Industrial Research and Development in Canada

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Overview of Research and Development in Canada

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Industrial Research and Development

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State of Industrial Research and Development in Canada

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"Industrial R & D (IR & D) is the private sector's investment of time and resources in the development of new ideas, technologies, and processes to promote business performance and create better products. IR & D also contributes to meeting pressing social challenges, ranging from development of new medical treatments to mitigation of environmental impacts to changing the ways in which Canadians work together. The returns on investments in IR & D can be high for the firms undertaking it, the economy at large, and, in particular, the region in which the IR & D takes place. IR & D and innovation are not synonymous. IR & D consists of any scientific research or technology development undertaken by Canadian businesses. Innovation, on the other hand, is a broader concept that can be defined as 'new or better ways of doing valued things.' IR & D is a critical driver of innovation, which, in turn, plays an important role in catalyzing productivity gains across the economy, thereby stimulating wealth creation and improving living standards for all Canadians. The historically low rate of investment in IR & D in Canada compared to other countries is one of the key factors that also accounts for the consistently wide gap in productivity growth between Canada and the United States"--Executive summary.

Competing in a Global Innovation Economy

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Competing in a global innovation eConomy: the Current State of r&D in CanaDa Expert Panel on the State of Science and Technology and Industrial Research and Development in Canada Science Advice in the Public Interest COMPETING IN A GLOBAL INNOVATION ECONOMY: THE CURRENT STATE OF R&D IN CANADA Expert Panel on the State of Science and Technology and Industrial Research and Development in Canada ii C [...] Any opinions, findings, or conclusions expressed in this publication are those of the authors, the Expert Panel on the State of Science and Technology and Industrial Research and Development in Canada, and do not necessarily represent the views of their organizations of affiliation or employment, or the sponsoring organization, Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada. [...] I'd also like to thank the CCA's Board of Directors, its Scientific Advisory Committee, and its three x Competing in a Global Innovation Economy: The Current State of R&D in Canada Member Academies - the Royal Society of Canada, the Canadian Academy of Engineering, and the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences - who continue to provide the wisdom, advice, and expert knowledge that helps keep the CCA [...] This includes all three members of the Tri-Agency (the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, and the Canadian Institutes for Health Research), the National Research Council of Canada, the Canada Foundation for Innovation, and the Federation of the Humanities and Social Sciences. [...] The current Expert Panel (the Panel) was tasked with considering the combined charges from the 2012 and 2013 assessments, consisting of the following questions: What is the current state of science and technology and industrial research and development in Canada?

Not a Long Shot

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