Inner Transformations Using Essential Oils

Book Description

Following a seasonal approach to internal cleansing, chiropractor authors LeAnne and David Deardeuff offer insight gained through years of clinical practice using essential oils. The books starts with colon cleansing and, in a seasonal sequence, progresses through several other organ and body system cleansing protocols, including the Master Cleanse by Stanley Burroughs. It also offers rarely found information on using essential oils to enhance each cleanse and to help relieve symptoms of Chronic Fatigue, Lupus, Infertility, Hormone Imbalance, Diabetes and other conditions of our day. Includes many case histories.

Inner Transformation: Exquisite Techniques of Metaphor Therapy

Book Description

Metaphors are a powerful tool in communication, capable of conveying complex ideas and emotions in a concise and relatable manner. This book explores the use of metaphors as a technique for effective communication, making it a helpful resource for individuals across all walks of life. By understanding and utilizing metaphors, we can enhance our ability to express ourselves, connect with others, and foster a deeper understanding of the world around us. Firstly, this book provides practical guidance on how to employ metaphors effectively in both spoken and written communication. Metaphors serve as a means to simplify complex concepts, making them more accessible to a broader audience. The authors of this book explain different types of metaphors, such as analogical metaphors, visual metaphors, and conceptual metaphors, and offer valuable advice on when and how to use them to maximize their impact. This knowledge can be particularly beneficial in professional settings, enabling individuals to articulate their ideas with clarity and creativity. Secondly, the book explores the psychological and cognitive effects of metaphors on individuals. Metaphorical language has the ability to evoke emotions and activate various areas of the brain, enhancing the listener or reader's engagement and comprehension. By understanding the power of metaphors, we can become more persuasive communicators, whether in personal relationships, business negotiations, or public speaking engagements. Furthermore, this book delves into the metaphorical nature of human thinking itself, shedding light on how our mental maps are shaped by metaphors, ultimately influencing our perceptions and decision-making processes. In conclusion, the book on metaphor techniques offers valuable insights and practical tools for effective communication. By employing metaphors, individuals can enhance their ability to communicate complex ideas, connect with others, and gain a deeper understanding of the world.

Becoming Whole

Book Description

Transforming the Inner Man

Book Description

This foundational book will equip each believer with the basic steps to a life-transforming, deeper intimacy with the Father. Transforming the Inner Man introduces the keys that reach to the depth of the heart with the power of the cross and resurrection to effect lasting change through continual death and rebirth. John and Paula Sandford take a no-nonsense approach to Christian living. A few of their chapter titles are as follows: - Sanctification and Transformation - Performance Orientation - The Central Power and Necessity of Forgiveness - The Role of a Christian Counselor - Bitter-Root Judgment and Expectancy - Generational Sin In this thought-provoking and sensitive message, the Sandfords challenge every believer to focus on change from the inside out. A change that will last.

The Bhagavad Gita and Inner Transformation

Book Description

This contemporary companion to the Bhagavad Gita addresses the heart of human yearning. T offers the possibility of transforming the battle of life into a path to Truth, a living process. Each chapter presents a road toward our inner, universal Self, bringing a deeper and wider perspective along the way. A psychological orientation invites the reader to move from abstract idea to individual insight. As the book proceeds, the relationship between the personal and the eternal gradually unfolds in an ever-expanding process of self-discovery. Quotes from the great teachers are included in the text to inspire, uplift and help us cross over the sea of illusion.

The Seasonal Soul

Book Description

Brimming with mystical practices and hundreds of evocative illustrations, The Seasonal Soul is an enchanting guide to self-discovery. Spiritual teacher Lauren Aletta takes readers through the metaphorical "seasons" of personal growth and illuminates the ways your springs, summers, autumns, and winters provide opportunities for insight, healing, transformation, and rejuvenation. Organized by season, the book is packed with enriching practices and advice, including self-care rituals, crystal and chakra guides, and journaling exercises. In an eye-catching, shimmery package with black dyed edges, this book is perfect for modern mystics and the spiritually curious.

Opening to Inner Light

Book Description

"It is said that the Buddha recognized only one miracle - the transformation of human consciousness. This book describes the processes of individual evolutionary transformation. These descriptions will prove useful to those who are just beginning a transformational phase in their lives and to those who find themselves in the midst of one and are perhaps searching for signposts and conceptual tools. The central thesis of this work is that metaphor, symbols, and analogies are essential to describing this process and that there appear to be about a dozen or so key ketaphors - from dream to awakening, from captivity to liberation, from fragmentation to wholeness - and symbols for transformation that occur over and over in all major cultures and sacred traditions throughout the world. This is the common language of humanity's transformative process: the language of symbols, the language that we know in dreams, in poetry and art, in the visions and voices that tell us of nonordinary realities, of the sacred, of the mystery. Opening to Inner Light draws on the writings of Eastern and Western mysticism, comparative mythology, literature and poetry, and those of philosophers and teachers in the esoteric, shamanic, yogic, and hermetic traditions. It incorporates the formulations of modern depth psychotherapy, anthropology, and transpersonal psychology. Rich in scholarship, in symbolic imagery, and the personal experience of the author's colleagues, clients, and students, as well as related published accounts, Opening to Inner Light is a book for all those who have undergone any deep personal change, from a born-again religious conversion to the extended, expanded consciousness of spiritual illumination."--back cover.

The Inner Work of Transformation: A Guide for Personal Reflection and Communal Sharing

Book Description

I offer this guide to the inner work of transformation for individuals and communities who have reached a crossroads in life and are looking for ways to bring forth new life through processes that promote deep change and transformation. It represents the kind of soulwork I believe is too often neglected but nonetheless essential to the successful transformation of communities and the individuals who reside in them. In essence, this guide is for all those who want to proactively cooperate with grace by doing the soulwork of deep change and transformation. My ministry over the last few decades has been primarily with Catholic religious communities. As a group, they are going through an enormous transition and I have accompanied many of them through what I call a "Journey of Transformation." The foundations for my work on personal and communal transformation was recently published in a book entitled, Graced crossroads: pathways to deep change and transformation. I indicated in that foundational publication that this companion book on the inner work of transformation would follow. This book provides a series of reflections and suggested processes aimed at helping those who wish to do this kind of soulwork. It is meant to be a resource, not some kind of seven-point program for guaranteed transformation. There is no such thing. I do not presume to think that what I am offering is the only way that such inner work can be done. However, it is one way that I have found to be highly effective. The communities whom I have been accompanying, and who have engaged in this inner work, have found it to be integral to their larger Journey of Transformation. It is written primarily for faith communities and you will find that many of the reflections, poems and quotes I use are Christian. However, I include materials and quotes from a variety of other faiths and people of wisdom. Consequently, I believe that the material is suitable for communities of any faith. In fact, I would believe it is suitable for churches, leadership teams, and non-profit organizations, any group for whom their mission (not money) is the bottom line. It is written for any group that is facing a crossroads and seeking new life through transformative processes. It is for those who recognize that the heart of such efforts is a spiritual journey.

Becoming Whole

Book Description

The Changemaker Mindset

Book Description

An international speaker and executive consultant reveals how personality is the key to professional success in today’s changing business landscape. As workplaces become more digitized and automated, our mindsets and personal relationships become increasingly important. We all have one shot to make a lasting impact and succeed in tomorrow’s markets. Innovators with the changemaker mindset know how to seize that opportunity when it comes. All business adventures start with a focus on the self. When you have confidence in who you are, you’ll have the flexibility to roll with the punches and come out on top. Whether your goal is to lead a self-determined life, position your company for the future, or be a successful part of a team, external change starts with internal transformation. With The Changemaker Mindset, you’ll master the three Ps of personal development:Purpose: know what motivates you and identify your core principles.People: build a strong inner circle of peers, because nobody wins alone.Persistence: develop the confidence to take action, navigate setbacks, and implement change.