Optimal Inference in Regression Models with Nearly Integrated Regressors

Book Description

This paper considers the problem of conducting inference on the regression coefficient in a bivariate regression model with a highly persistent regressor. Gaussian power envelopes are obtained for a class of testing procedures satisfying a conditionality restriction. In addition, the paper proposes feasible testing procedures that attain these Gaussian power envelopes whether or not the innovations of the regression model are normally distributed.

Statistical Inference

Book Description

This text presents a balanced account of the Bayesian and frequentist approaches to statistical inference. Along with more examples and exercises, this second edition includes new material on empirical Bayes and penalized likelihoods and their impact on regression models and offers expanded material on hypothesis testing, method of moments, bias correction, and hierarchical models. It also compares the Bayesian and frequentist schools of thought and explores procedures that lie on the border between the two.

Bayesian Inference in Dynamic Econometric Models

Book Description

This book contains an up-to-date coverage of the last twenty years advances in Bayesian inference in econometrics, with an emphasis on dynamic models. It shows how to treat Bayesian inference in non linear models, by integrating the useful developments of numerical integration techniques based on simulations (such as Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods), and the long available analytical results of Bayesian inference for linear regression models. It thus covers a broad range of rather recent models for economic time series, such as non linear models, autoregressive conditional heteroskedastic regressions, and cointegrated vector autoregressive models. It contains also an extensive chapter on unit root inference from the Bayesian viewpoint. Several examples illustrate the methods.

Inference in Time Series Regression when the Order of Integration of a Regressor is Unknown

Book Description

It is well known that the distribution of statistics testing restrictions on the coefficients in time series regressions can depend on the order of integration of the regressors. In practice the order of integration is rarely blown. This paper examines two conventional approaches to this problem, finds them unsatisfactory, and proposes a new procedure. The two conventional approaches- simply to ignore unit root problems or to use unit root pretests to determine the critical values for second-stage inference - both often induce substantial size distortions. In the case of unit root pretests, this arises because type I and II pretest errors produce incorrect second-stage critical values and because, in many empirically plausible situations, the first stage test (the unit root test) and the second stage test (the exclusion restriction test) are dependent. Monte Carlo simulations reveal size distortions even if the regressor is stationary but has a large autoregressive root, a case that might arise for example in a regression of excess stock returns against the dividend yield. In the proposed alternative procedure, the second-stage test is conditional on a first-stage "unit root" statistic developed in Stock (1992); the second-stage critical values vary continuously with the value of the first-stage statistic. The procedure is shown to have the correct size asymptotically and to have good local asymptotic power against Granger-causality alternatives.

Using Difference-Based Methods for Inference in Regression With Fractionally Integrated Processes

Book Description

This paper suggests a difference-based method for inference in the regression model involving fractionally integrated processes. Under suitable regularity conditions, our method can effectively deal with the inference problems associated with the regression model consisting of non-stationary, stationary and intermediate memory regressors, simultaneously. Although the difference-based method provides a very flexible modeling framework for empirical studies, the implementation of this method is extremely easy, because it completely avoids the difficult problems of choosing a kernel function, a bandwidth parameter, or an autoregressive lag length for the long-run variance estimation. The asymptotic local power of our method is investigated with a sequence of local data-generating processes (DGP) in what Davidson and MacKinnon [Canadian Journal of Economics. (1985) Vol. 18, pp. 3857] call regression direction. The simulation results indicate that the size control of our method is excellent even when the sample size is only 100, and the pattern of power performance is highly consistent with the theoretical finding from the asymptotic local power analysis conducted in this paper.

Inference and Linear Models

Book Description

Nonparametric Statistical Methods and Related Topics

Book Description

This volume consists of 22 research papers by leading researchers in Probability and Statistics. Many of the papers are focused on themes that Professor Bhattacharya has published on research. Topics of special interest include nonparametric inference, nonparametric curve fitting, linear model theory, Bayesian nonparametrics, change point problems, time series analysis and asymptotic theory. This volume presents state-of-the-art research in statistical theory, with an emphasis on nonparametric inference, linear model theory, time series analysis and asymptotic theory. It will serve as a valuable reference to the statistics research community as well as to practitioners who utilize methodology in these areas of emphasis.