Institutions and Sustainability - Insights From Bulgarian Agriculture

Book Description

The specific system of governance is a critical factor, which to a great extent (pre) determines the type and speed of development in different countries, industries, regions, communities, etc. This article tries to fill the gap and assesses the impact of institutional environment on agrarian sustainability in Bulgaria. The interdisciplinary New Institutional Economics framework is applied and assessment made on specific effects of major components of the “external” institutional environment on agrarian sustainability level in different administrative, geographical and ecological regions, subsectors of agriculture, and farms of various juridical type and size. Our study has found out that individual elements of external institutional, market and natural environment affect quite unequally farms of different types, individual subsectors of agriculture, and specific ecological and geographical regions. This type of studies is to be expended and their precision and representation increased. The latter however, requires a close cooperation between all interested parties, and participation of the farmers, agrarian organizations, local and central authorities, interest groups, research institutes and experts, etc.

Sustainability of Farming Enterprises in Bulgaria

Book Description

This book explores how the sustainability of farming enterprises can be assessed, with a particular focus on the state of Bulgarian farms during EU CAP implementation and how such sustainability can be improved. It also investigates the evolution of the concept of sustainability. It analyses the economic, social and environmental sustainability of farming enterprises of different juridical types, sizes, specialization, and location. Factors and perspectives crucial in sustainable farming are identified, and directions for further research highlighted. The book will appeal to scientific researchers, teachers, students, farmers, professional and non-governmental organizations, administrators, and policy-makers.

Sustainability Level of Bulgarian Agriculture

Book Description

This article presents a holistic approach for assessing agrarian sustainability in Bulgaria based on its economic, social and ecological aspects on sectoral macro-level. It is based on official statistical and other information as well as on expert evaluation. Our study has found that the Bulgarian agriculture on macro-level has good sustainability. Some of the sustainability aspects have higher levels (e.g. the economic aspect) while others (social and environmental) are inferior. Study results could help in focusing the political efforts, so that the agrarian sustainability, in its social and ecological aspect, could be increased. However, a further research is needed to evaluate the level of sustainability at micro-level, so that the major issues and problem areas are addressed accordingly.

Privatization of Agriculture in New Market Economies: Lessons from Bulgaria

Book Description

The idea for this book began in Sofia, Bulgaria in September, 1992 when we met to plot a course for our University Affiliations project which had been recently funded by the U.S. Infonnation Agency. We believed that worldng on the book would provide valuable learning experiences for all the cooperators, and that the book itself would make a useful contribution to understanding the economic transition process and its policy implications. We recognized that a project of this nature would require the skills and knowledge of many people. To those 34 additional contributors to this volume, and to the many other friends, colleagues, and experts who gave generous advice, we give our sincerest thanks. We also acknowledge with thanks the support of several organizations to a reality. Much of the that transfonned this book from an idea research reported here was a major part of an educational project funded by the University Affiliations Program of the U.S. Information Agency. The project linked the University of California, Berkeley, Wye College of London University, and the Research Institute of Agricultural Economics, Sofia, in a cooperative effort to improve the quality of policy analysis. The research provided hands-on experience necessary for effective teaching in this area.

Lessons from Bulgarian Transition for Environmental Governance in Central Asia

Book Description

This paper presents lessons from environmental management in Bulgarian agriculture for Central Asian countries. Comparative institutional analysis is employed to evaluate potential of diverse governing modes to deal with environmental problems and risks, protect absolute and contracted eco-rights, stimulate eco-investment, intensify and coordinate eco-activities. Firstly, we assess efficiency of market, private and public modes in Bulgarian agriculture and identity major environmental challenges. Next we withdraw lessons how positive and negative experiences from Bulgarian transition could be used in modernization of environmental management in Central Asia. Post-communist transformation of Bulgarian agriculture has been associated with relaxation of general environmental pressure but also brought about significant new problems such as degradation and contamination of farmland, pollution of surface and ground waters, loss of biodiversity etc. Central Asian countries should adapt Bulgarian experience to their specific economic, institutional and natural environment. More particularly, they have to modernize institutional structure introducing new eco-rights, redistributing rights on natural resources, liberalizing eco-activities, and improving systems of enforcement of eco-rights. Next, they have to apply integral approach in governing of public support, research, education and extension programs embracing economic, social, environmental etc. aspects of agrarian sustainability. They also are to select more effective modes for public intervention (regulation, assistance, financing, partnership with private sector) and enhance direct public involvement is environmental preservation and improvement. Furthermore, different forms of public and international assistance should incorporate environmental measures in dominating modes of farming governance in each country; take into consideration all advantages, disadvantages and impacts of individual forms; commit to and effectively fund achievement of long-term goals; secure equal access of all type farms to support programs; and involve farmers and other stakeholders in program management and implementation.

Impact of Governing Modes on Agrarian Sustainability in Bulgaria

Book Description

The specific system of governance in different countries, regions, subsectors, etc., eventually determines the speed and type of socio-economic development. Despite its big academic and practical importance, in Bulgaria and other countries in East Europe, there are very few empirical studies on dominating governing structures in agriculture, and their impact(s) on agrarian sustainability. In this paper the interdisciplinary New Institutional Economics framework is incorporated, and the impact of diverse market, private, collective, public and hybrid modes of governance on agrarian sustainability at the current stage of development in Bulgaria assessed. First, the methodological framework of the study is outlined. After that dominating governing modes in Bulgarian farms of different juridical type, size, specialization, ecological and geographical location are identified, and their impacts on agrarian sustainability and its economic, social, and environmental pillars evaluated. In conclusion implications for further research, public policy improvement, and private managerial strategy formation are presented. Agricultural producers of different use quite unlike mixture of effective market, private, collective and hybrid modes for governance of their activities and relations. Individual factors and modes most contributing to improvement of agrarian sustainability at the current stage of development are: manager's personal convictions and initiatives, farms resources and innovation potential, near future profit and benefits strategies, market prices levels and dynamics, area-based EU subsidies, and informal agreements. Research on relations between the governing structure and agrarian sustainability is to continue though increasing representation, and the spectrum of specific governing modes used by farms of different type as well as assessments of the impact of institutions on agrarian sustainability and the impact of the governance at different hierarchical levels. The latter however, requires a new kind of micro and macro data, and a close cooperation between all interested parties.

A Comprehensive Study on the Sustainability of Agricultural Farms in Bulgaria

Book Description

The issue of assessment of sustainability of agricultural farms as a whole and of different types is among the most topical for researchers, farmers, investors, administrators, politicians, interests groups and public at large. In Bulgaria, there are no assessments on sustainability level farming structures in conditions of European Union Common Agricultural Policy implementation. This paper applies a holistic framework and assesses the sustainability of Bulgarian farms as a whole and of different juridical types, sizes, production specialization, and ecological and geographical location. Initially, the method of the study is outlined and overall characteristics of surveyed holdings are presented. After that, an assessment is made of integral, governance, economic, social, environmental sustainability of farms in general and of different types and location. Next, the structure of farms with different sustainability levels is analyzed. Finally, the factors for improving the sustainability of Bulgarian farms are identified, and directions for further research and amelioration of farm management and public intervention in the sector are suggested.

Evaluation of Governance Sustainability of Bulgarian Agriculture

Book Description

A need to include “the fourth” Governance pillar in the concept for understanding and the assessment system of (overall and) agrarian sustainability is increasingly justified in academic literature and finds a place in the frameworks of government, international, private, etc. organizations In Bulgaria, like in many other countries, practically there are no comprehensive assessments of the governance sustainability of agriculture and its importance for the overall agrarian development. This study tries to fill the gap and suggests a holistic framework for understanding and assessing the governance sustainability of Bulgarian agriculture. The newly elaborated approach is “tested” in a large-scale study for assessing the governance sustainability of the country's agriculture at national, sectoral, regional, eco-system and farm levels. The study has proved that it is important to include the “missing” Governance Pillar in the assessment of the Integral sustainability of agriculture and sustainability of agro-systems of various types. Multiple Principles, Criteria and Indicators assessment of the Governance sustainability of Bulgarian agriculture indicates that the Overall Governance Sustainability is at a “Good” but very close to the “Satisfactory” level. Besides, there is considerable differentiation in the level of Integral Governance sustainability of different agro-systems in the country. What is more, the individual indicators with the highest and lowest sustainability values determine the “critical” factors enhancing and deterring the particular and integral Governance sustainability of evaluated agro-system. Last but not least important, results on the integral agrarian sustainability assessment based on micro (farm) and macro (statistical, etc.) data show some discrepancies which have to be taken into consideration in the analysis and interpretation, while assessment indicators, methods and data sources further improved.Having in mind the importance of holistic assessments of this kind for improving the agrarian sustainability in general, and the Governance sustainability of agriculture in particular, they are to be expended and their precision and representation increased.

Institutions and Sustainability

Book Description

From the first vague idea to use Konrad Hagedorn’s 60th birthday as an inspi- tion for taking stock of his vibrant academic contributions, this joint book project has been a great pleasure for us in many ways. Pursuing Hagedorn’s intellectual development, we have tried to reflect on the core questions of humanity according to Ernst Bloch “Who are we?”, “Where do we come from?” and “Where are we heading?” In this way, and without knowing it, Konrad Hagedorn initiated a c- lective action process he would have very much enjoyed ... if he had been allowed to take part in it. But it was our aim and constant motivation to surprise him with this collection of essays in his honour. Konrad Hagedorn was reared as the youngest child of a peasant family on a small farm in the remote moorland of East Frisia, Germany. During his childhood in the poverty-ridden years after the Second World War, he faced a life where humans were heavily dependent on using nature around them for their livelihoods; meanwhile, he learned about the fragility of the environment. As a boy, he - tended a one-room schoolhouse, where his great intellectual talents were first r- ognised and used for co-teaching his schoolmates. These early teaching expe- ences might have laid the foundations for his later becoming a dedicated lecturer and mentor.