Information Technology Evaluation Methods and Management

Book Description

The evaluation of IT and its business value are the subject of many academic and business discussions. Investments in IT are growing extensively, and business managers worry about the fact that the benefits might not be as high as expected. This phenomenon is often called the IT investment paradox or the IT Black Hole: large sums are invested in IT that seem to be swallowed by a large black hole without rendering many returns. How to measure the benefits of IT is the concern of this book titled Information Technology Evaluation Methods and Management. The different IT evaluation approaches and methods are discussed and illustrated with cases: traditional financial evaluations such as the return on investment, information economics and the recently introduced IT Balanced Scorecard. The latter approach is proposed as an ideal mechanism to support the IT/business alignment process and its related IT governance process. Among some of the topics included in this book are: software measurement; ERP project evaluation; strategic electronic commerce evaluation.

Health Information Technology Evaluation Handbook

Book Description

Governments and clinical providers are investing billions of dollars in health information technologies. This book provides an easy-to-read reference outlining the basic concepts, theory, and methods required to perform a systematic evaluation of HIT.

Information Systems Evaluation Management

Book Description

Investments in IT are growing extensively and business managers worry about the fact that the benefits of IT investments might not be as high as expected. Information Systems Evaluation Management discusses this issue among others, through its presentation of the most current research in the field of IS evaluation.

Handbook of Evaluation Methods for Health Informatics

Book Description

The Handbook of Evaluation Methods for Health Informatics provides a complete compendium of methods for evaluation of IT-based systems and solutions within healthcare. Emphasis is entirely on assessment of the IT-system within its organizational environment. The author provides a coherent and complete assessment of methods addressing interactions with and effects of technology at the organizational, psychological, and social levels. It offers an explanation of the terminology and theoretical foundations underlying the methodological analysis presented here. The author carefully guides the reader through the process of identifying relevant methods corresponding to specific information needs and conditions for carrying out the evaluation study. The Handbook takes a critical view by focusing on assumptions for application, tacit built-in perspectives of the methods as well as their perils and pitfalls. Collects a number of evaluation methods of medical informatics Addresses metrics and measures Includes an extensive list of anotated references, case studies, and a list of useful Web sites

Technologies & Methodologies for Evaluating Information Technology in Business

Book Description

"From the macro management level to the micro business detail, information technology (IT) is essential to modern business success and necessitates a new kind of knowledge application: IT evaluation. This academic analysis covers IT evaluation strategies for measuring its impact on individuals, organizations, and small, mid-size, and large businesses. Covered are the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), software measurement frameworks, the balanced scorecard, and project management."

Information management

Book Description

Survey and study background In an effort to gain some answers on the 1ST capital investment (project selection) decision criteria used in practice, a survey was undertaken in 1990 of 80 American, British, Australian and New Zealand companies. A one-page survey form was used that provided 15 possible 1ST investment criteria, a means of indicating whether they are used or not, the percentage of projects to which each criterion is applied, and an overall ranking in terms of total project value for each criterion. The criteria are shown in Table 2.1. The criteria are categorized into financial, management, and development criteria. They were developed, first, through interviews with some 20 chief information officers (CIOs) in Britain and the United States. These CIOs were questioned on what criteria their organizations use in selecting 1ST investment projects, with the aim of developing a full list of the criteria used in practice. Secondly, the criteria and the form were tested and refined in a pilot study with some 12 companies. The criteria used in the survey and listed in Table 2.1 are primary level criteria.

Defining Useful Technology Evaluations

Book Description

Information technology executives and managers at MITRE sponsors are the decision-makers who direct the selection and adoption of new technologies. Nonetheless, they often lack a systematic method for assessing technology value. Although best practices are well documented in academic literature, decision-makers may unknowingly fall victim to or use haphazard approaches that fail to meet business needs and bypass more effective technologies. This paper explains to executives and managers why they need a systematic approach to technology evaluation. Then, it distills for them the evaluation methods and technology investigation processes proposed by experts in empfrical software engineering. This paper has not aimed to add novel ideas to the academic discussion of technology evaluation. Rather, the intent here is to allow MITRE sponsors to access, understand, and apply these concepts.

Managing Information Technology Resources in Organizations in the Next Millennium

Book Description

Managing Information Technology Resources in Organizations in the Next Millennium contains more than 200 unique perspectives on numerous timely issues of managing information technology in organizations around the world. This book, featuring the latest research and applied IT practices, is a valuable source in support of teaching and research agendas.

Evaluating Information Systems

Book Description

The adoption of Information Technology (IT) and Information Systems (IS) represents significant financial investments, with alternative perspectives to the evaluation domain coming from both the public and private sectors. As a result of increasing IT/IS budgets and their growing significance within the development of an organizational infrastructure, the evaluation and performance measurement of new technology remains a perennial issue for management. This book offers a refreshing and updated insight into the social fabric and technical dimensions of IT/IS evaluation together with insights into approaches used to measure the impact of information systems on its stakeholders. In doing so, it describes the portfolio of appraisal techniques that support the justification of IT/IS investments. Evaluating Information Systems explores the concept of evaluation as an evolutionary and dynamic process that takes into account the ability of enterprise technologies to integrate information systems within and between organisations. In particular, when set against a backdrop of organisational learning. It examines the changing portfolio of benefits, costs and risks associated with the adoption and diffusion of technology in today's global marketplace. Finally approaches to impact assessment through performance management and benchmarking is discussed.

Evaluation Methods in Medical Informatics

Book Description

As director of a training program in medical informatics, I have found that one of the most frequent inquiries from graduate students is, "Although I am happy with my research focus and the work I have done, how can I design and carry out a practical evaluation that proves the value of my contribution?" Informatics is a multifaceted, interdisciplinary field with research that ranges from theoretical developments to projects that are highly applied and intended for near-term use in clinical settings. The implications of "proving" a research claim accordingly vary greatly depending on the details of an individual student's goals and thesis state ment. Furthermore, the dissertation work leading up to an evaluation plan is often so time-consuming and arduous that attempting the "perfect" evaluation is fre quently seen as impractical or as diverting students from central programming or implementation issues that are their primary areas of interest. They often ask what compromises are possible so they can provide persuasive data in support of their claims without adding another two to three years to their graduate student life. Our students clearly needed help in dealing more effectively with such dilem mas, and it was therefore fortuitous when, in the autumn of 1991, we welcomed two superb visiting professors to our laboratories.