Incorporation of High-fidelity Flow Field Information Into Preliminary Design of Multi-stage Axial Compressors

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This thesis establishes an axisymmetric methodology that incorporates pre-performed high-fidelity CFD into the performance estimation of multi-stage axial compressors during preliminary design. Its key differentiator is that radial non-uniformity, inferred from three-dimensional CFD and represented using orthonormal basis functions, replaces empirical correlations of blockage, loss, and deviation as well as simplified models of flow features, such as boundary-layer growth, spanwise mixing, and endwall-corner separation. The methodology includes the effects of changes in radial non-uniformity and in blade geometry on the axisymmetric flow field. The approach can supersede current throughflow methods, increasing the fidelity of preliminary design. The primary impact of the methodology is a new capability for power gas turbine compressors to rapidly assess off-design matching at different spanwise locations along the blade height, enabling early-design choices, such as the annulus-area scheduling, based on the fidelity of CFD. Over a range of off-design conditions from near stall to near choke, the massflow capacity of a four-stage compressor was estimated within 1.2% and its efficiency within 1.5 percentage points compared to CFD at equal loading. The estimation of quasi-one-dimensional performance and the characterization of the flow close to the endwalls are improved relative to estimations of a legacy streamline curvature method since radial non-uniformity is inferred from high-fidelity flow field information. The methodology is demonstrated to be suitable for incorporation into compressor design systems.

A Technique Applicable to the Aerodynamic Design of Inducer-type Multistage Axial-flow Compressors

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A method is presented for the preliminary design of high-pressure-ratio multistage axial-low compressors using the solid-body inducer design in which the first stage has the radial total-temperature distribution required to make the second-stage inlet axial velocity constant radially. The remaining stages have constant power input radially constant inlet axial velocities. Typical preliminary design calculations are presented for inlet hub-tip ratios of 0.40, 0.50, and 0.60 with weight flows ranging from 20.0 to 32.5 pounds per square foot of frontal area and average pressure ratios per stage ranging from 1.28 to 1.38. SOme of the effects of specific weight flow, rotational speed, hub-tip ratio, turning angle, and inlet air angle on power input, amount of radial flow, and over-all pressure ratio are investigated.

Design of a 1500 Ft/Sec, Transonic, High-through-Flow, Single-Stage Axial-Flow Compressor with Low Hub/Tip Ratio

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This report describes the aerodynamic design of a transonic axial- flow compressor inlet stage designed for high flow rate per unit frontal area and relatively high aerodynamic loading. The performance objectives of this stage were derived from a preliminary design study of a multi-stage compressor for an advanced turbojet engine. The design goals chosen included a tip speed of 1500 ft/sec, a flow rate of 39.7 lb/sec per square foot of frontal area, a stage total pressure ratio of 1.91 and a stage isentropic efficiency of 0.83. The techniques used in the preliminary and detail designs are described. The complete aerodynamic flow field pertaining to the design point is defined on twenty-one stream surfaces, and radial and meridional distributions of significant parameters are presented. Finally, the detailed flowpath geometry is defined and airfoil coordinates are included for both stream surfaces and cartesian manufacturing sections.

ASME Technical Papers

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Design and Tests of a Six-stage Axial-flow Compressor Having a Tip Speed of 550 Feet Per Second and a Flat Operating Characteristic at Constant Speed

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A six-stage axial-flow compressor with a tip speed of 550 feet per second and a flat operating characteristics at constant speed has been designed and tested. It was designed for a constant power input per pound of flow in expectation that this would result in a wider mass-flow operating range at a given stagnation-presssure ratio. The design specific weight flow was 21.3 pounds per second per square foot of frontal area at atmospheric discharge with a stagnation-pressure ratio of 3.25 and an inlet hub-tip radius ratio of 0.7. Several configurations consisting of various blade setting angles and solidities were tested. Tests showed that the design flow, pressure ratio, and flat operating characteristic were obtained over a range of 10 percent of design flow at a peak efficiency of 82 percent for design conditions. The compressor had a possible immediate application for air removal from a large slotted-throat transonic wind tunnel, but the design theory could apply to any low-speed industrial compressor or second spool of a turbojet engine.

Development of a Methodology to Estimate Aero-performance and Aero-operability Limits of a Multistage Axial Flow Compressor for Use in Preliminary Design

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The preliminary design of multistage axial compressors in gas turbine engines is typically accomplished with mean-line methods. These methods, which rely on empirical correlations, estimate compressor performance well near the design point, but may become less reliable off-design. For land-based applications of gas turbine engines, off-design performance estimates are becoming increasingly important, as turbine plant operators desire peaking or load-following capabilities and hot-day operability. The current work implements a one-dimensional stage stacking procedure, including a new blockage term, which is used to estimate off-design compressor performance and operability range of a 13-stage axial compressor used for power generation. The procedure utilizes stage characteristics which are constructed from computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations of groups of stages. The stage stacking estimates match well with CFD results. These CFD results are used to assess a metric which estimates the stall limiting stages.


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A First Principles Based Methodology for Design of Axial Compressor Configurations

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Axial compressors are widely used in many aerodynamic applications. The design of an axial compressor configuration presents many challenges. Until recently, compressor design was done using 2-D viscous flow analyses that solve the flow field around cascades or in meridional planes or 3-D inviscid analyses. With the advent of modern computational methods it is now possible to analyze the 3-D viscous flow and accurately predict the performance of 3-D multistage compressors. It is necessary to retool the design methodologies to take advantage of the improved accuracy and physical fidelity of these advanced methods. In this is study, a first-principles based multi-objective technique for designing single stage compressors is described. The study accounts for stage aerodynamic characteristics, rotor-stator interactions and blade elastic deformations. A parametric representation of compressor blades that include leading and trailing edge camber line angles, thickness and camber distributions was used in this study A design of experiment approach is used to reduce the large combinations of design variables into a smaller subset. A response surface method is used to approximately map the output variables as a function of design variables. An optimized configuration is determined as the extremum of all extrema. This method has been applied to a rotor-stator stage similar to NASA Stage 35. The study has two parts: a preliminary study where a limited number of design variables were used to give an understanding of the important design variables for subsequent use, and a comprehensive application of the methodology where a larger, more complete set of design variables are used. The extended methodology also attempts to minimize the acoustic fluctuations at the rotor-stator interface by considering a rotor-wake influence coefficient (RWIC). Results presented include performance map calculations at design and off-design speed along with a detailed visualization of the flow field at design and off-design conditions. The present methodology provides a way to systematically screening through the plethora of design variables. By selecting the most influential design parameters and by optimizing the blade leading edge and trailing edge mean camber line angles, phenomenon's such as tip blockages, blade-to-blade shock structures and other loss mechanisms can be weakened or alleviated. It is found that these changes to the configuration can have a beneficial effect on total pressure ratio and stage adiabatic efficiency, thereby improving the performance of the axial compression system. Aeroacoustic benefits were found by minimizing the noise generating mechanisms associated with rotor wake-stator interactions. The new method presented is reliable, low time cost, and easily applicable to industry daily design optimization of turbomachinery blades.