Government Reference Books

Book Description

Parasites, Pests, and Predators

Book Description

Invertebrates; Effects of parasites on animal and meat production; Means of dissemination of parasites; Control of parasites by Chemotherapy; Genetic control of parasites; Biological control of parasites; Parasiticides and the environment; Public health significance of animal parasites; Intestinal Protozoa; Blood Protozoa; Flukes of domestic animals; Tapeworms; Trichostrongylosis in ruminants; Ascaridoses of domesticated animals; Equine strongylosis; Lungworms of ruminants; Flies and myiasis; Mange mites and other parasitic mites; Ticks; Importance of immunology in relation to parasitism and animal production; Vertebrates; Vertebrate predators, competitors and disease carriers of livestock introduction and overview; Predators of Southern Africa; Asian predators of livestock; Australian predators of livestock; Large mammal and bird predators of livestock in North America; Reptilian and small mammalian predators of livestock in North America; Wild Ungulates as competitors of livestock; European rabbit and hare as pests of livestock; Competition of rodents and other small mammals with livestock in the United States; Livestock diseases caused; Effects of vampire bats and paralytic rabies on livestock production.