Green Chromatographic Techniques

Book Description

This book presents a unified outlook on counter-current, ion size exclusion, supercritical fluids, high-performance thin layers, and gas and size exclusion chromatographic techniques used for the separation and purification of organic and inorganic analytes. It also describes a number of green techniques, green sample preparation methods and optimization of solvent consumption in the chromatographic analysis of organic and inorganic analytes. This book offers a valuable resource not only for learners, but also for more experienced chromatographers, conveying a deeper understanding of green chromatographic techniques, green solvents and preparation methods.

Inorganic Chromatographic Analysis

Book Description

This is the first introductory text summarizing inorganic chromatographic analysis. After a brief history of the subject, the book goes on to document recent advances made in the field. Includes discussions of chromatographic theory, the instruments used in gas chromatography and high-performance liquid chromatography, gas chromatography of inorganic compounds, organometallics and metal complexes, thin layer chromatography, ion exchange in radiochemistry, and ion chromatography.

Practice of High Performance Liquid Chromatography

Book Description

During its short 20 year history High Performance Liquid Chro matography (HPLC) has won itself a firm place amongst the instrumental methods of analysis. HPLC has caused a revolution in biological and pharmaceutical chemistry. Approximately two thirds of the publications on HPLC are concerned with problems from this area of life science. Biotechnology, where it is necessary to isolate substances from complicated mixtures, is likely to give further impetus to the dissemination of modern liquid chromatog raphy in columns, particularly on the preparative scale. This book presents, by means of examples, the application of HPLC to various fields, as well as fundamental discussions of chromatographic methods. The quality of the analytical result is decisively dependent on the qualities of the equipment employed (by Colin, Guiochon, and Martin). Especially the demands are discussed that are placed on the components of the instrument including those for data acquisition and processing. The section on "quantitative analy sis" (by ABhauer, Ullner) covers besides the principles also the problems of ensuring the quality of the data in detail. The basic problems arising by enlarging the sample size to preparative di mensions and the requirements put on the aparatus are discussed in the section on "preparative applications" (by Wehrli).

Ion Chromatography

Book Description

Bewitched is an odd word with which to begin a chemical textbook. Yet that is a fair description of how I reacted on first leaming of ion exchange and imagining what might be done with it. That initial fascination has not left me these many years later, and it has provided much ofthe motivation for writing this book. The perceived need for a text on the fundamentals of ion chromatography provided the rest. Many readers will have a general idea of what ion chromatography is and what it does. Briefly, for those who do not, it is an umbrella term for a variety of chromatographie methods for the rapid and sensitive analysis of mixtures of ionic species. It has become highly developed in the last decade, and while it is now routinely used for the determination of organic as weH as inorganic ions, its initial impact was greatest in the area of inorganic analysis. In the past the determination of inorganic ions, particularly anions, meant laborious, time-con suming, and often not very sensitive "wet chemieal" methods. In the last ten years that has changed radically as ion chromatography has supplanted these older methods.

Chromatography for Inorganic Chemistry

Book Description

A chromatographic chemist of international repute examines the use of chromatographic techniques that can be employed usefully in the analysis of inorganic compounds. Provides a broad-based account of the numerous factors needed to be considered and explains which are the most appropriate methods of analysis and why. Demonstrates the advances made in inorganic chemistry, especially in the chemistry of aqueous solutions by using chromatographic and electrophoretic techniques.