Inflation Stabilization

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Rampant inflation is a major economic problem in many of the less developed countries; two out of three attempts to stabilize these economies fail. Inflation Stabilization provides a valuable description and a critical analysis of the disinflation programs introduced in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, and Israel in 1985-86, and discusses the possibility of such a program in Mexico. It documents the initial steps in stabilization as well as the reasons for failure.As architects of the programs, several of the authors are in key positions to assess which aspects were critical in getting the programs accepted and where to look for difficulties and failures. In Israel, inflation was halted without recession. The challenge to policy makers today is in shifting from stabilization to the revival of sustained growth. This experience is described fully by Michael Bruno and Sylvia Piterman, who examine the critical issue of exchange rates, and by Alex Cukierman, who uses modeling to analyze the interaction of money, wages, prices, and activity under rational expectations that take the government's policy objectives into account.Endemic inflation and a sudden increase in external debt burden Argentina's economy, raising the wider issues of high inflation economies and stabilization that are discussed in the chapter by José Luis Machinea and that by Guido Di Tella and Alfredo Canavese.Eduardo Modiano and Mario Simonsen take up issues of wages in Brazil, particularly the problem of finding an equitable way to deal with a wage freeze; Simonsen develops an ambitious game theoretic rationalization of incomes policy as a coordinating device for imperfectly competitive economies. Bolivia did reach hyperinflation (price increases of more than 50 percent each month) before stabilizing. Juan Antonio Morales shows how stabilizing the exchange rate, in an economy where all pricing was already geared to the dollar, achieved stabilization without a wage or price freeze. And Francisco Gil Diaz asks whether an incomes-policy based program could work to control ever increasing inflation in Mexico.

Inflation and the Costs of Stabilization

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The costs of hyperinflation are almost unbearable to any economic system. Nevertheless, stopping hyperinflation seems to be faster and less costly than stabilizing chronic inflation. The history of stabilization shows that fiscal restraint and adequate external resources are key elements for successful stabilization.

The Costs and Benefits of Price Stability

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In recent years, the Federal Reserve and central banks worldwide have enjoyed remarkable success in their battle against inflation. The challenge now confronting the Fed and its counterparts is how to proceed in this newly benign economic environment: Should monetary policy seek to maintain a rate of low-level inflation or eliminate inflation altogether in an effort to attain full price stability? In a seminal article published in 1997, Martin Feldstein developed a framework for calculating the gains in economic welfare that might result from a move from a low level of inflation to full price stability. The present volume extends that analysis, focusing on the likely costs and benefits of achieving price stability not only in the United States, but in Germany, Spain, and the United Kingdom as well. The results show that even small changes in already low inflation rates can have a substantial impact on the economic performance of different countries, and that variations in national tax rules can affect the level of gain from disinflation.

Hyperinflation and Stabilization in Postsocialist Economies

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One would think states and peoples have had so many bad experiences with inflation that politicians at the helm of these states would do everything within their power to avoid inflation and, in particular, its very intensive shape, i. e. hyperinflation. However, this has not been the case. After the big inflations of the twenties and the post-war inflations of the fourties, we still witness intensive, economically, socially and politically extremely painful inflationary processes. And the eighties will be particularly engraved in history as a period in which the inflation has assumed an exceptionally dynamic character with respect to some countries. This regards, in the first place, Latin America, but not exclusively. Not without reason -as will be of particular intensity has also affected shown in this book -inflation countries which, according to the passed economic doctrine, were supposed to be completely immune from this economic illness. Most generally, the inflation can be assumed to be a uniform phenomenon which, in each case, can be described by a single, universal definition, while being divided into a number of forms and types distinguishable according to their original and secondary sources, their mechanisms, the ways of their manifestation as well as to their effects and the methods of counteracting them.

Studies in Hyperinflation and Stabilization

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Gail produced a sequence of fascinating studies that succeed in coaxing orderly patterns and basic macroeconomic forces at work in the midst of what at first glance seems to have been chaos. - From the foreword by Thomas J. Sargent, co-recipient of the 2011 Nobel Prize in Economics The often terrible economic and political costs of hyperinflation have made it a topic of enduring interest for economists and public alike. In this book, Gail Makinen and his coauthors examine 20th century hyperinflations in China, Greece, Hungary, and Taiwan, plus high inflations in South Korea and South Vietnam. How did they happen? What were the consequences? How did they end? By pulling the episodes together, the book throws light on common patterns of error and success in dealing with hyperinflation. In the preface and the postscript, the authors discuss the lessons of these episodes and whether hyperinflation is a realistic possibility in the leading economies today. ABOUT THE AUTHOR AND COAUTHORS Gail E. Makinen is Adjunct Professor at the Georgetown McCourt School of Public Policy. Previously he was a Specialist in Economic Policy at the Congressional Research Service of the Library of Congress and Principal Macroeconomist for the General Accounting Office in Washington, D.C. William A. Bomberger is Associate Professor of Economics in the Warrington College of Business at the University of Florida. G. Thomas Woodward, now retired, was most recently Assistant Director for Tax Analysis with the Congressional Budget Office in Washington D.C. The late Robert B. Anderson was formerly a macroeconomist at the Office of Management and Budget in Washington, D.C. The late Jarvis M. Babcock taught economics at Oberlin College.


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The Great Inflation

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Controlling inflation is among the most important objectives of economic policy. By maintaining price stability, policy makers are able to reduce uncertainty, improve price-monitoring mechanisms, and facilitate more efficient planning and allocation of resources, thereby raising productivity. This volume focuses on understanding the causes of the Great Inflation of the 1970s and ’80s, which saw rising inflation in many nations, and which propelled interest rates across the developing world into the double digits. In the decades since, the immediate cause of the period’s rise in inflation has been the subject of considerable debate. Among the areas of contention are the role of monetary policy in driving inflation and the implications this had both for policy design and for evaluating the performance of those who set the policy. Here, contributors map monetary policy from the 1960s to the present, shedding light on the ways in which the lessons of the Great Inflation were absorbed and applied to today’s global and increasingly complex economic environment.

Inflation Situation

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On Price Stability and Welfare

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The financial crisis in the advanced countries that began in 2007 has led central bankers to adopt unconventional policy measures as policy interest rates neared the zero bound. One suggestion (Blanchard, Dell’Ariccia, and Mauro, 2010) has been to raise inflation targets to provide more room for policy rate easing during crises. This paper addresses a different issue: the relationship between inflation and welfare. The literature is surveyed and a model is developed. A key conclusion is that an increase in inflation targets gives rise to additional welfare costs, even after the extra room to maneuver above the zero lower bound for nominal policy rates is taken into account. Based on parameter values that fit U.S. data, the additional welfare costs of raising inflation targets from 2 to 4 percent are estimated at about 0.3 percent of annual real income. A rise to 10 percent would yield additional welfare costs of about 1 percent of real income. Other parameter values yield welfare costs as high as 7 (respectively 30) percent of real income for raising inflation targets from 2 to 4 (respectively from 2 to 10) percent. The full costs of raising inflation targets are likely to be higher because the model used to generate these estimates does not account for higher inflation-induced volatility.