Installation Restoration Program (IRP) Stage 3. Finding of No Significant Impact Operable Unit B. Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis-Environmental Assessment and Removal Action

Book Description

The Department of the Air Force has prepared an Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis and assessment of environmental impact to respond to contaminated ground water in Operable Unit (OU) B at McClellan AFB, California. Proposed action involves: (1) installation of extraction wells; (2) extraction of contaminated ground water; (3) treatment of extracted groundwater; and (4) release of the treated groundwater. Additional ground water monitoring, abandonment of a contaminated production well, continued extraction from a production well, and restriction on the use of a third production well are also proposed as integral parts of the restoration and water reclamation activity. This action only covers short-term measures to reduce the potential for increased health risks from the migration of higher concentrations of contaminants to on- and off-base water supply wells.

Installation Restoration Program (IRP), Phase II, Stage 1 - Problem Confirmation Study, Norton Air Force Base, San Bernardino, California. Volume 1. Technical Report

Book Description

Fifteen sites of potential environmental concern, grouped into six waste management zones, were evaluated. A total of 22 monitor wells were installed and groundwater samples were obtained from each well. Soil samples were obtained for chemical analysis from 12 soil borings. Samples of surface water, bottom sediments and fish tissues were obtained from three ponds. All chemical analyses were accomplished in accordance with Standard USEPA analytical methods. Based on the sampling and analyses performed, levels of contamination were found in soils or groundwater at seven of the 15 sites evaluated which warrant further investigation and potential remedial actions. Recommendations were made as to appropriate follow-up site evaluation work at these seven sites.

Installation Restoration Program (IRP) Stage 3, Operable Unit B Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis - Environmental Assessment for McClellan AFB/EM, McClellan AFB, California

Book Description

This cost analysis and environmental impact report presents the results of a comparative analysis of removal action options for the McClellan AFB Operable Unit B. This report documents the removal action selection process and presents the actions selected to mitigate the groundwater. Partial contents: Type of facilities and operational status; Soils; Surface water; Groundwater; Land use; Use, storage, and disposal of chemicals; Potential and known discharges; Contamination distribution; Potential health or environmental impacts; Exposure assessment; Toxicity assessment; Risk characterization; Removal scope; Ground/water extraction; Groundwater treatment plan; Industrial wastewater treatment plan; Sanitary sewer system; Reinjection of treated groundwaters into aquifer; Groundwater monitoring; Analysis of removal action alternatives.

United States Air Force Installation Restoration Program (IRP) Strategies for Investigating Migrating Contaminated Groundwater

Book Description

DOD IRP Remedial Investigations (RI) are often too long and drawn out. The goal of RI is to confirm and quantify soil and groundwater contamination. Often, RI costs exceed estimates and time schedules. Environmental regulators and local residents become distressed over the apparent lack of progress being made. Current RI strategies employed at most Air Force installations involve contamination plume delineation. This strategy for investigation often does not reveal adequate information regarding movement of contaminants. A thorough understanding of the hydrogeological setting is essential to obtain maximum improvement of groundwater quality. An alternative strategy is Transport Quantification (TQ), a process that identifies and quantifies groundwater flow characteristics prior to, or during, contamination investigation. TQ emphasizes surficial and geological investigations and incorporates groundwater flow models. Preliminary investigations focusing on soil and groundwater characterization can greatly reduce the effort and expense of groundwater investigation and restoration. It was also found that a severe lack of manning within the environmental function exists. Without technical personnel administering the IRP, the program will continue to be run ineffectively. The study revealed a need for a better data transfer and communication between base level offices and higher headquarters, between headquarters, and between services. The AF Engineering and Services Center and USAF OEHL are working on solutions to these problems. Theses. (FR).

Site Investigation Installation Restoration Program (IRP) Site Number 4 and Number 5. Volume 2. Appendices A-H. 216th Engineering Installation Squardron and 234th Combat Communications Squadron California Air National Guard Station Hayward, California

Book Description

Site Investigation Report for IRP Site No. 4 and 5 California Air National Guard, 216th EIS & 234th CCS, Hayward Air National Guard Station, Hayward, CA - Volume II. This is the second volume of a two volume site investigation report. The sites were investigated under the Installation Restoration Program. Soil and groundwater samples were collected and analyzed. Further investigation was recommended to further delineate the impacted soil and groundwater, conduct a risk assessment, and continue groundwater monitoring.

Installation Restoration Program. Phase 2. Confirmation Quantification. Stage 2 for MacDill Air Force Base, Florida

Book Description

An Installation Restoration Program (IRP) Phase II, Stage 2 investigation was conducted at MacDill AFB and Avon Park AFR, Florida, to confirm the presence or absence of contamination at twelve sites. Eight of the twelve sites were previously investigated under Phase II, Stage 1 efforts. Four sites had not previously been investigated under Phase II efforts. A field program was conducted, consisting of geophysical surveys, the drilling and installation of 28 monitoring wells, an aquifer pumping test in the surficial aquifer, and the collection and analysis of groundwater, surface water, and sediment samples. At MacDill AFB, no significant contaminants were found at two of the sites. These sites were recommended for no further action. At three other sites no significant contamination was found but other evidence suggested that additional study should be considered before specific action at these sites is recommended. Significant contamination was found at three sites and these sites were recommended for additional investigation. One site at MacDill AFB was recommended for remedial action. At Avon Park AFR, all three sites showed no significant contamination and were recommended for no further action. Keywords: Water pollution, Hazardous wastes, Hydrogeology, Monitoring, Tables(Data). (aw).