Infância e suas linguagens

Book Description

Fruto de um seminário internacional, com a participação de especialistas do campo das linguagens do Brasil, da Itália e da Espanha, o livro conduz a reflexões de natureza política e valorização do campo das Artes, da Literatura e de outros conhecimentos.

Transitions to School: Perspectives and Experiences from Latin America

Book Description

This book showcases the quality work that Latin American researchers have done on transition to school in Latin American countries by offering the English-speaking world, first-hand access to some Latin American transitions research, practices, and policies. This book shows the work carried out in countries such as Brazil, Chile, Cuba, and Mexico with regards to the way in which the transition to primary school is experienced from different stakeholders' perspectives, and how Latin American educational policies and cultural practices shape such an important process for stakeholders. This book was importantly framed by the COVID-19 pandemic which placed the world in a global health emergency, and it is our hope that this book will trigger future international collaborations between researchers, policy makers, and practitioners interested in transitions which could help produce a wealth of empirical evidence to inform educational policies and transitions practices across the world. Building networks where diverse experiences are valued and respected, as well as analysed, can help provide a platform that supports educators and researchers as they continue their work and branch out in new and challenging directions.

Education and Technology for a Better World

Book Description

Education and Technology for a Better World was the main theme for WCCE 2009. The conference highlights and explores different perspectives of this theme, covering all levels of formal education as well as informal learning and societal aspects of education. The conference was open to everyone involved in education and training. Additionally players from technological, societal, business and political fields outside education were invited to make relevant contributions within the theme: Education and Technology for a Better World. For several years the WCCE (World Conference on Computers in Education) has brought benefits to the fields of computer science and computers and education as well as to their communities. The contributions at WCCE include research projects and good practice presented in different formats from full papers to posters, demonstrations, panels, workshops and symposiums. The focus is not only on presentations of accepted contributions but also on discussions and input from all participants. The main goal of these conferences is to provide a forum for the discussion of ideas in all areas of computer science and human learning. They create a unique environment in which researchers and practitioners in the fields of computer science and human learning can interact, exchanging theories, experiments, techniques, applications and evaluations of initiatives supporting new developments that are potentially relevant for the development of these fields. They intend to serve as reference guidelines for the research community.

Conceitos-chave em Sociologia da Infância. Perspetivas Globais = Key concepts on Sociology of Childhood. Global Perspectives

Book Description

Esta obra pretende ocupar um espaço ainda em aberto na área da Sociologia da Infância reunindo os contributos de 55 autores/as, nacional e internacionalmente reconhecidos/as, oriundos de geografias diversificadas, numa análise crítica sobre questões, temáticas e desafios que se colocam hoje na investigação em torno da infância e da(s) criança(s). O objetivo é reunir, num único volume, um conjunto significativo de reflexões científicas sobre conceitos centrais da investigação contemporânea na área, em português e em inglês, para desta forma possibilitar uma maior partilha e divulgação do conhecimento que se vai construindo a nível mundial. This book intends to fill a gap still open in the scientific area of Sociology of Childhood. It brings togheher the contributions of 55 authors, nationally and internationally recognized, from diverse geographies, in a renewed critical analysis on issues, themes and challenges currently placed in research on childhood and on the child(ren). The main goal is to share in a single volume a significant set of scientific reflections on key concepts of contemporary research in the area, in Portuguese and English, aiming to reach wider audiences around the globe.

Handbook of Research on Effective Communication in Culturally Diverse Classrooms

Book Description

Meaningful interaction between teachers and students is crucial to any educational environment, and particularly so in intercultural settings. When educators take steps to incorporate culturally responsive teaching into their classrooms, student learning is enriched and improved. The Handbook of Research on Effective Communication in Culturally Diverse Classrooms focuses on the significance of cultural sensitivity toward diverse students and the importance of communication to increase the overall educational experience. Highlighting key concepts relating to curriculum design, teaching models, and critical pedagogies in transcultural classrooms, this book is a pivotal reference source for teachers, teacher educators, and researchers interested in the impact of intercultural communication in learning environments.

Introdução à teoria geral da biblioteconomia

Book Description

Este livro que já se tornou uma referência no contexto da Biblioteconomia e da Ciência da Informação no Brasil, Ronaldo Vieira, nesta segunda edição, amplia o foco e traz um livro ainda mais abrangente e cuidadosamente estudado sobre a sua área de formação. Assim como aconteceu na primeira edição, Ronaldo Vieira mais uma vez dá um passo à frente e atualiza as reflexões sobre o contexto de pesquisa e trabalho dos bibliotecários na sociedade. Apresenta temas que estão na pauta dos estudiosos da área e também dentro das bibliotecas espalhadas pelo país. O papel da acessibilidade, a bibliologia, mediação de leitura literária assim como o papel fundamental das bibliotecas comunitárias no contexto da formação de leitores são alguns dos pontos fundamentais de discussão nesta nova edição. Um livro para todos os leitores. Vale o destaque humanista apresentado pelo autor sobre a área e a possibilidade de conhecer os debates em torno de questões de máxima urgência no contexto da sociedade da informação e do conhecimento. Sem dúvida, uma leitura obrigatória para aqueles que pretendem enveredar pelo campo da Biblioteconomia, conhecer um pouco mais essa ciência que se renova e acompanha as transformações tecnológicas e científicas do mundo.

Mental Health From A Multiprofessional Perspective

Book Description

The proposal for multiprofessional work in mental health brings a special form of organization with the joint contribution of health professionals that can work as a team in assisting people with psychological disorders. It aims to provide the most appropriate and complete assistance to users with mental disorders regardless of the degree of morbidity. In this sense, the determination of the National Health Council of Brazil is to recognize as regulated health professionals the following regulated professional categories: Social Workers; Biologists; Biomedical; Dental Surgeons; Physical Education; Nurses; Pharmacists; Physiotherapists; Speech therapists; Doctors; Veterinary Physicians; Nutritionists; Psychologists; and Occupational Therapists. They contributed decisively working together, allowing professionals to act in health actions nationwide, leaving the Unified Health System (Sistema Único de Saúde- SUS) the legitimacy attributed by the Magna Charta Libertatum of Brazil, to proceed with the norms for training the professionals that make up the sector’s of Health “The Unified Health System is responsible, under the terms of the law: to order the training of human resources in the area of health”. Through this legal framework, integrative health policies provided conditions for establishing the various transformations in the socio-political-cultural scenarios, reflecting on the epidemiological contour of society, leading to an increase changes in health models and contributing decisively to the conversions of care práxis, incorporating the multiprofessionality with agents with medium technical training through the Community Health Agent, Nursing Technician and Oral Health Technician. The establishment of knowledge and practices that provide the integration of the common field of activity of the multiprofessional teams, in the various performance scenarios, conducts the various actions which include the Family Health Support Center, Health at School Program, Health Academy, culminating in Psychosocial Care Centers I, II and III. They are specialized compositions in the approach to mental health for the treatment and social reintegration of SUS with mental disorders of different magnitudes users. In this way, it is evident that in Mental Health care by a multiprofessional team, it provides a gain for service users and contributes decisively to professionalization at different levels of training, as a result of continuing education in service.

The Cambridge Handbook of Sociocultural Psychology

Book Description

Sociocultural psychology is a discipline located at the crossroads between the natural and social sciences and the humanities. This international overview of the field provides an antireductionist and comprehensive account of how experience and behaviour arise from human action with cultural materials in social practices. The outcome is a vision of the dynamics of sociocultural and personal life in which time and developmental constructive transformations are crucial. This second edition provides expanded coverage of how particular cultural artefacts and social practices shape experience and behaviour in the realms of art and aesthetics, economics, history, religion and politics. Special attention is also paid to the development of identity, the self and personhood throughout the lifespan, while retaining the emphasis on experience and development as key features of sociocultural psychology.

Revista UNIMAR

Book Description

Dicionário enciclopédico ilustrado trilíngüe da língua de sinais brasileira: Sinais de M a Z

Book Description

Objetiva ser instrumento para o resgate da cidadania do deficiente auditivo brasileiro. Compõe-se de três capítulos introdutórios, um corpo principal de sinais, um dicionário inglês-português, um índice semântico, um conteúdo semântico, três capítulos sobre educação em surdez e três sobre tecnologia em surdez. Os exemplos de uso linguístico de palavras, sinais e gestos aperfeiçoam habilidades de gramática e semântica. Cada verbete apresenta a ilustração do gesto ou sinal e seus correspondentes em inglês e porturguês.