Installation Restoration Program. Stage 3. Remedial Investigation/ Feasibility Study. Elmendorf Air Force Base, Alaska. Volume 4. Appendices D-F.

Book Description

This volume provides Raw field data - - Ground penetrating radar, Gamma-ray logs, Terrain conductivity data, Pump and Slug test data, Groundwater level and quality data, Field record sheets, and Surface water quality sampling records; Surveying data and Chain-of-custody forms.

Installation Restoration Program Stage 3. Remedial Investigation/ Feasibility Study Elmendorf AFB, Alaska. Volume 2. Section 5 - Bibliography Text

Book Description

Contents of this volume consist, primarily of, alternative remedial measures and recommendations for restoration of each site studied. A feasibility study (FS) of alternative remedial measures is required for 7 of the 32 sites investigated at Elmendorf AFB. Alternative remedial measures for Sites D-16, IS- 1, SP-5/5A, SP-7/10 and SP-15 are developed and evaluated.

Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study, Operable Unit 5, Elmendorf AFB, Anchorage, Alaska. Volume 1. Text

Book Description

This Final Report for Operable Unit 5 (OU 5) is provided per the statement of work for the Remedial investigation/Feasibility Study for (RI/FS) OU 5. The RI portion of the report covers the site background, field investigations, nature and extent of contamination, conceptual model, and baseline risk assessment. The purpose of the RI is to define the contamination at OU 5 and the effects of the contamination on human health and the environment. The FS covers: (1) remedial action objectives, (2) an identification and screening of potentially applicable technologies, (3) a development and screening of alternatives which combine these technologies, and (4) a detailed analysis of the most applicable alternatives. The analysis considers the nine CERCLA evaluation criteria. The alternatives are evaluated according to their combined effectiveness, implementability, and cost scores. Based on the analysis, the most cost-effective alternatives are identified. Remedial action objectives, ARARs, Detailed analysis of alternatives, Operable Unit 5, Remedial investigation/feasibility study, Elmendorf AFB, Alaska.

Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study, Operable Unit 5, Elmendorf AFB, Anchorage, Alaska. Volume 3. Appendices K - T.

Book Description

Analytical data summary sheets; Halogenated VOCs (Method 8010); Drinking water VOCs (Method 524.2); Petroleum hydrocarbons (Methods 8015 and 8020); Semivolatile (Method 8270); PCBs (Method 8080); Metals (various methods); Conventional parameters (various methods); Agricultural parameters (various methods); Miscellaneous parameters (various methods).

Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study, Operable Unit 5, Elmendorf AFB, Anchorage, Alaska. Volume 2. Text and Appendices A - J.

Book Description

Remedial action alternatives were developed using the potentially acceptable technologies and representative process options identified in Section 9.0. The potential pathways that are addressed in this feasibility study (FS) are as follows: Groundwater; Seep discharges; Soil, and Sediment and surface water in the Snowmelt Pond. The goal of the FS is to evaluate multi-media alternatives (i.e., grouping of actions that, together, address the three pathways). Even with only a small number of actions that address each pathway, the number of combinations that would address multi-media impacts in different parts of the OU would be very large. Therefore, media-specific alternatives are screened in this section and evaluated in detail in Section 11.0. Multi-media alternatives are developed in the comparative analysis section of Section 11.0. Since the Snowmelt Pond has a presumptive remedy of constructed wetlands, the pond is discussed in detail in Section 11.0.