Integrated Pest Management for Avocados

Book Description

This manual for growers and pest control professionals draws on the expertise of UC faculty, UC Cooperative Extension specialists, farm advisors, and pest control advisors to bring you the latest research and advice on pest management for avocados the IPM way. Using this guide you'll learn how to: • Prevent and diagnose causes of damage • Identify pests and key natural enemies • Establish and IPM program for your grove • Use biological control and other non-chemical methods • Manage problems related to irrigation, nutrition, and the growing environment • Determine when direct control actions are warranted Illustrated with 386 color photographs and 64 line drawings and charts that will help you identify and manage over 100 important pests and disorders.

Avocado Pests and Disorders

Book Description

Book covers the major diseases, insects, mites and disorders affecting avocados in Australia. Colour photographs of key aspects of all major problems are accompanied by information on the occurrence, means of spread and control advice.

Aspects of the Biology and the Effects of Traditional and Non-traditional Insecticides on Citrus Thrips and Avocado Thrips with the Objective of Improving Integrated Pest Management

Book Description

Citrus thrips, Scirtothrips citri (Moulton), is a plant-feeding pest most widely recognized for damage caused to citrus and mango fruits. Citrus thrips have also become a significant pest in California's blueberries. Avocado thrips, Scirtothrips perseae Nakahara, is a pest of avocados (Persea americana Mill. [Lauraceae]) in California. Pesticides are often used to manage these two species of thrips and therefore, the likelihood of resistance development is high. There is increasing pressure in the United States to move away from broad-spectrum insecticides and focus on alternative methods of control, e.g., genetically modified crop plants expressing Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) toxins, use of biorational insecticides such as toxic Bt protein sprays and entomopathogens (such as various strains of Beauveria bassiana Balsamo, and other agents). Integrated pest management programs are essential for any agricultural commodity. The goal of the work described here is to add to the foundation of knowledge to improve the integrated pest management of citrus thrips and avocado thrips. The research conducted for this disseration (1) examined alternatives to traditional insecticides (Bt protein sprays and several strains of B. bassiana) to control both avocado and citrus thrips in the laboratory and resulted in no efficacy of the Bts tested but one strain of fungus, the commercially available strain was able to infect citrus thrips at field obtainable levels, (2) tested the commercially available strain in different formulations and water regimes against citrus thrips in blueberry fields which resulted in some control but not enough to strongly recommend this as an alternative to traditional pesticides, (3) evaluated the impact of some of the insecticides registered for avocado thrips management on the beneficial native predaceous mite Euseius hibisci Chant in avocado orchards and found that each of the pesticides harmed the mite but at varying levels and durations, (4) assessed citrus thrips oviposition on blueberry varieties with choice and no-choice tests and it was determined that citrus thrips likely oviposit to differing degrees in some plants over others, and finally (5) determined that citrus thrips in the Americas was actually a complex of species that were nearly morphologically identical but molecularly quite distinct.

Integrated Pest Management for Apples & Pears, 2nd Edition

Book Description

Inside you'll find a detailed index, a completely revised section on codling moth management with detailed information on mating disruption, revision of leafroller management practices, updates on oak root fungus and wild asparagus, biological control of fireblight, and new control strategies for pear psylla. The emphasis is on least-toxic control methods, selective pesticides, and cultural and biological controls. Also includes a section on organically acceptable control methods. More than 200 color photos and 100 figures and tables.

Integrated Pest Management for Citrus, Third Edition

Book Description

Introducing the newly updated IPM for Citrus--3rd Edition. Now with even more pictures, more resources, and more pests! Learn to apply the principles of integrated pest management to identify and manage more than 150 common citrus pests, diseases, and disorders. Complete with more than 550 color photographs and 80 figures and tables, this guide provides substantial information on pest insects, mites, diseases, weeds, nematodes, and vertebrates. Look for brand new sections on Asian Citrus Psyllid, Citrus Leafminer, Glassy-Winged Sharpshooter and more!

Integrated Pest Management for Floriculture and Nurseries

Book Description

References, suppliers, and a comprehensive index make this book indispensable to growers, farm advisors, IPM scouts, pesticide applicators, pest control advisors, and students. A complete sourcebook for bulbs, cut flowers, potted flowering plants, foliage plants, bedding plants, ornamental trees, and shrubs as grown in the field, greenhouse, and nursery.--COVER.