Indian ex-servicemen

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Re-settlement of Ex-servicemen in India

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Study conducted in Bihar and Haryana states.

Of Matters Military

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Regular introspection is the key to the continued good health of an organisation. Complacency breeds degeneration. Hence, issues that affect the wellbeing of the forces must be debated objectively to evolve timely corrective measures. The military is a social organisation, consisting of living human beings who yearn for empathy, love and respect of their countrymen. When mistreated, soldiers wonder if the nation understands their trials and tribulations. The organisational structure of the Indian army is like a steep pyramid. Supersession is inevitable and hits hard. On analysing this sensitive issue, the book recommends that the officers who are superseded must be handled with due compassion. The tower of the Indian army is built on the twin pillars of committed leadership and motivated soldiers. Both are intrinsically linked and are mutually contingent. The book highlights the need to diligently follow well-evolved norms for the continued sustenance of the army. Finally, whereas the welfare of ex-servicemen is the hallmark of all great nations, it is equally important for the veterans to help in nation-building programmes.

Free India's Army

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A Talent for War

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Lt Gen Sagat Singh is unarguably the only military genius post independence India has produced. He commenced his military career through humble beginnings in the Bikaner State Forces with only a smattering knowledge of English. At the outbreak of World War 2 he was commissioned as an officer and served in the Middle East with his Battalion and on staff. By the time the War was over he was the only officer to have done two staff courses, including the prestigious course at Quetta. On being absorbed into the Indian Army after Independence, he was transferred to 3rd Gorkha Rifles, where he commanded two battalions. He was given command of the Para Brigade on promotion and led it in the Goa Operations with aplomb. He was primarily responsible for liberating this Portuguese Colony. Sagat's drive and energy stood out. On promotion as Major General, he commanded 17 Mountain Division in Sikkim, where in 1967, in a bloody skirmish which lasted several days, he gave the Chinese a bloody nose, proving that the Indian Army was no pushover. That year he was transferred to Shillong and tasked to curb the Mizo Insurgency. In two years he succeeded in doing so effectively. In 1970, he was promoted to Lt Gen and given command of 4 Corps. It seemed his whole life was geared to leading a Corps into battle. In 1971, in a major logistic achievement he moved and staged his Corps at Agartala. When operations commenced to liberate Bangladesh, his Corps relentlessly attacked and defeated Pakistan forces, crossed river lines and terrain considered impassable. His innovative use of helicopters has never been repeated. His is the only example in the Indian Army of a successful corps level campaign, which can stand out historically. His knowledge of the operational art was perhaps without parallel. He retired in Dec 1974 and settled down in Jaipur, where till his death in 2001, he tried to ameliorate the lives of ex-servicemen and his people. His achievements were recognised by the Government of Bangladesh, when the President, publicly and formally honoured his son and daughter-in-law in Mar 2013.

Olive Green Home Truths

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In the Indian context.

Territorial Army

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I would encourage every patriotic Indian looking to contribute to the defence of our motherland to read this book to draw their respective course of actions. – Anil Sharma, Producer-Director of Bollywood movie Gadar In the present global environment, to protect their freedom and territorial integrity, countries need armed forces. To complement such forces, reserves are required. This can be met by the creation of a body of part-time soldiers in the form of a territorial army with short-training spells on weekends and holidays. This body, which is fondly known as the citizens’ army across the world, can be formed out of all able-bodied men and women who are willing to defend their motherland; and in the normal course are engaged in their respective civilian occupations. The officers of this type of army, including those in high staff and leadership positions from the corporate world or otherwise, would principally be citizen-soldiers supported by a limited number of professional soldiers from the regular army. These regular soldiers would comprise the staff and command appointments which require continuity and full-time commitments; and who would also perform permanent technical, administrative and training assignments. Nations which adopt this kind of a military system assume a large and ready defence force of immediate combat value, at a cost to the exchequer, far below that of the more familiar nature of military systems.