Poverty Reduction Policies and Practices in Developing Asia

Book Description

This book looks at the major policy challenges facing developing Asia and how the region sustains rapid economic growth to reduce multidimensional poverty through socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable measures. Asia is facing many challenges arising from population growth, rapid urbanization, provision of services, climate change and the need to redress declining growth after the global financial crisis. This book examines poverty and related issues and aims to advance the development of new tools and measurement of multidimensional poverty and poverty reduction policy analysis. The book covers a wide range of issues, including determinants and causes of poverty and its changes; consequences and impacts of poverty on human capital formation, growth and consumption; assessment of poverty strategies and policies; the role of government, NGOs and other institutions in poverty reduction; rural-urban migration and poverty; vulnerability to poverty; breakdown of poverty into chronic and transitory components; and a comparative study on poverty issues in Asia and other regions. The book will appeal to all those interested in economic development, resources, policies and economic welfare and growth.

Eliminating Human Poverty

Book Description

This book focuses on the provision of basic social services - in particular, access to education, health and water supplies - as the central building blocks of any human development strategy. The authors concentrate on how these basic social services can be financed and delivered more effectively to achieve the internationally agreed Millennium Development Goals. Their analysis, which departs from the dominant macro-economic paradigm, deploys the results of broad-ranging research they led at UNICEF and UNDP, investigating the record on basic social services of some 30 developing countries. In seeking to learn from these new data, they develop an analytical argument around two potential synergies: at the macro level, between poverty reduction, human development and economic growth, and at the micro level, between interventions to provide basic social services. Policymakers, they argue, can integrate macro-economic and social policy. Fiscal, monetary, and other macro-economic policies can be compatible with social sector requirements. They make the case that policymakers have more flexibility than is usually presented by orthodox writers and international financial institutions, and that if policymakers engaged in alternative macro-economic and growth-oriented policies, this could lead to the expansion of human capabilities and the fulfillment of human rights. This book explores some of these policy options. The book also argues that more than just additional aid is needed. Specific strategic shifts in the areas of aid policy, decentralized governance, health and education policy and the private-public mix in service provision are a prerequisite to achieve the goals of human development. The combination of governance reforms and fiscal and macro-economic policies outlined in this book can eliminate human poverty in the span of a generation.

Understanding Growth and Poverty

Book Description

Provides an understanding of economic policies for poverty reduction in developing countries. The policy areas include the various roles of government in ensuring the effective operation of a market economy, conducting fiscal policy, and influencing the money supply, exchange rates, and the financial sector.

Aid, Institutions and Development

Book Description

This accessible book is a powerful critique of the effectiveness of development aid. It skilfully combines a wealth of practical experience with a thorough examination of recent academic research. It will certainly challenge the defenders of aid to rethink their position for the twenty-first century. John Toye, Department of Economics, Oxford, UK This is an excellent book; interesting and extremely well written. It offers a masterly survey of existing work in the field and will have a wide appeal amongst policymakers and academic economists with an interest in development. A.P. Thirlwall University of Kent, Canterbury, UK This book makes a significant contribution by examining an important issue, namely, the effects of foreign aid on development. The author provides an insightful critical review of the relevant academic literature, and presents a careful evaluation of recent foreign aid initiatives and approaches. The reader is struck by the author s painstaking and wide-ranging research on the subject, interspersed with thoughtful comments based on his own experiences. Scholars and practitioners working on development will find much that is insightful, informative, provocative and stimulating. Amitava Krishna Dutt, University of Notre Dame, US In spite of massive flows over the past 50 years, aid has failed to have any significant impact on development. Marginalization from the world economy and increases in absolute poverty are causing countries to degenerate into failed, oppressive and, in some cases, dangerous states. To address this malaise, Ashok Chakravarti argues that there should be more recognition of the role economic and political governance can play in achieving positive and sustainable development outcomes. Using the latest empirical findings on aid and growth, this book reveals how good governance can be achieved by radically restructuring the international aid architecture. This can be realised if the governments of donor nations and international financial institutions refocus their aid programs away from the transfer of resources and so-called poverty reduction measures, and instead play a more forceful role in the developing world to achieve the necessary political and institutional reform. Only in this way can aid become an effective instrument of growth and poverty reduction in the 21st century. Aid, Institutions and Development presents a new, thoroughly critical and holistic perspective on this topical and problematic subject. Academics and researchers in development economics, policymakers, NGOs, aid managers and informed readers will all find much to challenge and engage them within this book.

Agricultural Policies for Poverty Reduction

Book Description

This volume sets out a strategy for raising rural incomes which emphasises the creation of diversified rural economies with opportunities within and outside agriculture.

Land Policies for Growth and Poverty Reduction

Book Description

This volume synthesizes insights from the vast literature on land policy, taking due account of actual experiences in policy implementation, and suggests ways to design land policies that promote growth as well as poverty reduction.

Growth, Inequality, and Poverty

Book Description

The relationship between growth, inequality, and poverty lies at the heart of development economics. This volume draws together many of the most important recent contributions to the controversies surrounding this topic. Some of the chapters help explain why there is profound disagreement on crucial issues of growth, poverty and inequality within academic circles, and among organizations and various groups active in the development field. Another central theme is the cross-country evidence on the relationship between growth and poverty, and the extent to which it is valid to draw policy conclusions from this empirical evidence. The volume also shows how new microeconomic techniques such as poverty maps and microsimulation models can be used to improve poverty analysis and the design of pro-poor policies. The overall conclusion points to the need for diverse strategies towards growth and poverty, rather than simple blanket policy rules. Initial conditions, specific country structures, and time horizons all play a significant role. Initial conditions affect the speed with which growth reduces poverty and can also determine whether policies such as trade liberalization have a pro-poor or an anti-poor outcome. Improved education is valuable in itself, and also contributes to poverty reduction; but its effect on inequality depends on supply and demand factors, which differ significantly across countries. Likewise, the quantitative impact on poverty of redistribution from the rich to the poor vis-à-vis an increase in total national income can vary greatly across countries. Hence the need for creative approaches to poverty which take full account of the specific circumstances of individual nations and which assign a central role to inequality analysis in the discussion of poverty-alleviation policies.

Links Between Growth, Inequality, and Poverty: A Survey

Book Description

Is there a tradeoff between raising growth and reducing inequality and poverty? This paper reviews the theoretical and empirical literature on the complex links between growth, inequality, and poverty, with causation going in both directions. The evidence suggests that growth can be effective in reducing poverty, but its impact on inequality is ambiguous and depends on the underlying sources of growth. The impact of poverty and inequality on growth is likewise ambiguous, as several channels mediate the relationship. But most plausible mechanisms suggest that poverty and inequality reduce growth, at least in the long run. Policies play a role in shaping these relationships and those designed to improve equality of opportunity can simultaneously improve inclusiveness and growth.