Infinite Receiving

Book Description

Infinite Receiving is so much more than manifestation. When your purpose is truly aligned with what the universe wants for you, and you consciously take action, your dreams really can come true. This book will help you find your purpose and take actionable steps to live the life you want. Faith plus action equals miracles! Stop standing in your own way. We need to let go of fear, shame, guilt, and judgement in order to consciously receive all that we desire. When we open up our hearts and release self-doubt, we create energy that allows us to see more ‘magic’ in our lives and actively pursue our dreams. Through meditations, affirmations, and practical exercises, Suzy Ashworth will show you how to become more aware of your energy and help you to redefine your relationship with wanting. By following the four pillars of Infinite Receiving, you can increase your state of awareness and attract much more into your life, including: Sovereignty: Take ownership of your spiritual and inner authority, and lead with integrity and personal power. Infinite possibilities: Trust yourself and believe you are worthy. Allow yourself to open up and create space to receive beyond your wildest dreams. Community: Cultivate a supportive culture in any space you step into. When we come together, we all rise. Embodiment: Become adept at taking yourself out of your mind and into your body and heart. You will talk the talk and walk the walk. Learn to consciously co-create a world beyond what you thought was possible by tuning into the frequency of Infinite Receiving.

Infininite Receiving

Book Description

This book is for you, if you know you have powerful gifts to share with the world. You're meant to do AHH-MAZING things. But you feel like you're holding back. Something's missing. You're doing #AllTheThings, but not seeing the success and impact you know you're capable of creating. This book will increase your ability to receive more, redefine your relationship with wanting, and teach you to be THE most accomplished master manifestor across all areas of your life. By following the four pillars of Infinite Receiving, you can attract much more into your life, including- Sovereignty- Take ownership of your spiritual and inner authority, and lead with integrity and personal power. Infinite possibilities- Trust yourself and believe you are worthy. Allow yourself to open up and create space to receive beyond your wildest dreams. Community- Cultivate a supportive culture in any space you step into. When we come together, we all rise. Embodiment- Become adept at taking yourself out of your mind and into your body and heart. You will talk the talk and walk the walk. Upgrade your reality, find abundance, success and freedom by tuning in to the frequency of infinite receiving.

Infinite Receiving

Book Description

Infinite Receiving is a beautiful philosophy that allows you to see life and business differently so you can create ease, alignment, joy and more. The daily MANGO is a series of prompts that invite you to expand your capacity to receive what you are asking for. The Infinite Receiving Journal is a perfect way to record 100 days of MANGOS. Also included are Infinite Receiving activities to open the doors and windows to receiving everyday.

The Outlook

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The Life that Really is

Book Description

Electrical World

Book Description

Problems of Life

Book Description

The Origin of God

Book Description

The author is the main character of this work in which he travels through other dimensions and the origin of the universe is revealed to him.