Information Structures in Economics

Book Description

This book is intended as a contribution to the theory of markets with imperfect information. The subject being nearly limitless, only certain selected topics are discussed. These are outlined in the Introduction (Ch. 0). The remainder of the book is divided into three parts. All results of economic significance are contained in Parts II & III. Part I introduces the main tools for the analysis, in particular the concept of an information structure. Although most of the material presented in Part I is not original, it is hoped that the detailed and self-contained exposition will help the reader to understand not only the following pages, but also the existing technical and variegated literature on markets with imperfect information. The mathematical prerequisites needed, but not explained in the text rarely go beyond elementary calculus and probability theory. Whenever more advanced concepts are used, I have made an effort to give an intuitive explanation as well, so that the argument can also be followed on a non-technical level (cf. e.g. the treatment of the "generic" viewpoint in Ch. 9). In the same spirit, discussion of mathematical assumptions is limited to those which have economic sig- ficance, whereas purely "technical" assumptions (like differentiability or integrability of certain functions) are usually made without comment whenever convenient. The logical interdependence of chapters is as follows: Ch. 3 . Ch. 1 /~I--=---- Ch. 4 Ch. 2 Ch. 8 ~I -=--- /"'-.... Ch.

Economie de L'incertain Et de L'information

Book Description

The Economics of Uncertainty and Information may be used in conjunction with Loffont's Fundamentals of Economics in an advanced course in microeconomics.

Information Economics

Book Description

This new text book by Urs Birchler and Monika Butler is an introduction to the study of how information affects economic relations. The authors provide a narrative treatment of the more formal concepts of Information Economics, using easy to understand and lively illustrations from film and literature and nutshell examples. The book first covers the economics of information in a 'man versus nature' context, explaining basic concepts like rational updating or the value of information. Then in a 'man versus man' setting, Birchler and Butler describe strategic issues in the use of information: the make-buy-or-copy decision, the working and failure of markets and the important role of outguessing each other in a macroeconomic context. It closes with a 'man versus himself' perspective, focusing on information management within the individual. This book also comes with a supporting website (, maintained by the authors.

Die elementare Katastrophentheorie

Book Description

Intersubjectivity in Economics

Book Description

A team of expert international contributors explore the structures and effects of interdependencies between individual subjectivities engaged in economic activity.

The Structure of Information Economy

Book Description

This book offers an alternative explanation of markets and beyond. The key difference from Mainstream Economics lies in the central role played by information.

Information and Communication in Economics

Book Description

Although there is a burgeoning interest among economists in `information economics', much of the literature adopts a reductionist conceptualization of information, defining it exclusively as reduction in uncertainty, exploring the implications of imperfect information on markets. This neoclassical treatment obscures major interrelations between economic and communicatory processes. Drawing on a range of distinguished scholarship from both the economic and communication studies disciplines, Information and Communication in Economics explores the implications for economic analysis and our understanding of economic processes of employing a more complete conceptualization of information: information as locus of power; information as evolutionary agent; and media systems as devices for control.

Information systems in a management structure

Book Description

Information technique as a profession is still so young, that few opinions have settled. The influence of the new possibilities in infor mation technique on the functioning of organisations is so little under stood, that important questions like: what is the potential of a com puter in the firm, will management ultimately be replaced by one man-with-a-keyboard, remain unanswered. Many people are convinced that the impact of computers on the way we manage our enterprises will be enormous, but they grope in the dark for qualitative and quantitative measures to describe it. Naturally, at this early point in the development, the present appli cations of the computer appear incidental and offer no basis for a quest into its potential. Moreover, the present descriptions of management structures preclude an exact study of these structures, let alone a quantitative treatment of any influence upon it. In this study a number of exact concepts is developed to describe the typical grouped tasks as they occur in an organisation. These con cepts are characterised by the fact, that the activity of management units can be described comprehensively in terms of data processing. After all, practically everything we do is data processing of some sort. The picture of a management structure as it can be constructed with these concepts is, ignoring the typically human elements like motivation and inspiration, rather dull but it lends itself quite well for conclusions about computer application.