Integrating the Sciences and Society

Book Description

Many people think of 'social problems' as involving poor and powerless individuals in society. This work seeks to improve the balance by adding a focus on important and powerful institutions. It discusses policy sciences, public policy analysis and public management. It addresses operations and design issues for government organizations.

Integrating the Sciences and Society

Book Description

Many people think of 'social problems' as involving poor and powerless individuals in society. This work seeks to improve the balance by adding a focus on important and powerful institutions. It discusses policy sciences, public policy analysis and public management. It addresses operations and design issues for government organizations.

Integrated Science

Book Description

Integrated Science: Science without Borders” is the first volume of the INTEGRATED SCIENCE Book series, aiming to publish the results of the most updated ideas and reviews in transdisciplinary fields and to highlight the integration of discrete disciplines, including formal sciences, physical-chemical sciences and engineering, biological sciences, medical sciences, and social sciences. This volume primarily focuses on the research involving the integration of two or more academic fields offering an innovative, borderless view, which is one of the main focuses of the Universal Scientific Education and Research Network (USERN). The whole world is suffering from complex problems; these are borderless problems; thus, a borderless solution could merely solve such complex issues. Transdisciplinarity is a domain, that researchers work jointly, using a shared conceptual framework, drawing together disciplinary-specific theories, concepts, and approaches to address common problems. Lack of confidence, lack of expertise, complexities of healthcare, the confusing nature of healthcare environments, and lack of organization and standardization are the obstacles of successful scientific communication. Consequently, this book provides an overview of the essential elements of transdisciplinary studies and integrated science. The unique aspect of this book -privileging it from other books- is covering all aspects of science as harmonies of a single symphony.

The Nature of Science

Book Description

The role of science in society, along with its nature and development, are commonly misunderstood by students in the social sciences and humanities, and even those studying in the field. Fernando Espinoza shines light on these misconceptions to give readers a deeper understanding of science and its effect and influence upon society, through historical, philosophical, and sociological perspectives. This book incorporates the mandates by national organizations such as the National Research Council and National Science Teachers Association and is a useful text for required courses of general education majors and science courses for preservice teachers.

Understanding Society and Natural Resources

Book Description

In this edited volume leading scholars from different disciplinary backgrounds wrestle with social science integration opportunities and challenges. This book explores the growing concern of how best to achieve effective integration of the social science disciplines as a means for furthering natural resource social science and environmental problem solving. The chapters provide an overview of the history, vision, advances, examples, and methods that could lead to integration. The quest for integration among the social sciences is not new. Some argue that the social sciences have lagged in their advancements and contributions to society due to their inability to address integration related issues. Integration merits debate for a number of reasons. First, natural resource issues are complex and are affected by multiple proximate driving social factors. Single disciplinary studies focused at one level are unlikely to provide explanations that represent this complexity and are limited in their ability to inform policy recommendations. Complex problems are best explored across disciplines that examine social-ecological phenomenon from different scales. Second, multi-disciplinary initiatives such as those with physical and biological scientists are necessary to understand the scope of the social sciences. Too frequently there is a belief that one social scientist on a multi-disciplinary team provides adequate social science representation. Third, more complete models of human behavior will be achieved through a synthesis of diverse social science perspectives.

Citizen Science

Book Description

Citizen science, the active participation of the public in scientific research projects, is a rapidly expanding field in open science and open innovation. It provides an integrated model of public knowledge production and engagement with science. As a growing worldwide phenomenon, it is invigorated by evolving new technologies that connect people easily and effectively with the scientific community. Catalysed by citizens’ wishes to be actively involved in scientific processes, as a result of recent societal trends, it also offers contributions to the rise in tertiary education. In addition, citizen science provides a valuable tool for citizens to play a more active role in sustainable development. This book identifies and explains the role of citizen science within innovation in science and society, and as a vibrant and productive science-policy interface. The scope of this volume is global, geared towards identifying solutions and lessons to be applied across science, practice and policy. The chapters consider the role of citizen science in the context of the wider agenda of open science and open innovation, and discuss progress towards responsible research and innovation, two of the most critical aspects of science today.

Conversations at the Intersection of Science and Society (Revised Second Edition)

Book Description

Conversations at the Intersection of Science and Society is an anthology that introduces students to important concepts in the biological sciences and explores the intersection of these concepts with philosophy, ethics, religion, politics, and public policy. Readings are organized by topic and include selections from a variety of sources and perspectives. With brief introductions to each topic, Conversations delivers a thought-provoking and engaging reading experience for students. This anthology is intended for freshman- or sophomore-level science courses for non-science majors, as well as general readers interested in a non-technical introduction to biology and its relationship to society. Conversations is classroom tested in the editors' course, "Science and Society," at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge.

Why Society is a Complex Matter

Book Description

Society is complicated. But this book argues that this does not place it beyond the reach of a science that can help to explain and perhaps even to predict social behaviour. As a system made up of many interacting agents – people, groups, institutions and governments, as well as physical and technological structures such as roads and computer networks – society can be regarded as a complex system. In recent years, scientists have made great progress in understanding how such complex systems operate, ranging from animal populations to earthquakes and weather. These systems show behaviours that cannot be predicted or intuited by focusing on the individual components, but which emerge spontaneously as a consequence of their interactions: they are said to be ‘self-organized’. Attempts to direct or manage such emergent properties generally reveal that ‘top-down’ approaches, which try to dictate a particular outcome, are ineffectual, and that what is needed instead is a ‘bottom-up’ approach that aims to guide self-organization towards desirable states. This book shows how some of these ideas from the science of complexity can be applied to the study and management of social phenomena, including traffic flow, economic markets, opinion formation and the growth and structure of cities. Building on these successes, the book argues that the complex-systems view of the social sciences has now matured sufficiently for it to be possible, desirable and perhaps essential to attempt a grander objective: to integrate these efforts into a unified scheme for studying, understanding and ultimately predicting what happens in the world we have made. Such a scheme would require the mobilization and collaboration of many different research communities, and would allow society and its interactions with the physical environment to be explored through realistic models and large-scale data collection and analysis. It should enable us to find new and effective solutions to major global problems such as conflict, disease, financial instability, environmental despoliation and poverty, while avoiding unintended policy consequences. It could give us the foresight to anticipate and ameliorate crises, and to begin tackling some of the most intractable problems of the twenty-first century.

Progress in Science, Progress in Society

Book Description

This book addresses current societal debates around the globe. Written by respected researchers from France, Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, Portugal and Italy, the chapters are based on presentations given at a conference organized by the European Academy of Sciences, in partnership with the Royal Academy of Belgium and French Academy of Sciences, in Brussels (Belgium) in November 2016. The book approaches science and society from a perspective of progress. Does progress in science ultimately translate into progress in society? How can we ensure that scientific progress becomes both materially and intellectually beneficial for society, including people who are far away from or socially excluded from it? Progress is a common feature of science and of human societies. There is no doubt that one of the driving forces of the material and intellectual progress of mankind has been science and technology. However, these are not the only forces acting on human history, so that the role of science and technology is not always fully recognized and sometimes even rejected. The various chapters of this book cover many aspects of these issues, arriving at valuable new insights.