Institutional Frameworks for Social Policy in Latin America and the Caribbean

Book Description

Foreword .-- Introduction .-- Part 1. Social policy institutions. -- Chapter I. Institutional framework for social development / Rodrigo Martínez, Carlos Maldonado Valera .-- Chapter II. Social development and social protection institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean: overview and challenges / Rodrigo Martínez, Carlos Maldonado Valera .-- Part 2. Components and institutional framewoek of social protection. -- Chapter III. Labour market regulation and social protection: institutional challenges / Mario D. Velásquez Pinto .-- Chapter IV. Institutional aspects of Latin America's pension systems / Andras Uthoff .-- Chapter V. Care as a pillar of social protection: rights, policies and institutions in Latin America / María Nieves Rico, Claudia Robles .-- Part 3. Policies for specific populations and their institutional framework .-- Chapter VI. Life cycle and social policies: youth institutions in the region / Daniela Trucco .-- Chapter VII. Disability and public policy: institutional progress and challenges in Latin America / Heidi Ullmann .-- Chapter VIII. Latin American Afrodescendants: institutional framework and public policies / Marta Rangel.

Toolkit. Institutional Frameworks for Social Policies for Equality in Latin America and the Caribbean

Book Description

Foreword .-- Introduction .-- I. Aims of the toolkit .-- II. The institutional framework for social policy .-- III. Coherence and coordination mechanismsfor social policies .-- IV. Coordination with non-State actors and citizen participation .-- V. Social policies at the local level: proximity government .-- VI. Social protection information systems andrecipient registries .-- VII. Monitoring and evaluation of social policies and programmes .-- VIII. Social protection systems against disaster .-- IX. Poverty elimination strategies .-- X. Challenges for an integrated institutional framework for social policy.

Who Decides Social Policy?

Book Description

This book combines an institutional political economy approach to policy making with social network analysis of social policy formulation processes. Based on extensive interviews with governmental and nongovernmental actors, the case studies of social policy formulation in Argentina, The Bahamas, Bolivia, and Trinidad and Tobago show that while societal actors are central in the networks in South American countries, government officials are the main participants in the Caribbean countries. The comparative analysis of the networks of ideas, information, economic resources, and political power across these cases indicates that differences in the types of bureaucratic systems and governance structures may explain the diversity of actors with decision power and the resources used to influence social policy formulation across the region. These analytical and methodological contributions-combined with specific examples of policies and programs-will help to enhance the efficiency, efficacy, and sustainability of public policies in the social arena.

Towards Universal Social Protection

Book Description

This book reflects on the public policies, programmes and regulatory frameworks that are taking a rights-based approach to expanding social protection coverage and benefits in Latin America, with a view to achieving universal coverage. Its discussion of the policy tools and programmes pursued in the region aims to provide the reader with technical and programmatic insights for assembling and coordinating public policies within consistent and sustainable social protection systems. The combination of normative orientations and stock of technical knowledge, together with advances regarding the rights-based approach to social protection within a life cycle framework, afford the reader not only a tool box of specific social protection instruments, but also an in-depth examination of related political economy aspects.

Achieving Effective Social Protection for All in Latin America and the Caribbean

Book Description

This study highlights the interaction between social protection programs and labor markets in the Latin America region. It presents new evidence on the limited coverage of existing programs and emphasizes the challenges caused by high informality for achieving universal social protection for old age income, for health, for unemployment risks and for anti poverty safety nets. It identifies interaction effects between SP programs and the behavioral responses of workers, firms and social protection providers, which can further undermine efforts to expand coverage, summarizing evidence from recent work across the region. It argues for a re-design of financing to eliminate cross subsidies between members of contributory programs and subsidies that effectively tax income from formal employment. Instead, it advocates well-targeted, tax-funded tapered subsidies to provide incentives to the savings efforts of low income workers, coupled with an effective safety net for the extreme poor who have no capacity to contribute to financing their own social protection arrangements. It also argues for the consolidation of programs and harmonization of benefits packages across different insurers. The book develops an overall conceptual framework and presents in-depth analysis of the main SP sectors of pensions, health, unemployment insurance and safety net transfers.

Latin America and the Caribbean

Book Description

Dated April 1995

Government at a Glance: Latin America and the Caribbean 2020

Book Description

This third edition of Government at a Glance Latin America and the Caribbean provides the latest available evidence on public administrations and their performance in the LAC region and compares it to OECD countries. This publication includes indicators on public finances and economics, public employment, centres of government, regulatory governance, open government data, public sector integrity, public procurement and for the first time core government results (e.g. trust, inequality reduction).

The State of State Reforms in Latin America

Book Description

Latin America suffered a profound state crisis in the 1980s, which prompted not only the wave of macroeconomic and deregulation reforms known as the Washington Consensus, but also a wide variety of institutional or 'second generation' reforms. 'The State of State Reform in Latin America' reviews and assesses the outcomes of these less studied institutional reforms. This book examines four major areas of institutional reform: a. political institutions and the state organization; b. fiscal institutions, such as budget, tax and decentralization institutions; c. public institutions in charge of sectoral economic policies (financial, industrial, and infrastructure); and d. social sector institutions (pensions, social protection, and education). In each of these areas, the authors summarize the reform objectives, describe and measure their scope, assess the main outcomes, and identify the obstacles for implementation, especially those of an institutional nature.

Emerging from the Pandemic Tunnel with Faster Growth and Greater Equity: A Strategy for a New Social Compact in Latin America and the Caribbean

Book Description

While the pandemic lasts, Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) will go through a tunnel full of uncertainty. It is not known especially how long it is: how long until therapies or a vaccine emerge, or until best practices are known to control the pandemic to live with a virus of unknown lethality. This note describes policy options on how countries can expand their possibilities to meet the economic challenges of the crisis, with an emphasis on growth and equity. These options are based on the assumption that the fiscal situation of the region and its access to sovereign credit markets are much more restricted than in previous crises, which forces to think about policy reforms beyond fiscal ones to accelerate the Economic recovery. The options are ambitious, but the ambition meets the need. This document is part of a series of 3 IDB monographs on public policies in the context of COVID-19. The other documents can be consulted at the following links: Public Policy to Tackle COVID-19: Recommendations for Latin America and the Caribbean: From Lockdown to Reopening: Strategic Considerations for the Resumption of Activities in Latin America and the Caribbean within the framework of Covid-19