
Book Description

This comprehensive monograph updates progress in understanding children's language learning and its pathologies. It stresses the neurologic basis of normal language acquisition and the consequences of a variety of disorders using such tools as detailed analysis of language comprehension, production and use, as well as functional brain imaging and electrophysiology. It also underlines the import6ance of subcortical circuitry and inner speech and reviews the unfolding or regression of language of language in focal brain lesions, autism, Williams syndrome and developmental disorders of oral and written language.

Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Cognitive Behavioural Phenotypes

Book Description

In recent years our approach to neurodevelopmental disorders has undergone extraordinary change. This has resulted from tremendous progress in various different disciplines including developmental neuroscience, behavioural and molecular genetics, and developmental neurobiology, and from the very high quality now achievable in neuroimaging and neurophysiological techniques. This publication aims to provide a concise and interdisciplinary approach to the study of the different cognitive/behavioural phenotypes encountered in a wide range of neurodevelopmental disorders. Starting from methodological, nosographic, and assessment premises, the book deals with selected disorders of a defined but still complex genetic aetiology, and concludes with a description of the neuropsychiatric disorders that are most commonly encountered during development.

Advances in Autism Research

Book Description

This book represents one of the most up-to-date collections of articles on clinical practice and research in the field of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). The scholars who contributed to this book are experts in their field, carrying out cutting edge research in prestigious institutes worldwide (e.g., Harvard Medical School, University of California, MIND Institute, King’s College, Karolinska Institute, and many others). The book addressed many topics, including (1) The COVID-19 pandemic; (2) Epidemiology and prevalence; (3) Screening and early behavioral markers; (4) Diagnostic and phenotypic profile; (5) Treatment and intervention; (6) Etiopathogenesis (biomarkers, biology, and genetic, epigenetic, and risk factors); (7) Comorbidity; (8) Adulthood; and (9) Broader Autism Phenotype (BAP). This book testifies to the complexity of performing research in the field of ASD. The published contributions underline areas of progress and ongoing challenges in which more certain data is expected in the coming years. It would be desirable that experts, clinicians, researchers, and trainees could have the opportunity to read this updated text describing the challenging heterogeneity of Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Il primo vocabolario del bambino

Book Description

I bambini imparano a comunicare in tempi straordinariamente rapidi, prima con lo sguardo, le azioni, i gesti e poi, progressivamente, si appropriano di uno strumento ben più complesso e sofisticato che è il linguaggio, o meglio la lingua parlata nell'ambiente che li circonda. * Ma come valutare le prime fasi di questo sviluppo? * Come raccogliere dati attendibili con un bambino di uno-due anni che sta appena cominciando a comunicare nel suo ambiente familiare e che si ritrae o ha paura in contesti nuovi ed estranei? * Come interpretare le capacità comunicative e linguistiche di un bambino rispetto a quelle di coetanei che possono essere considerati "la norma"? A queste esigenze vuole rispondere il Questionario "ll primo vocabolario del bambino" e il manuale che lo accompagna. Lo strumento, che consiste in due schede distinte chiamate l'una "Gesti e Parole" e l'altra "Parole e Frasi", permette di raccogliere dati sistematici sulla comunicazione e il linguaggio nei primi anni di vita, e di valutarli e confrontarli con quelli di altri bambini. I dati riportati nel manuale, infatti, raccolti con circa 700 bambini italiani attraverso l'uso di queste schede, hanno permesso di stabilire dei valori "normativi" di riferimento.