Innovación docente: investigaciones y propuestas

Book Description

Este libro ofrece una respuesta práctica a los que pretenden afrontar la elaboración y la implementación de un proyecto de innovación, desde las fases iniciales de planificación y estructuración, pasando por la redacción del mismo y por la ejecución y evaluación final del proyecto. Este carácter de guía práctica se conjuga en el libro con propuestas de investigación centradas en temas de actualidad y con el estudio de distintos aspectos clave en los procesos de innovación educativa.

Innovación docente

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Book Description

ACTAS DEL “VI CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE SINESTESIA, CIENCIA Y ARTE + ACTIVIDADES PARALELAS 2018”. Alcalá la Real, Jaén (España). Sedes: Convento de Capuchinos, Palacio Abacial, Teatro Martínez Montañés, Alcalá la Real (Jaén) y Conservatorio Superior de Música Victoria Eugenia, Granada, España. Facultad de Bellas Artes, UGR Granada, España Versión digital, Abril de 2018. Primera Edición/First edition: April 2018 E-book ISBN: 978-84-948665-0-0 Comité editorial: Mª José de Córdoba Serrano; Julia López de la Torre Lucha; Timothy B. Leyden. Diseño imagen, trípticos de promoción y cartel: Víctor Parra ©Editorial: Fundación Internacional Artecittà. Granada. 2018 C/Doctor Medina Olmos nº 44. 18015-Granada, España [email protected] Nota aclaratoria: E-book interactivo. Formato PDF. Todo el material recogido en este libro de Actas está protegido por copyright, ley internacional, y no debe ser reproducido, distribuido, ni publicado sin el permiso expreso solicitado previamente a sus autores/ All materials contained on this Book are protected by International copyright laws and cannot be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcasted without the prior written permission of the publisher. Los textos se presentan como han sido enviados por los congresistas/ investigadores, respetando si han querido publicar sus textos completos o sólo los resúmenes. Comité Organizador/Organization Committee: Comité de dirección: Dra. Mª José de Córdoba. F.I.A.C. y UGR. Coordinador General: Dr. Francisco Toro Ceballos. Jefe de servicio. Técnico de Cultura del Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Alcalá la Real, Jaén. España. [email protected] Juan M. Martín Afán de Rivera. Técnico de Cultura. Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Alcalá la Real, Jaén. España. [email protected] Dirección MuVi5: Dra. Dina Riccò (Univ. Politecnico di Milano) & Dra. María José de Córdoba UGR. Coordinador Internacional: Dr. Sean A Day (IASAS) and Dr. Antón Sidoroff Dorso (Artecitta Ru). Coordinación Interna: Dr.Timothy B Layden y Julia López de la Torre Lucha (Artecittà) Comité Científico: Dr. Edward M. Hubbard (University of Wisconsin-Madison); Dr. Joerg Jewansky; Dr. Markus Zedler; Dr. Sean A Day, Dra. DinaRiccò (Politecnico di Milano) Coordinador interuniversitario: Dr. Juan García Villar (FIAC). Colaboradores / Delegaciones: Dr. Víctor Parra (UPEL, Venezuela); Dr. Wilmer Chávez (UCLA, Venezuela); José Antonio Fernández (Synlogic, FIAC. Asesor psicopedagógico FIAC); Dr. Mohamed Radi Abouarab y Prof. Dr. Maged ABDELTAWAB AHMED ELKEMARY, Rector de la Universidad de Kafrelsheikh, (Egipto). Dra. Helena Melero (Univ. Rey Juan Carlos III. Madrid y FIAC, Madrid); Master Dibujo, Producción y Difusión, Dra. Mari Carmen Hidalgo y Dr. Jesús Pertíñez López. UGR; Ninghui Xiong and Tong Jung Ding (Artecittà China); Dra. Coral Morales, Ciencias de la Educación, UJA. Instituto de Estudios Giennenses (IEG): Dr. Pedro Galera Andreu y Dra. Adela Tarifa Fernández. Concejalía de Cultura, Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Alcalá la Real: Sr. D. Juan Francisco Martínez. Ayudante Comunicación Diseño e Imagen Ayto. Alcalá la Real, Jaén Federico Barquero Mesa. Traducción simultánea: Julia López de la Torre, Timothy B Layden (FIAC). y Dr. Víctor Parra, (F.I.A.C). Colaboración especial: Sr. D. Jesús Caicedo Bernabé. Presidente de la F.I.A.C.

Innovation and ICT in Education

Book Description

The adequate integration of information and communication technologies (ICT) in educational and training processes is one of the biggest current challenges in education. The classroom of the present is very different from just a few decades ago, new technological tools are completely transforming its characteristics and activities. This internationally authored book offers a timely, effective and practical vision of this new educational scenario. The book takes a multidisciplinary approach in looking at the problems and possible solutions that are faced by the educational professional of the 21st century when, by necessity or obligation, they face the use of ICT in their daily tasks. Divided into two parts, one theoretical and another practical, this book offers the highlights of the most important lines of research that are being developed today in educational technology, and importantly presents the innovations which have had the most impact over recent years. From the profound transformations in the physical classroom to everything that involves new virtual scenarios, where online teaching requires innovative strategies and training processes, this book describes the diverse scenarios that ICT has generated and will continue to generate in the field of education. It presents a new and a very different type of education that can be adapted to the needs of the citizen of the digital society.

Handbook of Research on Using Disruptive Methodologies and Game-Based Learning to Foster Transversal Skills

Book Description

As new technologies and professional profiles emerge, traditional education paradigms have to be adapted to new scenarios, creating favorable conditions for promoting transversal skills among students. Consequently, there is a growing demand for training in emergent skills to solve problems of different natures, distributive leadership competencies, empathy, ability to control emotions, etc. In this sense, one of the challenges that educators of all different educational levels and training contexts have to face is to foster these skills in their courses. To overcome these obstacles, innovative and disruptive methodologies, such as game-based learning activities like escape rooms, can be a great ally for teachers to work on transversal skills and specific knowledge at the same time. The Handbook of Research on Using Disruptive Methodologies and Game-Based Learning to Foster Transversal Skills gathers knowledge, skills, abilities, and capabilities on innovative and disruptive methodologies that can be applied in all educational levels to foster transversal skills. This publication contains different contributions focused on the description of innovative educational methods, processes, and tools that can be adopted by teachers to promote transversal skills such as creativity, critical thinking, decision-making, and entrepreneurial skills. This book is ideal for teachers, instructional designers, educational software developers, academics, professionals, students, and researchers working at all levels in the educational field and provides valuable background information to professionals who aim to overcome traditional paradigm obstacles and meet student needs by means of innovative and disruptive methodologies.

Computer Supported Qualitative Research

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This book includes selecting the articles accepted for presentation and discussion at WCQR2023, held from January 25 to 27, 2023 (face to face and virtual conference). The World Conference on Qualitative Research (WCQR) is an annual event that aims to bring together researchers, academics and professionals, promoting the sharing and discussing knowledge, new perspectives, experiences and innovations in qualitative research. WCQR2023 featured four main application fields (education, health, social sciences and engineering/technology) and seven main subjects: rationale and paradigms of qualitative research; systematization of approaches with qualitative studies; qualitative and mixed methods research; data analysis types; innovative processes of qualitative data analysis; qualitative research in web context; and qualitative analysis with software support. The book is valuable for everyone interested in qualitative research, emphasizing Computer-Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software (CAQDAS).

Translating Global Ideas

Book Description

International organizations have consistently influenced education reforms in Latin America, but not all countries have adopted the same policy recommendations. This book offers a unique comparative analysis of secondary education reforms in Chile, Argentina, and Colombia, from the 1960s to the 2010s, with a focus on three key areas: manpower planning, state-retrenchment (market-based versus active-state), and ideas about having a right to a quality education in an era of government accountability. While responding to similar policy recommendations, these countries have differed in how they have implemented decentralization, incorporated private actors, allocated authority over curriculum, and established instruments of accountability. Claudia Diaz-Rios traces the legacies of previous education policies and local struggles among stakeholders in reshaping—and sometimes rejecting—foreign recommendations. Translating Global Idea will be an invaluable resource for scholars of comparative politics and the globalization of education—particularly those interested in policy development in middle- and low-income countries, as well as practitioners invested in promoting education policy changes in Latin America.

Handbook of Research on Changing Dynamics in Responsible and Sustainable Business in the Post-COVID-19 Era

Book Description

The COVID-19 pandemic has shocked every part of society. The rise of businesses to the important task of improving sustainability and responsibility has been interrupted by the stress of the pandemic. In its wake, organizational leaders must reassess the best strategies considering the changes made by the “new normal.” The Handbook of Research on Changing Dynamics in Responsible and Sustainable Business in the Post-COVID-19 Era provides valuable insight of the significant changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in terms of defining, characterizing, presenting, and understanding the meaning, challenges, and implications of responsible and sustainable business. Covering topics such as consumerism, supply chain management, and sustainable organizational performance, this major reference work is an excellent resource for academicians, scientists, researchers, students, business specialists, business leaders, consultants, government institutions, and policymakers.

Comunicación digital

Book Description

Este manual está dirigido a estudiantes de comunicación y de educación de grado y posgrado. El eje central de toda la obra es el novedoso concepto de Factor R-elacional, atendiendo al nuevo modelo que los autores han bautizado como «TRIC» (Tecnologías de la Relación, Información y Comunicación), que dibuja un nuevo escenario de contextos y mediaciones en la comunicación digital y móvil. Este libro contiene todas las partes esenciales para entender la comunicación digital: fundamentos, principios, interactuantes, competencias, mediaciones e inteRmetodología.Desde una perspectiva educomunicativa, los autores proponen métodos innovadores para llevar a cabo prácticas de aprendizaje digital en entornos presenciales, semipresenciales y virtuales. Como aportación final, se entrevista a seis reconoidos expertos en educación mediática y competencia digital para abordar desde su mirada diferentes temas planteados en el libro, de forma dialógica y abierta a la reflexión. También se brinda a los lectores la posibilidad de participar e interactuar en un laboratorio de experiencias TRIC.