Installation Restoration Program (IRP) Stage 3. Finding of No Significant Impact Operable Unit B. Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis-Environmental Assessment and Removal Action

Book Description

The Department of the Air Force has prepared an Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis and assessment of environmental impact to respond to contaminated ground water in Operable Unit (OU) B at McClellan AFB, California. Proposed action involves: (1) installation of extraction wells; (2) extraction of contaminated ground water; (3) treatment of extracted groundwater; and (4) release of the treated groundwater. Additional ground water monitoring, abandonment of a contaminated production well, continued extraction from a production well, and restriction on the use of a third production well are also proposed as integral parts of the restoration and water reclamation activity. This action only covers short-term measures to reduce the potential for increased health risks from the migration of higher concentrations of contaminants to on- and off-base water supply wells.

Work Plan

Book Description

Installation Restoration Program (IRP). Operable Unit B1 Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study

Book Description

This document presents the results from the remedial investigation and feasibility study for Operable Unit (OU) B1 at McClellan AFB, Sacramento, CA. Operable Unit B1 includes the Defense Reutilization and Marketing Office (DRMO) storage lot and Civil Engineering storage lot at McClellan AFB. The main chemicals of concern are PCBs, dioxins, and furans which may have leaked from transformers stored at OU B1 or were constituents of waste oil applied to soils to control dust. Sections 1.0 through 4.0 of the report present results from the RI, the potential for contaminant migration/transport from OU B1 and the current and future risks associated with OU B1. The FS begins in Section 5.0 identifying the remedial action objectives, in Sections 6.0 and 7.0, technologies are screened and potential remedial alternatives are developed. The final six remedial alternatives are analyzed and compared to each other using the criteria established in the NCP in Section 8.0.