Tradition and Modernity. Changing the Images of Women in Selected Fiction by Manju Kapur and Anita Nair

Book Description

Along with a range of socio-cultural, political and economic concerns, the focus on ‘self’ has been an inevitable assertion of writers during the last quarter of the twentieth century. Individualistic in tone, the contemporary women novelists are trying to portray realistically the predicament of modern women torn between the forces of tradition and modernity, their sense of frustration and alienation, the emotional and psychological turmoil and complexities of man-women relationships and subtleties of feminine consciousness against the persistent patriarchal social set-up. Cognizant of the evils originating from patriarchy, a positive sense of feminine identity has been recognized by them and the result is the emergence of a new woman in Indian society and its concept in the Indian English novel which has assumed a strident posture in the contemporary writings by women. The shift from submission to assertion, acquiescence to resistance and obedience to rebellion, however, has not been abrupt and effortless. Women are still in the process of negotiation with different limiting factors and thresholds of patriarchy to claim their due space and affirm their identity. The present study is an attempt to critically investigate the negotiations with cultural norms by the women characters in the selected novels by the contemporary novelists, namely Manju Kapur and Anita Nair. Almost all the women characters, major and minor, from the selected novels have been considered and positioned as per their ideological leanings and convictions under two thematic chapters namely “Women in the Clutches of Traditional Norms,” and “Tradition to Modernity.” The major issues around which the novels move – education, marriage, gendered space and mother-daughter relationships – are taken up to put them within the contemporary social conditions in which women characters live. The present book is divided into five chapters to make a critical and analytical study of the select novels of these contemporary Indian women writers in English. The present work is focused on five selected novels: Manju Kapur’s “Difficult Daughters”, “Home” and “Custody” and Anita Nair’s “Ladies Coupé” and “Mistress”.

Feminism and Contemporary Indian Women's Writing

Book Description

This book is a comparative and developmental study of the expression of feminist concerns in the novels of Kamala Markandaya, Nayantara Sahgal, Anita Desai, and Shashi Deshpande, among the best known and most prolific Indian novelists writing in English, who have been self-consciously engaged with women's issues during the postcolonial era.

Kamala Markandaya

Book Description

Indian English Literature Has Established Its Credentials All Over The World. Still Litterateurs In This Stream Have To Be Continuously Appraised And Evaluated And Key Issues Like The Impact Of Multiculturality And The Role Assigned To Women Have To Be Confronted And Analysed Threadbare Not Merely In Theory But Also Through The Elucidation Of Key Texts From This Perspective. The Present Volume Scrutinizes Kamala Markandaya S Corpus As Part Of This General Critical Endeavour.The Volume Comprises Scholarly Studies Of Nectar In A Sieve, Possession, A Handful Of Rice, A Silence Of Desire And Pleasure City, Besides Examining In Depth Kamala Markandaya S Rural Sensibility, The Silent Saga Of Suffering Chronicled In Her Novels, Her Philosophic Vision Of Life, Her Portrayal Of Social Tensions And Her Feminist Poetics, Taking A Holistic View Of Her Writings.An Indispensable Source Of Fresh And Innovative Insight Into The Making Of Markandaya S Craft Of Fiction. A Useful Supplement To The Existing Studies Of Her Novels. An Original Perspective On Life, Society, Values, Gender-Issues And Related Areas For Students, Teachers, Researchers Working In The Fields Of Literary Theory, Fiction Studies, Aesthetics, Culture, Philosophy And The Sociology Of Literature.

Contemporary Indian Women: Modernization and women's development

Book Description

Dynamics Of Social Status Of Women Is The Most Researched Subject Today In Developing Countries Like India Where Women'S Quest For Equality With Men Has BecomeThe Need Of The Hour. However, We Need Integrated Approach For The Upliftment Of Women Which Pre-Supposes Knowledge About Different Aspects Of Women'S Life.An Attempt Has Been Made In This Six Volumes Set To Highlight Some Of The BurningIssues Related To Indian Women. The Themes Covered In This Set Are As Under: Vol. 1: Modernization And Women;S DevelopmentVol. 2: Violence And ExploitationVol. 3: Kinship, Family And MarriageVol. 4: Politics, Awareness And Women'S MovementsVol. 5: Eduation And HealthVol. 6: Changing Status And Emerging Problems

Tradition and Modernity Among Indian Women

Book Description

Women In Ancient India Played A Dynamic Role In Hindu Society. During The Muslim Period, Indian Woman Had To Adapt Her Role According To Changing Circumstances And Social Evils Like Child Marriage And Purdah System Came Into Vogue And Women s Status Under Went Subservient. Indian Women Have Responded To Modern Conditions In A Very Progressive Way. Indian Woman Have Made Its Mark In The Field Of Politics, Education And Professions. Inspite Of High Illiteracy Rate Among Indian Women, India Has Produced Eminent Indian Women In The Post Independence Period. This Book Examines The Role Of Indian Women In A Historical And Comparative Perspectives. The Book It Is Hoped Will Be Found Useful By Social Scientists, Policy Planners And National Leaders.

Indian Women's Writing in English

Book Description

"This is a remarkable collection of information on Indian women's writing written originally in English. Beginning from the 19th century, it introduces 444 writers of poetry and fiction. Now, it has been a part of common critical parlance to say that the Indian English women's writing is in ascendance. One aim of this bibliography is to illustrate this phenomenon and to emphasise the variety of writing. Writers included in the bibliography come from all over India and from the Indian diaspora all over the world. Another aim of this bibliography is to make us aware of the constructed nature of writerhood. A given writer's texts do not exist and circulate in a vacuum but in a context. We can see that Indian English women's writing is taking place. But, what we do not see is the critical establishment, that is, literary scholars and critics, taking much note of it."

An Annotated Bibliography of Indian English Fiction

Book Description

Endeavouring To Accomplish An Intract-Able Tight Rope Walking, Indian English Literature Seeks To Incorporate Indian Themes And Experience In A Blend Of Indian And Western Aesthetics. What The Diverse Dimensions Of The Indian Experience And The Evolving Literary Form Are And Whether The Former Reconciles With The Latter Or Not Is Sought To Be Examined In The Present Volume Of This Anthology. A Strikingly Fresh Perspective On The Hitherto Unexplored Areas Of Old Works. A Bold And Incisive Critique Of New Works.

Indian English Women's Fiction

Book Description

The Present Book Traces The Background To Indian English Women S Fiction, Excluding The Translated Texts, From The Late Nineteenth Century Novels Of Toru Dutt, Krupabai Satthianadhan, And Shevantibai M. Nikambe. Almost All The Twentieth Century Major Works Of Leading Women Writers Such As Kamala Markandaya, Nayantara Sahgal, Anita Desai, Kamala Das, Gita Mehta, Shashi Deshpande, Shobha De To The Emerging Novelists Like Anjana Appachana, Namita Gokhale, Githa Hariharan, Manju Kapur Have Been Studied In Depth To Discuss The Issues Of Marriage, Career And Divorce. The Book Attempts To Delve Into The Life Of Educated Women And Traces The Answers To The Followings:" What Kind Of Marriage Should The Women Undergo: Arranged Marriage Or Love Marriage Or Love-Cum-Arranged Marriage? " What Is The Difference Between A Job And A Career?" What Kind Of Career Should They Choose?" Who Is Going To Determine What Career To Choose?" What Career Options Do The Women Have?" Do Women Want Separation Or Divorce And Why?" What Is The Right Time For Divorce? There Are Many Other Feministic Issues Which Have Been Approached To Realistically And Analytically, With Special Reference To Several Literary Works.The Present Book Thus Offers An In-Depth Study Of Elite Women On One Hand And Caters To The Academic Needs Of Students And Researchers Of Indian English Women Fiction On The Other. The General Readers Will Definitely Find It A Real Eye-Opener And Also Interesting.