
Book Description

Economía y política petrolera

Book Description

Analisis Economico Aplicado a la Industria Petrolera

Book Description

Analisis economico aplicado a la industria del petroleo, en sus fases de exploracion, produccion, refinacion, transporte y mercadeo. Historia de la industria venezolana. A su tercer siglo continuo de uso global, los hidrocarburos siguen siendo hoy dia la fuente energetica mas importante. Por tal motivo, y dada la complejidad de las evaluaciones requeridas para acometer proyectos de esa naturaleza, proponemos un enfoque integral para su mejor comprension, desarrollando una teoria general de orientacion empirica que hemos denominado "Metodologia Envolvente," que considera la interaccion simultanea de tres conceptos fundamentales. En primer lugar, identificamos una instancia que denominamos "fuente de poder," en la cual se detectan las necesidades de ejecucion de proyectos, se evaluan apropiadamente y se proveen de los recursos necesarios, tanto humanos como de orden financiero, logistico, equipamiento, herramientas, materiales y hasta del tipo de energia requerida. En una segunda sala, analizaremos las "condiciones de entorno," que circundan, determinan y permiten la realizacion de proyectos en la industria de los hidrocarburos, tales como los factores geopoliticos y de mercado, los aspectos legislativos, impositivos, organizacionales y otros. El tercer concepto por considerar, de genero matematico, esta constituido por las diferentes tecnicas de avaluo de proyectos de inversion, que integran los fundamentos de ingenieria economica y varios metodos de avaluo de proyectos, aplicables tanto a campos en desarrollo como en areas exploratorias.

Economía y política petrolera

Book Description

El libro examina los temas mas importantes de la economia energetica y de la industria del petroleo. Consta de siete capitulos en los que se analizan los principales aspectos del tema a tratar. En una primera parte se analiza un analisis teorico de la renta petrolera y el problema del precio del petroleoen una segunda parte se desarrollan los aspectos de la geopolitica de la energia, examinando los comportamientos de los grandes actores: propietarios territoriales, grandes compa?ias y estados consumidores. En la tercera parte se estudia la politica petrolera colombiana en el ultimo periodo, asi como el efecto negativo que tal politica ha causado a la economia nacional. En el ultimo cpitulo a titulo de conclusiones, se avanzan unas propuestas de politica energetica y recursos en sus tres elementos principales: ecologicos, economicos y politicos.

The Mexican Petroleum Industry in the Twentieth Century

Book Description

Mexico's petroleum industry has come to symbolize the very sovereignty of the nation itself. Politicians criticize Pemex, the national oil company, at their peril, and President Salinas de Gortari has made clear that the free trade negotiations between Mexico and the United States will not affect Pemex's basic status as a public enterprise. How and why did the petroleum industry gain such prominence and, some might say, immunity within Mexico's political economy? The Mexican Petroleum Industry in the Twentieth Century, edited by Jonathan C. Brown and Alan Knight, seeks to explain the impact of the oil sector on the nation's economic, political, and social development. The book is a multinational effort—one author is Australian, two British, three North American, and five Mexican. Each contributing scholar has researched and written extensively about Mexico and its oil industry.

The Political Economy of Mexican Oil

Book Description

This work follows upon the author's previous volume, The Political Economy of Venezuelan Oil, and investigates the general workings of the Mexican oil industry in relationship to the economics and politics of Mexico. Specifically the author examines Mexico's state-run oil concern, PEMEX, and the costs and benefits of Mexican oil policy--for the nation as a whole and for special groups. Using in-depth interviews and extensive data from PEMEX and other sources, Randall explores issues such as PEMEX's relationships with workers and the oil union, with suppliers of capital goods and services, with the regions in which oil is produced, and with specific groups of oil consumers. Given the critical and negative publicity PEMEX has received over its lifetime, Randall also seeks to answer questions regarding the extent of corruption, overstaffing, and lax management within PEMEX, which she finds to be less than is often alleged. Students of energy and development economics will find Randall's study an important contribution to the literature of Latin American economic policy. In addition to examining the internal workings of PEMEX, Randall describes and analyzes measures taken to correct earlier abuses and to increase efficiency. She reveals the intricate relationships among Mexican oil production, OPEC, the United States, and other nations, and explores the contradictory aspects of Mexican economic and oil policies that inhibit the ability of the oil industry to reach official goals. Throughout, Randall traces the transformation of PEMEX from a nationalized industry that mainly produced crude oil for export to one that has expanded to include refined products and petrochemicals. As a result of this expansion, Randall demonstrates, PEMEX has had a major impact both on the market for labor and capital goods and on the regions in which it operates. Her conclusions regarding the current and future prospects for PEMEX have important implications for the study of economic and energy development throughout the Third World.