Infrared Spectroscopy of Organic Free Radicals Related to Combustion Processes. [Annual] Progress Report, February 14, 1993--February 14, 1994

Book Description

Experiments were done to resolve internal rotor states in parent cations of aromatic molecules cooled in skimmed, pulsed nozzle expansion. Internal rotation of methyl and silyl groups attached to aromatic rings was studied. S1-S0 spectra were measured using one-color R2PI (resonant two-photon ionization). Ab initio calculations using the GAUSSIAN package were carried out. For various neutral and cationic ground states with threefold or sixfold barriers, effects of different levels of theory on calculated barrier height and phase were tested. The HF/6-31G* level of theory was used to calculate V6 and V3 for a variety of S0 molecules. Distortions of the phenyl ring and precession of rotor axis as the methyl group rotates are discussed.

Infrared Spectroscopy of Organic Free Radicals Related to Combustion Processes

Book Description

We will explore a variant of resonant two-photon ionization (R2PI). Development of the IR + UV R2PI experiment is underway. We have used optical R2PI and pulsed field ionization detection to obtain vibrational spectra of the benzyl and phenylsilane cations. In benzyl, we have learned about the vibronic coupling in the mixed 12A2-22B2 system near 450 nm by projecting the mixed states onto the manifold of cation vibrational states. In phenylsilane, we find that the sixfold barrier to internal rotation of the silyl group is small (V6= +19 cm−1). We are beginning to understand the mechanisms of coupling of torsional states with vibrations, overall rotation, and other electronic states, and we are developing a model of internal rotation in aromatic compounds based on Weinhold's natural resonance theory. 1 tab, 14 refs.

Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy and Chemical Kinetics of Free Radicals. Progress Report, February 1, 1991--March 1, 1994

Book Description

Rate of reaction of ketenyl radical with O[sub 2] at room temperature was determined as 6.5(6) [times] 10-[sup [minus]13] CM[sup 3] molecules[sup [minus]1] s[sup [minus]1] and an upper bound of 1 [times] 10[sup [minus]13] cm[sup 3] molecule[sup [minus]1] s[sup [minus]1] was estimated for the reaction rate of acetylene with ketenyl. The high resolution spectrum of the [nu]1 acetylenic CH stretch of propargy1 radical (HCCCH[sub 2]) near 3322 cm[sup [minus]1] has obtained and analyzed. Nuclear spin weights demonstrate that the CH[sub 2] hydrogen atoms are in the carbon atom plane. We have attempted to measure the propargy1 recombination rate constant at 296 K; however, the observed rate constant of (1.2[times]0.2) x 10[sup [minus]10] cc-molecule[sup [minus]1]-s[sup [minus]1] may be affected by other reactions. The CH stretch fundamental, [nu]1, of HCCN has been observed, assigned, and analyzed. Analysis of the hot bands associated with bending shows that HCCN is a quasilinear molecule with a very floppy potential function for the HCC bending angle. The barrier to linearity is estimated to be about 100 cm[sup [minus]1]. Rate of the reaction between C[sub 2]H and H[sub 2] has been measured at 295--855 K. The rate constant exhibited a non-Arrhenius form well represented by k = (9.44[plus-minus]0.50) [times] 10[sup [minus]14]T[sup 0.9]exp( -1003[plus-minus]40/T)cm[sup 3]molecule[sup [minus]1]s[sup [minus]1]. The reaction between atomic oxygen and the amidogen radical, NH[sub 2] has been studied at 295 K; the room temperature rate constant was measured as (6.5 [plus-minus] 1.3) [times] 10[sup [minus]1] s[sup [minus]1]. The minor channel leading to NH + OH was observed but accounted for at most about 8% of the NH[sub 2] reacting. The rate constant for the reaction NH+O was determined from fitting the NH time profile to be 6.6[plus-minus]10[sub [minus]11] cm[sup 3] molecule[sup [minus]1] s[sup [minus]1].

Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy and Chemical Kinetics of Free Radicals. Final Performance Report, August 1, 1985--July 31, 1994

Book Description

This research was directed at the detection, monitoring, and study (by infrared absorption spectroscopy) of the chemical kinetic behavior of small free radical species thought to be important intermediates in combustion. The work typically progressed from the detection and analysis of the infrared spectrum of combustion radical to the utilization of the infrared spectrum thus obtained in the investigation of chemical kinetics of the radical species. The methodology employed was infrared kinetic spectroscopy. In this technique the radical is produced by UV flash photolysis using an excimer laser and then its transient infrared absorption is observed using a single frequency cw laser as the source of the infrared probe light. When the probe laser frequency is near the center of an absorption line of the radical produced by the flash, the transient infrared absorption rises rapidly and then decays as the radical reacts with the precursor or with substances introduced for the purpose of studying the reaction kinetics or with itself. The decay times observed in these studies varied from less than one microsecond to more than one millisecond. By choosing appropriate time windows after the flash and the average infrared detector signal in a window as data channels, the infrared spectrum of the radical may be obtained. By locking the infrared probe laser to the center of the absorption line and measuring the rate of decay of the transient infrared absorption signal as the chemical composition of the gas mixture is varied, the chemical kinetics of the radical may be investigated. In what follows the systems investigated and the results obtained are outlined.

Infrared Absorption Spectroscopy and Chemical Kinetics of Free Radicals. Progress Report

Book Description

Propargyl radical has recently attracted interest because of its possible role in combustion and soot formation. At high temperatures it is not easily destroyed by dissociation nor by reaction with oxygen thus, it has been observed in significant concentrations in numerous pyrolysis and oxidation processes. During the last year, we have obtained the high resolution spectrum of the v1 acetylenic CH stretch of propargyl radical (HCCCH2) near 3322 cm−1 using infrared laser kinetic spectroscopy at Doppler limited resolution. Propargyl is prepared by flash photolysis of propargyl bromide (or propargyl chloride) at 193 nm (ArFexcimer) and its transient infrared absorption probed by a cw color center laser. We are beginning to investigate the kinetics of propargyl radical. The decay of the radical after the flash appears to be second order. The fine structure transition of the Br atom is accessible and when monitored under the same conditions appears to exhibit a simple first order decay suggesting that the Br atom is reacting with precursor propargyl bromide. Ketenyl radicals were produced by 193 nm excimer laser photolysis of ketene and probed with a tunable diode laser operating at 2014 cm−1. Under these conditions, any singlet methylene which may be formed should react with the precursor, ketene, at a rate fast enough to ensure its total removal from the photolysis cell within 1 [mu]s. In the presence of 2 to 8 Torr of O2, the ketenyl radical was observed to decay exponentially with time constants that ranged fro 20 to 5 [mu]s.