusive Growth in a range of social and economic areas in India, including physical infrastructure, vulnerable sections of the population and underdeveloped states. It provides a comprehensive study of disparity and deepens insight into understanding processes of economic and social development.

Inclusive Growth in India

Book Description

The Indian experience with reforms in the last two decades reveals that while there have been achievements on the economic growth front, inequalities have increased and exclusion continues. This volume emphasizes the need for economic reforms with equitable development. It focuses on key inter-related elements of inclusive growth: agriculture, poverty, food security and employment, social sector, and regional disparities; examining the performance, issues, and challenges. The author argues for pro-poor and people- centric policies. He suggests that growth and equity objectives should be pursued simultaneously.

Inclusive Growth In India

Book Description

The research papers included in this book make a comprehensive analysis on the thematic issues focused within the larger framework of inclusive growth. The recommendations made through this book are expected to influence policy of inclusive growth and development of the marginalized segments in the Indian context. This book is organized in to 47 Chapter, every chapter is addressing the overall theme precisely and fulfills the core issues highlighted. This book is expected to fulfill the teaching, research, policy formulation, programme planning needs of academia, research scholars, students pursuing subjects in the departments of Sociology, Economics, Political Science, History, Social Work, Anthropology, Women Studies, Futurology, Public Administration, Rural Development etc. In addition this book is also expected to assist CBOs, GOs, NGOs, Development Workers, Policy Planners, Social Workers, Consultants etc, engaged in Sustainable Social Development with special reference to Inclusive Growth in Transitional Society.

Metrology for Inclusive Growth of India

Book Description

This book describes the significance of metrology for inclusive growth in India and explains its application in the areas of physical–mechanical engineering, electrical and electronics, Indian standard time measurements, electromagnetic radiation, environment, biomedical, materials and Bhartiya Nirdeshak Dravyas (BND®). Using the framework of “Aswal Model”, it connects the metrology, in association with accreditation and standards, to the areas of science and technology, government and regulatory agencies, civil society and media, and various other industries. It presents critical analyses of the contributions made by CSIR-National Physical Laboratory (CSIR-NPL), India, through its world-class science and apex measurement facilities of international equivalence in the areas of industrial growth, strategic sector growth, environmental protection, cybersecurity, sustainable energy, affordable health, international trade, policy-making, etc. The book will be useful for science and engineering students, researchers, policymakers and entrepreneurs.

India's Reforms

Book Description

Openness has affected neither poverty nor inequality adversely. When surveyed, people in disproportionately large volumes from all groups say that their fortunes are improving. The essays in this volume show that trade oppenness has helped reduce poverty among most social groups.

Interrogating Inclusive Growth

Book Description

The high growth performance of the Indian economy since the launch of economic reforms in the early 1990s has been much lauded. But how much of this growth has made its way to the poor? In a radical assessment of ‘inclusive growth’, this book probes the impact of neo-liberal policies on employment, poverty and inequality. It critiques the claim that market-friendly economic reform policies ‘trickle down’ to the poor and reduce poverty and deprivation. The author uses exhaustive data — from the formal and informal sectors — to create a profile of the aam aadmi. He advocates the need for a broad-based growth and development strategy that alone will address the many-sided social and economic inequalities in India. The volume will be useful to scholars and students of economics, development studies, labour studies, and sociology.

Inclusiveness in India

Book Description

This bookexamines inclusive growth in a range of social and economic areas in India, including physical infrastructure, vulnerable sections of the population and underdeveloped states. It provides a comprehensive study of disparity and deepens insight into understanding processes of economic and social development.

Growth, Disparities and Inclusive Development in India

Book Description

The book critically examines the high growth trajectory in India, particularly since the late 1980s, a period which is characterized by increasing inequality. Through various studies from the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh -- a state more populous than Brazil and with a GDP comparable to Bangladesh -- it sheds light on the link between growth and inequality in emerging economies. The slow pace of any upward movement in terms of various development indicators in low-income Indian states is due to a number of factors, including their historical disadvantages. Over a period of time, this has resulted in widening disparities, both between different regions of these states, and between these states and other more prosperous Indian states. The book provides a holistic, yet critical, region-wise analysis of the achievements of Uttar Pradesh compared to other states and to India as a whole, in the context of indicators of inclusive development, namely, growth, employment, poverty, infrastructure, agriculture, industry, education and health. Based on the latest data and sophisticated analysis methods, it assesses inequality and development disparities, clearly identifying three major challenges that poorer states face in redressing poverty and expanding inclusive growth - increasing economic opportunities, empowering poor and marginalised groups to avail new opportunities in a rapidly changing world, and ensuring an effective safety net to reduce vulnerability. The book suggests strategies for promoting high and sustained economic growth, and highlights the significance of broadening social inclusiveness through greater and more rapid access to economic and social opportunities, and building strong social safety nets to protect the chronically poor and mitigate their risks and vulnerabilities with the help of good governance and institutions. With contributions from leading scholars from the region, it is a valuable resource for researchers working in the area of growth and inequality, as well as for policy makers from developing economies around the globe.

Insights into Inclusive Growth, Employment and Wellbeing in India

Book Description

What changes are occurring at the macro and the sectoral levels, how the labour market changes are taking place and what impact is felt on the low income households are some of the questions that the present volume focuses on. It begins by examining the sectoral composition of growth, revisiting the issues related to industry-services balance, and also brings out the spatial dimension of growth. On the one hand the industry does not seem to have played a major role in the context of employment generation as imported technology is by and large capital intensive in nature. On the other hand, the services-led growth is seen to have reduced the pace of poverty reduction. Given the services-led growth the possible impact of trade in services on employment both in the formal and informal sectors have been worked out, indicating limited positive spill-over effects. The labour market outcomes are brought out with great details suggesting that rapid economic growth in India could not result in productive employment generation on a large scale. The gender dimensions of employment are brought out to verify if reduction in labour market inequality can result in improving the position of women in other spheres encompassing the decision making process both within the household and outside the household. Issues relating to urbanisation and rural-urban migration are also covered to understand the dynamics of urban poverty and to bring out the challenges of population transfer given the spatial concentration of growth. The job search practices pursued by the low income households are often pursued in terms of informal networks. What problems are associated with such mechanisms in experiencing improvements in wellbeing levels are covered in the present volume. On the whole, the volume offers an explanation of limited poverty reduction in a situation of rapid economic growth on the basis of an inter-disciplinary framework though efforts are being made to keep the methodology quantitatively rigorous.

Innovation in India

Book Description

It has been a little more than sixty years since the foundations of India's national system of innovation were laid, and it is time to look back and examine what form it has taken. What are the achievements of the Indian system of innovation? How has it performed in terms of building industrial capabilities and promoting development? Using the 'National System of Innovation' and the 'Sectoral System of Innovation' approach, this book organizes historical evidence on the accumulation of scientific, technical, innovation and industrial capabilities in different industrial sectors. It is also useful to keep in mind that according to the sectoral tales of this book, irrespective of the policy, there will always be some individuals and organisations who will experiment to find creative ways of pursuing opportunities.