India's Lost Frontier

Book Description

In this exhaustive study of the NWFP and its adjoining area of Afghanistan, Raghvendra Singh argues that with an increasingly powerful China knocking on India's door, it is imperative to recognize that the docile acceptance of NWFP's loss in 1947 may have serious consequences for India's security in times to come.

Tibet: The Lost Frontier

Book Description

Delving deep into the history of the Roof of the World, this book introduces us to one of the greatest tragedies of modern times, its principal characters as well as the forces impelling them, consciously or unconsciously. The main ‘knot’ of our ‘drama’ was staged in 1950. During this ‘fateful’ year the dice of fate was thrown. There are turning points in history when it is possible for events to go one way or the other — when the tides of time seem poised between the flood and the ebb, when fate awaits our choice to strike its glorious or sombre note, and the destiny of an entire nation hangs in balance. The year 1950 was certainly one such crucial year in the destinies of India, Tibet and China. The three nations had the choice of moving towards peace and collaboration, or tension and confrontation. Decisions can be made with all good intentions — as in the case of Nehru who believed in an ‘eternal friendship’ with China, or with uncharitable motives of Mao. Decisions can be made out of weakness, greed, pragmatism, ignorance or fear; but once an option is excercised, consequences unfold for years and decades to follow. In strategic terms, Tibet is critical to South Asia and South-east Asia. Rather the Tibetan plateau holds the key to the peace, security and well being of Asia, and the world as such. This study of the history of Tibet, a nation sandwiched between two giant neighbours, will enable better understanding of the geopolitics influencing the tumultuous relations between India and China, particularly in the backdrop of border disputes and recent events in Tibet.

How the Indians Lost Their Land

Book Description

Between the early 17th century and the early 20th, nearly all U.S. land was transferred from American Indians to whites. Banner argues that neither simple coercion nor simple consent reflects the complicated legal history of land transfers--time, place, and the balance of power between Indians and settlers decided the outcome of land struggles.

The Lost Frontier

Book Description

"The success of The Shipping News and the film of Brokeback Mountain brought Proulx international recognition, but their success merely confirms what literary critics have known for some time: Proulx is one of the most provocative and stylistically innovative writers in America today. She is at her best in the short story format, and the best of these are to be found in her Wyoming trilogy, in which she turns her eye on America's West-both past and present. Yet despite the vast amount of print expended reviewing her books, there has been nothing published on the Wyoming Stories. There is appetite for such a work; the plethora of critical work on McCarthy''s Border Trilogy indicates that the reinvention of the West is a subject for serious academic study."--Provided by publisher.

The Lost Frontier

Book Description

A visual autobiography and portfolio of one of the West’s famous trial attorneys. The Lost Frontier features a generous and dazzling collection of the author’s own paintings and photographs, vividly embellishing his story of growing up in the Depression and his evolution as an attorney and advocate for the disenfranchised. Most importantly, it uniquely documents his life in and relationship with his beloved state of Wyoming. With an unabashedly iconoclastic view of how things are and how they should be, these images and words could only have been created by Gerry Spence. Gerry Spence is a well-known trial attorney who has tried and won many nationally known cases, including the Karen Silkwood case and the defense of Imelda Marcos. He also founded the Trial Lawyers College, which established a revolutionary method for training lawyers for the people. He is the author of sixteen books, including the best-seller How to Argue and Win Every Time, and has been a frequent commentator on television, including serving as legal consultant for NBC covering the O. J. Simpson trial. He lives in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, with his wife of forty years, Imaging.

The Army in India and the Development of Frontier Warfare, 1849-1947

Book Description

This comprehensive study is the first scholarly account explaining how the British and Indian armies adapted to the peculiar demands of fighting an irregular tribal opponent in the mountainous no-man's-land between India and Afghanistan. It does so by discussing how a tactical doctrine of frontier fighting was developed and 'passed on' to succeeding generations of soldiers. As this book conclusively demonstrates this form of colonial warfare always exerted a powerful influence on the organisation, equipment, training and ethos of the Army in India.

Contemporary India as Captured by Bollywood

Book Description

The manuscript starts with a question how does a country with so much diversities like India claim to be a nation? What glues it together? It then suggests that Bollywood has in the last hundred years acted as one of the glues that binds the country together and that it has represented the feelings and aspiration of the country commendably. It has also become the inner voice that introspects and questions the society and behaves as a collective moral compass. To further this theory, the seventy odd years of post- independence is divided into four periods. Films released in each period is shown, not just to reflect the period but to comment on the need for change. For example the highlighting of problems of dowry in early 1950’s to 1980’s which evolved from a custom to demand due to greed, resulted in legislations to protect women. Similarly, the issue of triple talak highlighted in early 1980’s leading to recent legislation on the subject. Analyzing the evolution of story telling and nature of presentation, the book concludes that since late nineties, Hindi movies have been screaming the failure of the judiciary, with initial movies showing system failure, then corrupt lawyers to now questionable judges. The book thus contrary to recent trends of being critical of the industry highlights the significant role it has played in contemporary times.

The Last Frontier: People and forests in Mizoram

Book Description

The last frontier: people and forests in Mizoram details the relationship between the people and their environment, and between the environment and development. It is set in Mizoram, one of the seven states of the ecologically complex north-eastern region, a land where society and culture present a fascinating blend of tradition and modernity whose history and polity varies from that of most other parts of India. The book traces the environmental history of Mizoram, beginning in the nineteenth century, through colonial rule and into the post-Independence period. It examines the nature of biophysical resources and the influence of human activities on them. Finally, the management of forests by people and the state is analysed, including a detailed discussion on the system of shifting cultivation. Table of Contents: List of figures List of tables Foreword by Dr T N Khoshoo Preface Introduction: The last frontier Part I: An environmental history of Mizoram Chapter 1: The regime of village republics Settlement in the Lushai hills The supremacy of the village chief Forests: abode of the spirits Shifting cultivation or jhum The influence of people on their environment Parameters of resource use Chapter 2: British occupation of the Lushai Hills Compulsions for conquest Economic importance of the Lushai Hills Instruments of insulation The system of administration The new socio-religious order Ecological implications of political events Chapter 3: Forests and fields: colonial land use policy State control over forests The system of commercial extraction of forest produce Revenue from forests The traders’ lobby Game versus vermin The continuance of shifting cultivation New farming methods The drift of public policy Chapter 4: The creation of Mizoram The route to self rule A limited taste of freedom The struggle for Independence From Union Territory to State Isolation, alienation, and regionalism Public participation in governance Legitimizing shifting cultivation Forests for the people Implications for resource use Chapter 5: The roots of environmental change Religion Education Community relations Growth and distribution of population Occupational mobility Urbanization Land use policies Part II: Management of resources: between people and the State Chapter 6: Physiography, land cover, and land use Geomorphology Land forms Climate Soils Types of vegetation cover Land use Chapter 7: Forests, their form and features The extent of forests Basic characteristics The quality of forest resources The wood and bamboo balance Chapter 8: Keepers of the forest The existence of village forest reserves Norms governing village forests Changes in area of village forests Availability of forest produce Control by the village council Imperatives of local management Forests in the hands of the State The incidence of encroachment Regulating commercial use of forests Afforestation programmes Imperatives of governmental management Chapter 9: How shifting cultivation works The element of collectivity Community management of shifting cultivation Preferred sites for j humming Allotment of jhum plots Clearing the forest Burning Sowing Weeding Harvesting The element of uncertainty Chapter 10: The tenacity of shifting cultivation The village scenario The dependence on shifting cultivation The duration of jhum cycles Levels of productivity Chapter 11: The environmental impact of shifting cultivation The post-jhum ecosystem Effect on biodiversity Climatic change due to deforestation Floods in the plains The role of fire - Soil erosion and run-off Sustainability of productivity Myth, conjecture, and reality Chapter 12: The new land use policy · A review of past strategies · The old New Land Use Policy · The Jhum Control Project · Changes in the New Land Use Policy · The alternative to shifting cultivation Conclusion: People and forests in Mizoram Appendices 1. Reserved tree species in the Lushai Hills 2. Domestic animals killed by wild animals in the North Lushai Hills as reported by village writers 3. The Lushai Hills District (Jhumming) Regulation, 1954 4. The Mizo District (Forest) Act, 1954 5. Socio-economic data of Mizoram 6. Agricultural statistics 7. Distribution of slope categories for select river catchments 8. Physical characteristics of soils in Mizoram 9. Tree species found in major forest types 10. Nature of slopes used in shifting cultivation 11. Percentage shares of land use categories in Mizoram 12. General characteristics of vegetation cover in Mizoram 13. Vegetation cover by strata 14. Growing stock per hectare by strata 15. Percentage distribution of stems per hectare by diameter class 16. Major species contributing to basal area in each stratum 17. Wood and bamboo consumption 18. The existence of village forest reserves 19. Changes in the extent of village forest reserves 20. Availability of trees and bamboos for domestic use 21. Detection of offences committed in safety and supply reserves 22. Revenue from forests 23. Carrying capacity of land under shifting cultivation: Mampui and Sairep village (1962) 24. Jhum cycles in Mizoram 25. Shifting cultivation in sample villages 26. Pattern of secondary succession after jhumming at Burnihat 27. Soil and water losses due to shifting cultivation 28. Farming systems research by ICAR RCNEHR (Shillong) at Burnihat: 1976-89 29. Rice production in Mizoram 30. Promising crops for cultivation in the north-eastern region References Index List of figures 1. The location of Mizoram and the north-eastern region in India 2. Territories occupied by Mizo tribes before the British rule 3. The location of places mentioned in chapter 2 and chapter 3 4. Mizoram: geology 5. Mizoram: rivers 6. Mizoram: soil nutrient status 7. Mizoram: forest reserves List of tables Revenue obtained from the hill areas of Eastern Bengal and Assam, 1903-04 Receipts from forests of the Lushai hills district (in rupees, annas, paise) Number of wild animals killed for which rewards were paid: 1943-44 to 1947-48 Percentage of literacy by sea Percentage distribution of total main workers * (approximate estimate based on 1991 census) Area under different categories of slope The pattern of land use in Mizoram (1987-89) Average soil loss and affected area (estimated for five catchments) Extent of vegetation cover in Mizoram (1975-76) Land use and land cover by thematic mapping (1989) District-wise extent of forest (1987-89) The extent of forests by different sources The extent of vegetation cover by type Growing stock of trees and bamboo by strata Species diversity of strata The legal status of forest Family labour involved in clearing forest Gross village income by source in Hmunpui (1964-65) Output-input ratios of cultivation Early succession at Burnihat and Sesawng Coverage of the New Land Use Policy

Indian Defence Review Vol 30.4 (Oct-Dec 2015)

Book Description

IN THIS VOLUME: Propping up Proxies: India’s Inimical Neighbourhood – Lt Gen JS Bajwa (Editor) ---------------------------------------------------- INDIAN DEFENCE REVIEW COMMENT Indian Air Force: 2025 – Air Marshal Anil Chopra ---------------------------------------------------- PLAAF: Rising Challenge for the IAF – Gp Capt B Menon Pakistan Air Force Today: Implications for India – Gp Capt B Menon LCA Tejas: The never ending wait! – Air Marshal Anil Chopra The IAF and its need for close Air Support – Sqn Ldr Vijainder K Thakur Need for an Indian Marine Force – Col JK Achuthan Taiwan – Why Shy Full Relations? – Lt Gen Prakash Katoch India - Taiwan Relations: A Comprehensive Security Perspective – Tien-Sze Fang BRICS: A Strategic Self Appraisal – S Rajasimman India’s Military Might: The Real Truth – Lt Gen Amarjeet S Chabbewal Flexible Reach: Balancing the IAF’s Air Transport Fleet – Gp Capt Joseph Noronha Future of Rotary Wing Craft – Gp Capt AK Sachdev Aerospace and Defence News – Priya Tyagi No place to Hide: Latest Developments in Air Defence Missiles – Gp Capt Joseph Noronha Will advances in UAVs Edge out Manned Aircraft? – Gp Capt AK Sachdev What Ails India’s Defence Industrial Complex? – Lt Gen Prakash Katoch MSMES in Defence Production: A Neglected Sector – Air Marshal Dhiraj Kukreja Russian Domination of the Syrian Battleground – Danvir Singh Petro-Jihadism: The Conspiracy within the Imperishable War in the Arab World – Maj Lal Ananth Splintering Naxalism in India: Maoism or Money? – V Balasubramaniyan