Digitalizzazione, intelligenza artificiale e tutela della salute nell'Unione europea

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Il testo analizza le molteplici declinazioni e applicazioni degli sviluppi tecnologici – intelligenza artificiale, big data e digitalizzazione dei servizi – al settore medico scientifico per lo sviluppo delle politiche della salute a livello europeo. La sfida dell’utilizzo di banche dati telematiche e la fornitura di servizi digitali nel mercato interno dell’Unione sarà quella di garantire al paziente un crescente beneficio nel rispetto dei suoi diritti fondamentali.

Intelligenza artificiale e diritto

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Intelligenza artificiale e diritto d'impresa

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L’ebook approfondisce il tema dell’uso delle tecnologie di intelligenza artificiale nell’ambito dell’attività d’impresa e i suoi impatti sul diritto societario. Gli articoli affrontano i diversi profili dell’attività d’impresa nel cui esercizio è coinvolta l’I.A., partendo da temi più generali e di diritto dell’Unione Europea, per analizzare le questioni, di grande rilievo e complessità, del diritto societario, con particolare attenzione alla disciplina delle società di capitali, e quelle a cavallo tra diritto societario e diritto dei mercati finanziari. In particolare, l’analisi indaga gli impatti dell’I.A.: sugli assetti societari e di governance; sugli obblighi di motivazione delle delibere degli amministratori; sulle politiche di sostenibilità e sulle strategie ESG. La riflessione verte anche sugli interrogativi che la diffusione degli strumenti di I.A. pone a proposito del top management e delle c.d. discriminazioni algoritmiche nel settore finanziario (il c.d. FinTech) e in quello della corporate governance (le c.d. CorpTech), nonché sul ruolo dell’intelligenza artificiale nel contesto delle regole che attengono alla diffusione al mercato delle informazioni privilegiate da parte degli emittenti quotati (c.d. informazioni price sensitive). I contenuti dell’ebook sono tratti dalle Riviste Wolters Kluwer: “Giurisprudenza italiana”, La Nuova giurisprudenza civile commentata” e “Rivista di diritto civile”.

World Development Report 2019

Book Description

Work is constantly reshaped by technological progress. New ways of production are adopted, markets expand, and societies evolve. But some changes provoke more attention than others, in part due to the vast uncertainty involved in making predictions about the future. The 2019 World Development Report will study how the nature of work is changing as a result of advances in technology today. Technological progress disrupts existing systems. A new social contract is needed to smooth the transition and guard against rising inequality. Significant investments in human capital throughout a person’s lifecycle are vital to this effort. If workers are to stay competitive against machines they need to train or retool existing skills. A social protection system that includes a minimum basic level of protection for workers and citizens can complement new forms of employment. Improved private sector policies to encourage startup activity and competition can help countries compete in the digital age. Governments also need to ensure that firms pay their fair share of taxes, in part to fund this new social contract. The 2019 World Development Report presents an analysis of these issues based upon the available evidence.

Italian Populism and Constitutional Law

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This edited volume explores the relationship between constitutionalism and populism in the Italian context. Italian populism is of interest to comparative lawyers for many reasons. Firstly, the country has a long-lasting tradition of anti-parliamentarism over the course of its history as a unitary state. After the 2018 general election, it has turned into the first European country in which two self-styled populist parties formed a coalition government. Although it collapsed in August 2019, many issues that it had raised remain. Secondly, as Italy is a founding member of the European Communities, the constitutional implications of populist politics have to be considered not only within the national framework but also in a wider context. This book argues that the relationship between populism and constitutionalism should not be seen in terms of mutual exclusion and perfect opposition. Indeed, populism frequently relies on concepts and categories belonging to the language of constitutionalism (majority, democracy, people), offering a kind of constitutional counter-narrative.

An Introduction to Online Platforms and Their Role in the Digital Transformation

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This report contains detailed profiles of twelve of the world’s leading platform companies and derives insights from those profiles about what platforms actually do, how they do it, and why they succeed financially.

Birth Power

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Reviews the historical, legal, and social complications of surrogate motherhood, arguing in favor of this contractual arrangement