Intelligent and Knowledge-Based Computing for Business and Organizational Advancements

Book Description

As organizations, businesses, and other institutions work to move forward during a new era of ubiquitous modern technology, new computing and technology implementation strategies are necessary to harness the shared knowledge of individuals to advance their organizations as a whole. Intelligent and Knowledge-Based Computing for Business and Organizational Advancements examines the emerging computing paradigm of Collective Intelligence (CI). The global contributions contained in this publication will prove to be essential to both researchers and practitioners in the computer and information science communities as these populations move toward a new period of fully technology-integrated business.

Intelligence Methods and Systems Advancements for Knowledge-Based Business

Book Description

Knowledge is power: In today’s era of knowledge-based economies, constantly changing business environments, severe competition, and globalization, gaining the knowledge edge will greatly empower an organization to stay on the cutting edge. Intelligence Methods and Systems Advancements for Knowledge-Based Business examines state-of-the-art research in decision sciences and business intelligence, and the applications of knowledge-based business with information systems. This comprehensive volume will provide researchers, academics, and business professionals with the research and inspiration they need to strengthen and empower their businesses in today’s world.

Internet Mercenaries and Viral Marketing: The Case of Chinese Social Media

Book Description

Social media and emerging internet technologies have expanded the ideas of marketing approaches. In particular, the phenomenon of the internet in China challenges the common perception of new media environments. Internet Mercenaries and Viral Marketing: The Case of Chinese Social Media presents case studies, textual analysis, media reviews, and in-depth interviews in order to investigate the Chinese “pushing hand” operation from the conceptual perspective of communications and viral marketing. This book is significant to researchers, marketers, and advocates interested in the persuasive influence of social networks.

Strategic Tools and Methods for Promoting Hospitality and Tourism Services

Book Description

Tourism marketing is a vital tool in promoting the overall health of the global economy by not only bringing necessary revenue to a particular region, but also providing an opportunity for tourists to explore another culture, building tolerance and overall exposure to different ways of life. Strategic Tools and Methods for Promoting Hospitality and Tourism Services provides interdisciplinary perspectives in the areas of global tourism and hospitality. Highlighting cultural boundaries of strategic knowledge management through the use of case studies and theoretical research, as well as the opportunities and challenges of tourism marketing, this publication is an essential reference source for academicians, research scholars, marketing professionals, graduate-level students, and industry professionals interested in international travel and the vacation industry.

ECEG2013- 13th European Conference on eGovernment

Book Description

These proceedings represent the work of authors at the 13th European Conference on e-Government (ECEG 2013). The Conference this year is hosted by the Iuniversity of Insubria in Como, Italy. The Conference Chair is Professor Walter Castelnovo and the Programme Chair is Professor Elena Ferrari, both are fro the Department of Theoretical and Applied Sciences at the University of Insubria. The opening keynote address is given by Dr Gianluca Misuraca from the European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, Seville, Spain and Gianluca is addressing the topic "eGovernment: Past, Present & Future: A policy-research perspective for renewing governance in the digital age". The second day of the conference is opened by Dr Antoinio Cordella from the London School of Economics, London, UK, who will talk about "Public value creation: the new challenge for e-government policies". ECEG brings together, researchers, Government officials and practitioners in the area of e-Government from around the world. Participants are able to share their research findings and explore the latest developments and trends in the field which can then be disseminated to the wider community. With an initial submission of 153 abstracts, after the double blind, peer review process there are papers published in these Conference Proceedings from 40 countries including Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Costa Rica, Croatia, Denmark, Eygpt, Germany, Greece, India, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, UK and USA. This will ensure a very interesting two days.

Integrating Business Process Models and Rules

Book Description

This book combines multiple research methods, experiment, survey, and design science, as well as traditional measurements and neurophysiological techniques that can capture a variety of cognitive behaviors in human information processing, providing more solid and comprehended research findings. While the focus of the book is the modelling of process models and rules, the methods and techniques used in this book can also be adopted and applied to broader conceptual modelling research incorporating a variety of notations (e.g. UML, ER diagrams) or ontologies. It is a revised version of the PhD dissertation written by the author at the School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering of the University of Queensland, Australia. In 2018, the PhD dissertation won the “CAiSE PhD Award,” granted to outstanding PhD theses in the field of information systems engineering.

Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Management

Book Description

Artificial intelligence and knowledge management have transformed the process of knowledge circulation and database management in different business enterprises and corporate organizations. Some of the significant topics discussed in the chapters of this book are AI planning strategies and tools, AI tools for information processing, data mining, knowledge-based systems, etc. It explores the innovative concepts and advancements in these emerging fields. The book is an invaluable source of knowledge for students and researchers involved in this field at various levels.

Marketing in the Cyber Era: Strategies and Emerging Trends

Book Description

The growth of new technologies, internet, virtualization, and the globalization of production and consumption has given focus on new marketing strategies in the cyber era. This has shaped a demand for an innovative conceptual framework for the marketing industry. Marketing in the Cyber Era: Strategies and Emerging Trends brings together best practices and innovative approaches for effective marketing in today’s economy. Stressing the importance of structure, strategy, leadership, and marketing in the Cyber Era; this book is a useful tool for upper-level students, researchers, academicians, professionals and practitioners, scientists, and executive managers of marketing in profit and non-profit organizations.

Business Intelligence and Agile Methodologies for Knowledge-Based Organizations: Cross-Disciplinary Applications

Book Description

Business intelligence applications are of vital importance as they help organizations manage, develop, and communicate intangible assets such as information and knowledge. Organizations that have undertaken business intelligence initiatives have benefited from increases in revenue, as well as significant cost savings.Business Intelligence and Agile Methodologies for Knowledge-Based Organizations: Cross-Disciplinary Applications highlights the marriage between business intelligence and knowledge management through the use of agile methodologies. Through its fifteen chapters, this book offers perspectives on the integration between process modeling, agile methodologies, business intelligence, knowledge management, and strategic management.

Advances in Business ICT: New Ideas from Ongoing Research

Book Description

This book discusses the effective use of modern ICT solutions for business needs, including the efficient use of IT resources, decision support systems, business intelligence, data mining and advanced data processing algorithms, as well as the processing of large datasets (inter alia social networking such as Twitter and Facebook, etc.). The ability to generate, record and process qualitative and quantitative data, including in the area of big data, the Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing offers a real prospect of significant improvements for business, as well as the operation of a company within Industry 4.0. The book presents new ideas, approaches, solutions and algorithms in the area of knowledge representation, management and processing, quantitative and qualitative data processing (including sentiment analysis), problems of simulation performance, and the use of advanced signal processing to increase the speed of computation. The solutions presented are also aimed at the effective use of business process modeling and notation (BPMN), business process semantization and investment project portfolio selection. It is a valuable resource for researchers, data analysts, entrepreneurs and IT professionals alike, and the research findings presented make it possible to reduce costs, increase the accuracy of investment, optimize resources and streamline operations and marketing.