Intellectual Property and US Relations with Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, and Thailand

Book Description

Uphoff studies negotiations between the United States and Southeast Asian nations concerning intellectual property protection. She analyzes case studies showing how each of the ASEAN governments responded to American pressure to honor copyrights and patents. Her research is based on existing publications and interviews with government officials and scholars.

Intellectual Property and Free Trade Agreements in the Asia-Pacific Region

Book Description

This book is highly topical. The shift from the multilateral WTO negotiations to bilateral and regional Free Trade Agreements has been going on for some time, but it is bound to accelerate after the WTO Doha round of negotiations is now widely regarded as a failure. However, there is a particular regional angle to this topic as well. After concluding that further progress in the Doha round was unlikely, Pacific Rim nations recently have progressed with the negotiations of a greatly expanded Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement that includes industrialised economies and developed countries such as the United States, Japan, Australia and New Zealand, recently emerged economies such as Singapore, but also several developing countries in Asia and Latin America such as Malaysia and Vietnam. US and EU led efforts to conclude FTAs with Asia-Pacific nations are also bound to accelerate again, after a temporary slowdown in the negotiations following the change of government in the United States and the expiry of the US President’s fast-track negotiation authority. The book will provide an assessment of these dynamics in the world’s fastest growing region. It will look at the IP chapters from a legal perspective, but also put the developments into a socio-economic and political context. Many agreements in fact are concluded because of this context rather than for purely economic reasons or to achieve progress in fields like IP law. The structure of the book follows an outline that groups countries into interest alliances according to their respective IP priorities. This ranges from the driving forces of the EU, US and Japan, via Asia-Pacific resource-rich but IP poor economies such as Australia and New Zealand, recently emerged economies with strong IP systems such as Singapore and Korea to leading developing countries such as China and India and ‘second tier industrializing economies’ such as Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia.

The Strategic Land Ridge

Book Description

Ovennævnte lande mellem Det Indiske Ocean og Stillehavet var af betydelig interesse for stormagterne. Sovjet ønskede uhindret flådepassage og Kina forsøgte at udbrede sin revolution mens Japan ønskede råvarer, etc.

The Revolution Falters

Book Description

A detailed investigation of the contemporary Philippine Left, focusing on the political challenges and dilemmas that confronted activists following the disintegration of the Marcos regime and the reestablishment of electoral democracy under Corazon Aquino. The authors focus on such varied topics as peasant politics, urban social movements, purges and executions, and Marxist theory.

The Hadrami Awakening

Book Description

A ground-breaking study of the Hadrami community in Indonesia. The book considers the evolution of Indonesian Arab identity in the context of the rise of nationalism throughout Southeast Asia during the early twentieth century.

No Other Road to Take

Book Description

Now in its seventh printing!The memoir of a woman whose strength, courage, and intelligence had a profound impact on Vietnamese history. Not simply a participant in the Viet Minh resistance against the French, Mrs. Nguyen Thi Dinh was also an active leader who organized the uprising in Ben Tre province against the Diem regime, was appointed to the leadership committee of the National Liberation Front (NLF), and seved as Chairman of the South Vietnam Women's Liberation Association. The oppressive policies of Diem and the problems of civil war and American involvement are described with powerful immediacy-effectively illustrating the patriotic fervor and determination of those she fought with and helped lead.

Intellectual Property in Asian Emerging Economies

Book Description

This book critically reviews the recurrent debate on Intellectual Property law and policy in developing countries carried out in the last decade. It identifies the still unresolved policy issues and proposes alternative approaches that resonate with the needs for transformation of the economic and social reality of developing countries. Focusing on emerging economies in Asia, the work draws the wider lessons to be learnt by researchers, policy makers, legislators and the business sector in general and concludes by putting forward proposals for reform.

Politics and Change in Singapore and Hong Kong

Book Description

This book explains the changing pattern of contentious politics in the democratization process of the two city-states Singapore and Hong Kong. It explores the causal connections between popular contention and democratization by applying a multi-disciplinary approach, using theoretical insights from the political sciences, sociology and psychology. It argues that the differences in the strategies applied by the ruling elite in the city-states explain why members of the opposition were empowered or obstructed in challenging the government.

Fear and Sanctuary

Book Description

An examination of the plight of the refugees of Burma's protracted civil war, many of whom have fled across the border into Thailand. This study looks at the changing nature of the refugee situation and the responses of the parties involved, including the United Nations, the refugees themselves, and governments in both Bangkok and Rangoon. In the process, Fear and Sanctuary addresses pertinent international questions regarding civil war, ethnic resistance against an oppressive state, displacement, and refugee protection.

Securing a Place

Book Description

This book describes artisans from South Sulawesi, Indonesia, as they attempt to overcome poverty and communicate ethnic identity through participation in fluctuating silk and tourist souvenir industries. Morrell assesses the significance and long-term sustainability of their activities. The discussion addresses broad questions about economic development, as microenterprises such as these are vital sources of non-farm incomes in rural areas with high unemployment.