Indications géographiques : perspectives globales et locales / Geographical indications : global and local perspectives

Book Description

Cet ouvrage constitue le neuvième volume de la collection p®opriété intelle©tuelle – intelle©tual p®operty ( Il rassemble les contributions qui ont été rédigées à l’occasion de la Journée de Droit de la Propriété Intellectuelle ( organisée le 11 février 2016 à l’Université de Genève sur le thème « Indications géographiques : Perspectives globales et locales /Geographical Indications : Global and Local perspectives ». Dans notre monde globalisé et connecté qui tend à annihiler frontières et distances géographiques, l’on pourrait penser de prime abord que les rattachements territoriaux des produits et services n’ont plus de sens et n’ont dès lors plus lieu d’être (protégés). Tel n’est assurément pas le cas. L’on doit bien au contraire constater que la globalisation des échanges et de l’économie est loin d’effacer le besoin d’ancrage géographique des produits et services pour les parties prenantes concernées, qu’il s’agisse des clients (peut-être de plus en plus) sensibles à l’origine des produits et services qu’ils consomment, des producteurs de biens et des fournisseurs des services concernés toujours à la recherche d’un avantage compétitif, mais aussi des États qui perçoivent eux aussi l’intérêt à se démarquer sur un marché global très concurrentiel. Outre sa puissance symbolique – qu’il suffise de mentionner ici la désignation « Swissness » ou « Suissitude » telle qu’elle résulte des nouvelles réglementations suisses –, un rattachement géographique peut incontestablement avoir une valeur économique considérable qui appelle ainsi une protection légale efficace. C’est à l’analyse de différents aspects internationaux, régionaux et locaux de cette large thématique que s’attachent les contributions qui composent le présent ouvrage. Que les auteurs de celles-ci trouvent ici l’expression de notre gratitude pour les remarquables réflexions qu’ils y ont exposées. Nos remerciements s’adressent aussi à M. Pierre Heuzé qui a une nouvelle fois très efficacement assumé les travaux d’édition de ce nouvel ouvrage de la collection.

The Protection of Geographical Indications in China

Book Description

For some time now, there has been conflict concerning the role in the global marketplace of certain agricultural or handcrafted products of specific geographical origin: whether they should come under trademark law (as favoured by common law countries such as the United States) or under the geographical indications (GI) system developed in France and subsequently promoted by the European Union (EU). At this moment, China is in the eye of the storm. Taking fully into account the legislative and judicial gaps in China’s compromised embrace of the GI concept, this book shows how the Chinese case brings to prominence fundamental issues relating to the functional dissimilarity between trademarks and GIs, the treatment of the terroir concept, the role of GIs in rural development, and the challenges of adopting the French and European model in other countries, especially in East Asia. Providing detailed information on how GIs are registered, protected, and managed in China, France, and the EU, the book includes such practical analysis as the following: comparison between the Chinese and European GI systems to highlight differences in essential elements for GI registration and protection; mistakes and errors arising from forcing the GI function into trademark law; the increasingly larger scope of EU GI protection, protection of collective marks containing GIs, and the extension of GI protection to handicrafts; who is responsible for the protection of each registered name and who can sue for infringement; and legislative options for future GI protection in China. Recognizing not only that GIs protect consumers against fraud and producers against unfair competition but also that the goals include the preservation of rural development, cultural heritage, and traditional knowledge, as well as environmental and ecological protection, this book provides a comprehensive reference on legal tools available for policymakers, legal practitioners, researchers, and local producers concerned with GI or trademark issues in China, France, or the EU. It will prove greatly helpful to corporate lawyers filing international registration applications and taking legal action. It will also be of inestimable value to officials in a variety of countries that are considering developing or improving systems to enhance the value of terroir products, and to academics interested in intellectual property law, trademark law, agriculture policy, GI legislation, or World Trade Organization (WTO) rules.

Droit d’auteur 4.0 / Copyright 4.0

Book Description

Cet ouvrage rassemble les contributions consacrées au droit d’auteur à l’ère du numérique et présentées lors de la Journée de Droit de la Propriété Intellectuelle ( organisée le 22 février 2017 à l’Université de Genève. Ces contributions sont: Blocage de sites web en droit suisse : des injonctions civiles et administratives de blocage au séquestre pénal (Yaniv Benhamou) ; Website Blocking Injunctions-a decade of development (Jo Oliver/Elena Blobel) ; Le marché numérique européen : enseignements de la jurisprudence de la Cour de justice et perspectives règlementaires (Jean-Michel Bruguière) ; User-generated Content and Other Digital Copyright Challenges: A North American Perspective (Ysolde Gendreau) ; Copyright in the Digital Age: A view from Asia (Wenwei Guan) ; Deep Copyright: Up - and Downstream Questions Related to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) (Daniel Schoenberger).

Accords de technologie / Technology Transactions

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Patent Transactions. Limited regulation in the multilateral legal framework and diverse legislation and practice at the country level (Marco M. Aleman) ; International Technology Transactions from a Development Perspective (Christoph Spennemann) ; International IP transactions: arguments for developing a UN standard (Mark Anderson) ; IT Agreements - from software to cloud services (Philippe Gilliéron) ; Accords de technologie et droit de la concurrence: de l’approche plus économique à la saisie par l’abus de position dominante (Adrien Alberini).


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This book is a comprehensive study of secession from an international law perspective.

The Law of Geographical Indications

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Over time, a product made in a specific place can develop a unique reputation. This reputation is often due to special characteristics present in the place: its people, its climate and its landscape. There are thousands of examples. In the food and drinks sector there are fruits and vegetables, wines, cheeses and cured meats: Champagne; Chedder, Parma ham and Tipperary turnips. In manufacturers there are Persian carpets, Murano glass, Toledo steel and Japanese electronics. Should all these reputations be protected by law and if so how? This book "The Law of Geographical Indications" addresses these questions. The book examines what names can and cannot be protected in national and international law and the nature of the protection given. In the last years there has been a rapid expansion of the protection given to geographical indications. The book looks at the specific systems adopted in some countries and the general systems in others. Protection is most developed in Europe and specific attention is given to the rules in the European Union and the bilateral agreements the EU has forged with many third countries. The book also examines protection in international law from the 1883 Paris Convention on the protection of intellectual property in general to the more recent TRIPs Agreement in the WTO. Also examined are the two most controversial legal issues surrounding the protection of geographical indications, namely, conflicts between trademarks and geographical indications and the generic character of certain names.

Terra 2008

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Earthen architecture constitutes one of the most diverse forms of cultural heritage and one of the most challenging to preserve. It dates from all periods and is found on all continents but is particularly prevalent in Africa, where it has been a building tradition for centuries. Sites range from ancestral cities in Mali to the palaces of Abomey in Benin, from monuments and mosques in Iran and Buddhist temples on the Silk Road to Spanish missions in California. This volume's sixty-four papers address such themes as earthen architecture in Mali, the conservation of living sites, local knowledge systems and intangible aspects, seismic and other natural forces, the conservation and management of archaeological sites, research advances, and training.

Knowing our lands and resources

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Bonded Labour

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Parallel to the abolition of Atlantic slavery, new forms of indentured labour stilled global capitalism's need for cheap, disposable labour. The famous 'coolie trade' - mainly Asian labourers transferred to French and British islands in the Indian Ocean, Australia, Indonesia, South Africa, the Caribbean, the Americas, as well as to Portuguese colonies in Africa - was one of the largest migration movements in global history. Indentured contract workers are perhaps the most revealing example of bonded labour in the grey area between the poles of chattel slavery and 'free' wage labour. This interdisciplinary volume addresses historically and regionally specific cases of bonded labour relations from the 18th century to sponsorship systems in the Arab Gulf States today.

Land Grabbing and Migration in a Changing Climate

Book Description

This book provides a theoretical and empirical examination of the links between environmental change, land grabbing, and migration, drawing on research conducted in Senegal and Cambodia. While the impacts of environmental change on migration and of environmental discourses on land grabs have received increased attention, the role of both environmental and migration narratives in shaping migration by modifying access to natural resources has remained under-explored. Using a variegated geopolitical ecology framework and a comparative global ethnographic approach, this book analyses the power of mainstream adaptation and security frameworks and how they impact the lives of marginalised and vulnerable communities in Senegal and Cambodia. Findings across the cases show how environmental and migration narratives, linked to adaptation and security discourses, have been deployed advertently or inadvertently to justify land capture, leading to interventions that often increase, rather than alleviate, the very pressures that they intend to address. The interrelations between these issues are inherent to the tensions that exist, in different contexts and at different times, between capital accumulation and political legitimation. The findings of the book point to the urgency for researchers and policymakers to address the structural causes, and not the symptoms, of both environmental destruction and forced migration. It shows how acting upon environmental change, land grabs, and migration in isolated or binary manners can increase, rather than alleviate, pressures on those most socio-environmentally vulnerable. This book will be of interest to students, scholars, and practitioners working on the topics of land and resource grabbing and environmental change and migration. The book will also be of interest to those analysing political ecology transitions in Africa and Asia, as well as to those interested in novel theoretical and methodological frameworks.