Renewable Energy for Smart and Sustainable Cities

Book Description

This book features cutting-edge research presented at the second international conference on Artificial Intelligence in Renewable Energetic Systems, IC-AIRES2018, held on 24–26 November 2018, at the High School of Commerce, ESC-Koléa in Tipaza, Algeria. Today, the fundamental challenge of integrating renewable energies into the design of smart cities is more relevant than ever. While based on the advent of big data and the use of information and communication technologies, smart cities must now respond to cross-cutting issues involving urban development, energy and environmental constraints; further, these cities must also explore how they can integrate more sustainable energies. Sustainable energies are a major determinant of smart cities’ longevity. From an environmental and technological standpoint, these energies offer an optimal power supply to the electric network while creating significantly less pollution. This requires flexibility, i.e., the availability of supply and demand. The end goal of any smart city is to improve the quality of life for all citizens (both in the city and in the countryside) in a way that is sustainable and respectful of the environment. This book encourages the reader to engage in the preservation of our environment, every moment, every day, so as to help build a clean and healthy future, and to think of the future generations who will one day inherit our planet. Further, it equips those whose work involves energy systems and those engaged in modelling artificial intelligence to combine their expertise for the benefit of the scientific community and humanity as a whole.

Production d'énergie électrique à partir des sources renouvelables (Coll. Sciences et technologies de l'énergie électrique)

Book Description

Les questions de développement durable et de projection des besoins futurs favorisent l'apparition de nouvelles technologies de production d'énergie et entraînent un changement de comportement des usagers. Ce livre contribue à une meilleure appréhension de ces technologies émergentes de production d'électricité. Il analyse leurs enjeux, leurs sources et leurs moyens de conversion électrique. Suivant une approche didactique et générale, cet ouvrage présente : - les systèmes de production d'électricité à partir de ressources énergétiques renouvelables des petites aux moyennes puissances (jusque 100 à 200 MW), - les notions électrotechniques de base nécessaire à la compréhension des caractéristiques de fonctionnement de ces convertisseurs, - les contraintes et problèmes d'intégration dans les réseaux électriques de ces moyens de production.

NEFF 1977-97

Book Description

Electrical Energy Storage for Buildings in Smart Grids

Book Description

Current developments in the renewable energy field, and the trend toward self-production and self-consumption of energy, has led to increased interest in the means of storing electrical energy; a key element of sustainable development. This book provides an in-depth view of the environmentally responsible energy solutions currently available for use in the building sector. It highlights the importance of storing electrical energy, demonstrates the many services that the storage of electrical energy can bring, and discusses the important socio-economic factors related to the emergence of smart buildings and smart grids. Finally, it presents the methodological tools needed to build a system of storage-based energy management, illustrated by concrete, pedagogic examples.

Energy Autonomous Micro and Nano Systems

Book Description

Providing a detailed overview of the fundamentals and latest developments in the field of energy autonomous microsystems, this book delivers an in-depth study of the applications in the fields of health and usage monitoring in aeronautics, medical implants, and home automation, drawing out the main specifications on such systems. Introductory information on photovoltaic, thermal and mechanical energy harvesting, and conversion, is given, along with the latest results in these fields. This book also provides a state of the art of ultra-low power sensor interfaces, digital signal processing and wireless communications. In addition, energy optimizations at the sensor node and sensors network levels are discussed, thus completing this overview. This book details the challenges and latest techniques available to readers who are interested in this field. A major strength of this book is that the first three chapters are application orientated and thus, by setting the landscape, introduce the technical chapters. There is also a good balance between the technical application, covering all the system-related aspects and, within each chapter, details on the physics, materials and technologies associated with electronics. Contents Introduction. Introduction to Energy Autonomous Micro and Nano Systems and Presentation of Contributions, Marc Belleville and Cyril Condemine. 1. Sensors at the Core of Building Control, Gilles Chabanis, Laurent Chiesi, Hynek Raisigel, Isabelle Ressejac and Véronique Boutin. 2. Toward Energy Autonomous MedicalImplants, Raymond Campagnolo and Daniel Kroiss. 3. Energy Autonomous Systems in Aeronautic Applications, Thomas Becker, Jirka Klaue and Martin Kluge. 4. Energy Harvesting by Photovoltaic Effect, Emmanuelle Rouvière, Simon Perraud, Cyril Condemine and Guy Waltisperger. 5. Mechanical Energy Harvesting, Ghislain Despesse, Jean Jacques Chaillout, Sébastien Boisseau and Claire Jean-Mistral. 6. Thermal Energy Harvesting, Tristan Caroff, Emmanuelle Rouvière and Jérôme Willemin. 7. Lithium Micro-Batteries, Raphaël Salot. 8. Ultra-Low-Power Sensors, Pascal Nouet, Norbert Dumas, Laurent Latorre and Frédérick Mailly. 9. Ultra-Low-Power Signal Processing in Autonomous Systems, Christian Piguet. 10. Ultra-Low-Power Radio Frequency Communications and Protocols, Eric Mercier. 11. Energy Management in an Autonomous Microsystem, Jean-Frédéric Christmann, Edith Beigne, Cyril Condemine, Jérôme Willemin and Christian Piguet. 12. Optimizing Energy Efficiency of Sensor Networks, Olivier Sentieys and Olivier Berder.

Solar Photovoltaic System Applications

Book Description

Presenting a complete guide for the planning, design and implementation of solar PV systems for off-grid applications, this book features analysis based on the authors’ own laboratory testing as well as their in the field experiences. Incorporating the latest developments in smart-digital and control technologies into the design criteria of the PV system, this book will also focus on how to integrate newer smart design approaches and techniques for improving the efficiency, reliability and flexibility of the entire system. The design and implementation of India’s first-of its-kind Smart Mini-Grid system (SMG) at TERI premises, which involves the integration of multiple renewable energy resources (including solar PV) through smart controllers for managing the load intelligently and effectively is presented as a key case study. Maximizing reader insights into the performance of different components of solar PV systems under different operating conditions, the book will be of interest to graduate students, researchers, PV designers, planners, and practitioners working in the area of solar PV design, implementation and assessment.

The Spirit of Faith

Book Description

ICREGA’14 - Renewable Energy: Generation and Applications

Book Description

This book collects the edited and reviewed contributions presented in the 3rd International Conference on Renewable Energy: Generation and Applications” ICREGA’14, organized by the UAE University in Al-Ain. This conference aims to disseminate knowledge on methods, policies and technologies related to renewable energy and it acknowledges the leadership of the UAE which committed to a 7% renewable energy target by 2020. The demands and developments in renewable energy generations and applications are rapidly growing and are facing many challenges on different levels such as basic science, engineering system design, energy policies and sustainable developments. This edition presents new contributions related to recent renewable energy case studies, developments in biofuel, energy storage, solar and wind energy, integrated systems and sustainable power production. In the spirit of the ICREGA’14, the volume has been produced after the conference so that the authors had the possibility to incorporate comments and discussions raised during the meeting. The contributions have been grouped in the following topics: - Efficient Energy Utilization - Electrical Energy Market, Management and Economics - Energy Storage Systems - Environmental Issues - Fuel Cells Systems - Green Buildings - Intelligent Energy/Power Transmission and Distribution - Solar Photovoltaic and Thermal Energy - Wind Energy Systems.