Urban Water Supply and Sanitation

Book Description

South Asia Rural Development Series. India's economic policies are aimed at increasing economic growth, improving market efficiency and competitiveness, and integrating the Indian economy with global markets. Much of the population and industrial growth is expected to occur in urban centers. Consequently, the demands on the Urban Water Supply and Sanitation sector (UWSS), will be great. Urban Water Supply and Sanitation states the UWSS sector needs urgent attention both to meet these new demands and to ensure that all city-dwellers have access to basic services at reasonable costs. This book outlines the way forward which includes a discussion on institutional reform and financial reform as well an action plan.

Gender Equality Results Case Study

Book Description

The Urban Water Supply and Environmental Improvement Project sought to provide basic services of water supply, sanitation, and garbage collection and disposal in four cities in Madhya Pradesh, India. Over 5.6 million people benefited from improved water supply, while half a million people benefited from an improved wastewater management system and 4.7 million people benefited from an improved solid waste management system. These changes positively impacted the lives of the local community, in particular women and girls, who are primarily responsible for water management.

Pricing Urban Water

Book Description

High population growth, informal settlements, and organizational and financial mismanagement represent major challenges for the water supply in many cities in developing countries. This book contributes to solving those problems by identifying systematic shortcomings and proposing solutions to improve the financial conditions in two representative cities: Hyderabad and Varanasi. Serious improvements are necessary for the further development of the water supply and sanitation networks in these areas. Pricing Urban Water offers a theoretical introduction to economics of the water sector, including the theory of water pricing and tariff systems, combined with detailed analyses of the water supply and sanitation infrastructure as well as of the municipal suppliers of Hyderabad and Varanasi. Introducing a method for estimating future water production costs in both cities serves as the basis for a tariff revision, which is put forward as one solution to improve the poor financial conditions both suppliers are in. Besides the revision of the tariff systems, some considerations on how to supply and charge urban poor and on the inclusion of private borewells in the tariffs are part of the discussion. Changes in both the organizational structure of the service providers and in the current delivery and use of the services are presented as further solutions to the problems in this sector.

Drinking Water Security in Rural India

Book Description

This book highlights the multi-pronged strategy for achieving sustainable rural domestic water supply in India. It deepens the understanding of groundwater (predominant source of water supply) behaviour in response to natural processes in different geological settings, analyses the factors influencing the performance of water supply schemes; identifies the conditions under which groundwater-based drinking water sources become sustainable, suggests measures for improving the sustainability of drinking water wells in hard rock regions (covering 2/3rd of India’s geographical area), presents a decision-making framework for planning rural water supply schemes in the country for ensuring long-term sustainability, and suggests physical strategies and policy measures for achieving them. The analyses for development and validation of various models that explain groundwater system behaviour and performance of rural water supply schemes are undertaken for different geological settings in Maharashtra, as the state represents a microcosm of the various hydrological, topographical, and geohydrological conditions encountered in the country. The final analysis for proposing nation-wide strategies considers the various hydrological, geological, geohydrological, and topographical and climatic settings and groundwater contamination and pollution in the country.