Child Welfare Removals by the State

Book Description

Child Welfare Removals by the State addresses a most important (but little-researched) legal proceeding: when the State intervenes in the private family sphere to remove children at risk to a place of safety, adoption, or in other forms of out-of-home care. It is an intervention into the private family sphere that is intrusive, contested, and a last resort. States' interventions in the family are decided within legal and political orders and traditions that constitute a country's policies, welfare state model, child protection system, and children s position in a society. However, we lack a cross-country analysis of the different models of decision-making in a European context. This text aims to present new research at the intersection of social work, law, and social policy concerning child protection proceedings for children in need of alternative care. It explores the role of court-based and voluntary decision-making systems in child protection proceedings, its effects, dynamics, and meanings in seven European countries and the United States, and analyses the tensions and dilemmas between children, parents, and socio-legal professionals. The book consists of eight country chapters, plus an introduction and conclusion chapters. The range of countries of countries represented in the book covers the social democratic Nordic countries (Finland, Norway, and Sweden), the conservative corporatist regimes (Germany and Switzerland), the neo-liberal (England, Ireland, and the United States), and related child welfare systems.

Empirische Forschung in der Sozialen Arbeit

Book Description

Die empirische Forschung Sozialer Arbeit verbreitet sich zunehmend. Vor diesem Hintergrund analysiert das vorliegende Werk die gegenwärtige Forschungskultur und fragt nach zeitgemäßen Forschungsmethoden. Nach ethischen Inhalten und Reflexionen zur Rolle der Forscher und Forscherinnen werden innovative Forschungszugänge thematisiert. Schwerpunkte bilden Ethnografie, die Beteiligung von Adressaten und Adressatinnen an Forschungsprozessen, Forschung mit Kindern, Entwicklungen der Praxis sowie Studien zum Stellenwert der kulturellen Identität.

Violence Prevention in Education, School, and Club

Book Description

The safety of children in the context of protection from assault and violence is a basic need of our society. This edited volume provides a concise overview of the social education of children and young people for all those responsible who want to provide the necessary impetus in the context of their professional, voluntary or educational activities and who are interested in how to convey this successfully. The handbook includes a basic and prevention section.

Unaccompanied Migrant Children

Book Description

Unaccompanied migrant children are the most vulnerable group of migrants and refugees. Their experiences, their contested legal status in the host countries, and their treatment before, during, and after migration call for an ethics of child migration that places unaccompanied migrant children at the center. This volume gathers international experts from the fields of social work, social science, law, philosophy, and Catholic ethics. Social science, psychological, and social work studies, analyses of US and international law of child migration, refuge and asylum policies, and several case studies regarding law enforcement highlight the more recent shifts in policies both in the United States and Europe. The current policies are confronted with two major normative frameworks that go beyond migration laws or the international refugee and asylum provisions: the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child, and the approach of the Catholic social ethics of migration. The authors address the challenges of childhood under the conditions of migration: the uprooting of lives, the journey and transition into foreign countries and cultures, and the transition into adulthood. They discern the legal provisions and obstacles of the immigration process, the securitization of the borders, and the criminalization of unaccompanied migrant children. Catholic social ethics, the theological authors argue, must offer more than its pastoral call for charity, solidarity, and compassion that is already in place, inspiring multiple Catholic organizations, groups, and individuals. The Christian emphasis on family rights and values, originating in the story of the Holy Family, is necessary, yet insufficient when children are separated from their parents—instead, children must be recognized as vulnerable agents in their own right, and the moral dilemmas families sometimes face be acknowledged. US and European policies must be informed by the interpretation of justice, and the principle of the common good must be held against the firewalling of the West. As a political ethics, Catholic social ethics must critique and reject the use of the Christian religion for nationalist policies and depictions of migrant children as a threat to the cultural identity of Western societies.

Child Protection Systems

Book Description

This book builds upon and advances the comparative analysis of child protection systems that was conducted in the mid-1990s. Since the mid-1990s, however, much has changed in the realm of child welfare and how states define and deal with their responsibilities for children at risk. This book sets out to identify and analyse these changes and their implications, with a particular focus on assessing the extent to which the child protection and family service orientations continue to provide a helpful framework for understanding and comparing systems in different countries.

Violence Juvénile

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Educating Refugee-background Students

Book Description

This collection of empirical work offers an in-depth exploration of key issues in the education of adolescents and adults with refugee backgrounds residing in North America, Australia and Europe. These studies foreground student goals, experiences and voices, and reflect a high degree of awareness of the assets that refugee-background students bring to schools and broader society. Chapters are clustered according to the two themes of Language and Literacy, and Access and Equity. Each chapter includes a discussion of context, researcher positionality and implications for educators, policy-makers and scholars.

Fachliche Orientierungen und Realisierungsmöglichkeiten in der Sozialen Arbeit

Book Description

Dieses Buch befasst sich mit fachlichen Orientierungen einer sich als Reflexions- und Handlungswissenschaft verstehenden Sozialen Arbeit. Es stellt verschiedene ethische Grundlagen, Fachkonzepte und implizite Denkfiguren vor und setzt sich mit Möglichkeiten und Grenzen professionellen Handelns in der Praxis auseinander. Diskurse um Menschenrechte, Grundbedürfnisse und Befähigungen, Partizipation, Sozialraum und Inklusion werden geführt und in Praxiskontexten betrachtet. Dabei werden Spannungen zwischen Institutionalisierung und Alltagsnähe, zwischen gesellschaftlichen Werten und Kontrollaufträgen und der Parteilichkeit für die AdressatInnen sichtbar. Quelle: Klappentext.

The Politics of Adoption

Book Description

This book explains, compares and evaluates the social and legal functions of adoption within a range of selected jurisdictions and on an international basis. It updates and extends the second edition published by Springer in 2009. From a standpoint of the development of adoption in England & Wales and the changes currently taking place there, it considers the process as it has evolved in other countries. It identifies themes of commonality and difference in the experience of adoption in a common law context as compared and contrasted with that of other countries. It looks at adoption in France, Sweden and other civil law countries, as well as Japan and elsewhere in Asia, including a focus on Islamic adoption. It examines the experience of indigenous people in New Zealand and Australia, contrasting the highly regulated legal process of modern western society with the traditional practice of indigenous communities such as the Maori. A new chapter studies adoption in China. The book uses the international Conventions and associated ECtHR case law to benchmark developments in national law, policy and practice and to facilitate a cross-cultural comparative analysis.